This week we will learn about the Fruit of the Sprite, Jonah, Israel taken into captivity, Assyria, and learn a new Greek word: TECHNE (art, skill). Also learn about the Assyrian War, Mesopotamian influence, the Assyrian Empire, how baskets were made and for what they were used for. Work on drawing different objects around the house and how much to reveal when drawing people. Little man will work on reviewing all his letter, numbers, colors, and shapes. Will continue on working on their Spanish lessons and getting them to speak more Spanish.
Few of the books we used this week.
Memory Verse: Isaiah 40:21-26
~2 Kings 20; 21:1-18; 22:1-23:6, 21-25
~Psalm 1
~Jeremiah 1
~Proverbs 31:10
~Psalm 127:3-5
~2 Kings 18:17-32; 19:1-22; 32-37
~2 Kings 20; 21:1-18; 22:1-23:6, 21-25
~Psalm 1
~Jeremiah 1
~Proverbs 31:10
~Psalm 127:3-5
~2 Kings 18:17-32; 19:1-22; 32-37
Weaving cloth and basket Bible Reader Cards.
Jonah and Jonah and the Big Fish Bible Reader.
Greek word for the week: TECHNE (art, skill).
Spelling test and reading.
I didn't take many pictures but she has done a lot of reading, we did spelling test which she passed, and lots of handwriting practice.
He is finally starting to get sounding out words and his confidence has gone up a lot this week.
God made us SPECIAL and he loves us very much.
Reviewing all the letter sounds and reading more.
Lots of handwriting practice this week.

Spanish lessons, got this set from the Dollar spot at Target.

Spanish lessons, got this set from the Dollar spot at Target.
Weather and calendar chart
Decimal and protractor problems.
Fractions and decimal work.
Reviewing all the work she has done with fractions, decimals, and protractor.
Addition, subtraction, and sequence problems.
Addition and Subtraction problems.
Added learning the numbers in Spanish to our lessons.
The Assyrian at Home and the Assyrian at War.
Jonah and Nineveh and the Fall of Israel.
Kids made this cute craft from Crafting the Word of God.
We started this week learning about the Fruit of the Sprite: Love, Joy, and Patience.
Enjoyed some fruit during our lesson on the Fruit of the Sprites.
Coloring in the Assyrian Empire.

Took some time this week to paint on a small canvas to add some art to our wall. Love seeing the kids paint and letting their imagination flow through their art.

Designed for flight Experiment, took 4 sheets of paper and would found 3 of them different ways to see which one would fall down faster. We noticed the one with the most folds fell faster than the rest.
This week we released the butterflies, you can click see our step by step process of our Butterfly Garden 2020 link.
Listened to "The Best of Handel".
Listened to "The Best of Handel".
Kids have enjoyed these videos every week : Kids Experience (April 25/26) Lesson on Humility.
Taking some time to have fun playing on Nintendo.
Enjoyed the beautiful weather to play with some super heroes outside.
Ordered some soccer goals for K to practice her soccer, she misses playing and being on team. She had the biggest smile when the package arrived.
This week we started our lessons learning about the Fruit of the Sprite, Jonah, Israel taken into captivity, Assyria, and learned a new Greek word: TECHNE (art, skill). Also learned about the Assyrian War, Mesopotamian influence, the Assyrian Empire, how baskets were made and for what they were used for. Worked on drawing different objects around the house and how much to reveal when drawing people. Little man worked on reviewing all his letter, numbers, colors, and shapes. We continued on working on their Spanish lessons and getting them to speak more Spanish. Now unto next next to see what adventures our in store for us.
Week 5
Week 6
Week 7
Week 8
Week 9
Week 10
Week 11
Week 12
Week 13
Week 14
Week 15
Week 16
Week 17
Week 18
Week 19
Week 20
Week 21
Week 22
Week 23
Week 24
Week 25
Week 26