Can't believe this is our last week of ECC, we have really enjoyed every step of the way. This week we will be reviewing all the countries we have studied. Will make a craft or two for each country and talk about what we remember for each one. Then build a puzzle of the world and maybe come up with several other things to help with our reviews.

Several books we used this week.
Memory Verse: "and teaching them to obey everything I have commanded you. And surely I am with you always to the very end of the age."
~Matthew 28:20
~Matthew 27:62-66
~Matthew 28:1-10
~Matthew 28:11-15
~Matthew 28:16-20
Finished the book of Matthew discussing about the resurrection of Jesus.
Learned about Iceland today.
On our back door (which is in the dining room/school room) I have a dry erase world map. On the map I've labeled it with letters (represent a continent) and with numbers (represent the countries). Under the map I have a sheet that has what each label is for. Each circle on the door represents each country we've studied. I cover the paper that has what each label stands for and have K tell me what each label is. We've worked on it all week, the first quiz she only missed 3 by the end of the week we knew each one correctly (perfect score).
We reviewed each country and made a craft for each one. Kids love having their art work hung on the wall displayed for everyone to see. Bonus part of it is when someone comes over they quickly want to show off their work and talk about what they learned. Win Win for everyone.
While I read to the kids they painted paper plates blue to represent the ocean and then glued the continents on the plates.
Little wanted to make a world cake just like we did in the beginning of the year. I thought this was a perfect delicious idea. He loved helping me mix all the ingredients and also like eating most of Antarctica, which is why it's Believe this was a great way to celebrate us finishing ECC.
Reviewing the Geography Games
D matched the continents to the world map.
To end our studies we put together our world map from Melissa & Doug.
I wrote the 15 countries we have studied on the dice. When it landed on a country the kids would tell me 3 things they remembered from that country. Great way to review what we have learned this year.
United States of America:
First things the kids told me was that the U.S.A. was the land of the free and brave. Afterwards they recited the Pledge of Allegiance. We discussed what we remembered: Statue of Liberty, where we live, how many states there are, our president, and what are some of the places they would like to visit. K wants to visit the Golden Gate Bridge and return to the Statue of Liberty. D wants to visit Niagara Falls and Disney World.
After discussing about all things U.S.A. the kids made the national bird "The Bald Eagle" and added some Captain America stickers to their birds. The eagle appears on the national Seal of the United States.
Reciting the Pledge of Allegiance
First thing the kids remembered about Mexico was the Day of the Dead, colored their own mask. We watched Coco again, one of the kids favorite movies. Talked in Spanish (work in progress with the kids), and about enjoying their food and music. We also talked about other festivals, animals that live there, their culture and beliefs. Showed the kids the pictures of our honeymoon which we took in Cancun, Mexico. That led to the discussion of the Mayan City, Aztec City, and pyramids.
Canada is the largest nation by land area in North America. K really wants to visit there since they have been sites of unique and wonderful fossil discoveries. She wants to be a Paleontologist. Talked about the Arctic and studied more on the animals and plants that live there like the polar bears and arctic fox. One of the things of course D loves is that Niagara Falls is there. Discussed the maple leaf and how maple syrup comes from Canada and the delicious Canadian Bacon.
Took some shaving cream and added several dots of red food coloring and the kids made swirls in the shaving cream giving it a marbled look. Then they placed the paper on top of the shaving cream and swiped the cream of the paper which gave the leaves a nice marbled looked.
Of course when it came to Brazil the kids quickly mentioned the movies Rio and Carnival. Learned that Brazil is the fifth largest country in the world by area, which just over half of all people in South America. Discussed how the rainforest is part of the Amazon Rainforest. The rainforest covers 1.4 billion areas and houses many different unique animals not found anywhere else in the world.
Kids painted some plates different colors while I cut out a chameleon on the other plate. Once the paint dried they placed their plate that I cut out on top of their painted plates, and then started turning it to show the many colors of a chameleon.
When we discuss Norway the kids quickly talk about vikings and of course the movie "How to Train your Dragon". Printed out a viking hat that had a little picture of Toothless. We also looked at many of the traditional Norwegian clothing styles, their buildings, the animals that live there, and discussed more of their beliefs and culture.
France has become a country that leads the way in fashion, food, and cultural trends. They have such beautiful castles and coastlines. Paris is the capital city, which is where the Eiffel Tower is located. Also something very popular there is the "Tour de France" bicycle race that takes place yearly in the country every July. Made cute bicycle wheels representing the Tour de France which we taped to the window so it could look like stain glass. One of D's favorite food from France is a chocolate bread we get in Aldi's and K's favorite food is the croissants.
Germany brings back so many wonderful childhood memories. My dad was stationed there for 5 years and he made a point to travel all around Europe while we lived there. He always made it a point for us to learn all about the many different countries surrounding us wherever we got stationed at. Can't wait to do the same with the kids in the future. Kids made Tyrolean hats and decorated them. Then we ate some sausages, chocolates, and gummy bears from Germany. All of us hope some time soon we can get a German Shepherd, one of our favorite breeds, we want a rescue one.
Read more about Africa and its grasslands and the animals that live there. One of the kids favorites are the kangaroos. We watched Lion King again and talked about the different animals and how they form a perfect balance for its environment. Also discussed poaching and how there are people who are causing a lot of harm to the animals and causing many to be on the endangered list. Kids enjoyed playing around with a rain stick my dad gave me from when he was in Kenya for the U.S. Army.
Saudi Arabia:
Saudi Arabia has roughly one-fifth of the world's known oil reserves, which is where they get much of their wealth from. Then we discussed the camels and how they only have one hump. The hump stores up to 80 pounds of fat that can be turned into water and food for energy when there is nothing else available.
One of our favorite things about India is the Taj Mahal and the story behind it. The Mughal emperor Shah Jahan built the monument as a memorial for his wife who passed away. It took over 20 years to finish. We watched some videos on YouTube on the Taj Mahal and hope to see it in person. Looks so beautiful.
The first things the kids remembered about China were the giant pandas and the Great Wall of China. Construction of the Great Wall began over 2,000 years ago to protect the people from raiding armies. It's 5,500 miles and crosses deserts, grasslands, mountain regions, and more. China invented many items in ancient times that are still used today, including the compass, gunpowder, and tea.
Japan is a chain of islands, made of four main islands, and over 6,800 smaller ones. It's impacted by volcanic activity, typhoons, and earthquakes. Due to so many earthquakes they have been actively researching how to make new structures safer than traditional wooden buildings.
One of the things to came to our mind when I said Russia was the Nutcracker. We went and saw the Nutcracker play, read the book, and watched the movie too. It's such a beautiful story. Another thing that came to mind was St. Basil's Cathedral which is a landmark in moscow. It has bright beautiful colors and different dome shapes. First built to be used as a church but then the Cathedral was confiscated in 1929 by the anti-Christian communist government and could no longer be used as a church building.
Australia was still very fresh in our minds and we remembered the Sydney Opera House, the coral reefs, many different animals that live there, and how the world's largest living reptile is the saltwater crocodile which is found in the northern portion of Australia.
Only place beside the aquariums will you find penguins, the Emperor Penguin is the largest of the flightless birds and can grow to nearly four feet tall. It's so cold in the Antarctica that it is known as the world's driest desert. Water vapor in the air actually freezes. Now that's cold.
Went with our co-op group to Animal Ed.Ventures Animal Sanctuary. They rescue all sorts of pets exotic and non-exotic. A lot of the animals there were pets and people surrounded them to the owner for many wild reason. Someone had a lemur as a house pet, which is crazy to me, and Animal Control took the lemur away. Glad all these animals found a safe and loving home. We had a lot of fun seeing the many different animals that we have studied at the sanctuary. I was so happy to hear the kids tell their friends where several of the animals were from and how they studied that animal during their lessons.

It has been a wonderful year of learning all about the many different countries and cultures of the world. We have learned so much about each one and definitely want to travel the world and experience them first hand. Kids have both said they want to travel the world not only to talk about Jesus but be able to see everything they have learned this year in person. Will continue refreshing them on where the continents are located and the countries we learned so they won't forget. Now to enjoy a break before starting our new journey. We're looking forward to start the next chapter in our homeschool journey with MFW: Creation to the Greek. Until next time have a blessed day.
Getting Organized
Week 1
Week 2
Week 3
Week 4
Week 5
Week 6
Week 7
Week 8
Week 9
Week 10
Week 11
Week 12
Week 13
Week 14
Week 15
Week 16
Week 17
Week 18
Week 19
Week 20
Week 21
Week 22
Week 23
Week 24
Week 25
Week 26
Week 27
Week 28
Week 29
Week 30
Week 31
Week 32
Week 33