This week we will more about water: liquid, gas, and solid. Do several water experiments. Work on memorizing the ten commandments. Learn about Egyptian invasion, Obelisk, Code of Hammurabi, The Old Babylonian Kingdom, and how to draw a tree. Little man will work on the letter Ww, number 10, review his colors and shapes, work on adding and subtraction. It's going to be a fun week of lots of learning.
Few of the books we used this week.
Memory Verse: Exodus 20
~Genesis 45:16-18; 25-46:7; 26-27; 47:11-12; 47:27
~Exodus 2:11-25; 17:1-6
~Isaiah 55:1, 3
~John 7:37-39a; 4:6-14
~Acts 20:35b
~Genesis 45:16-18; 25-46:7; 26-27; 47:11-12; 47:27
~Exodus 2:11-25; 17:1-6
~Isaiah 55:1, 3
~John 7:37-39a; 4:6-14
~Acts 20:35b

Lots of reading, working on spelling words, and more cursive handwriting practice.

This week she learned the Greek word THESIS: parenthesis.
Observing letter Ww items.

Letter W fun

Handwriting and reading practice.
Calendar and weather work.

100 Chart

Multiplication word problems.

Adding and Subtracting Fractions.
Reviewing numbers, handwriting practice, and learning the number 10.
Counting 1-10, shape recognition, and handwriting practice.
Printed these cute worksheets from Mary Martha Mama website to go with our Moses theme.
Added Israel in Egypt, Code of Hammurabi, and Moses 1526 BC.
The Empire of Hammurabi and the Egyptian Empire, some very interesting facts.
Story Sequencing of the story of Baby Moses, printed from Mary Martha Mama website.
Printed this worksheet from the above link (Mary Martha Mama) to go with our studies on Moses.
Kids glued pieces of tissue paper to a bush to represent the burning bush.
Designing an Obelisk
State of Matter: Solid, Liquid, and Gas. Got these worksheets from Clever Learner and Mrs. Thompson Treasures both I found on Pinterest.
Sink and Float Experiment
Observing water condensation.
Making it rain, filled half of a mason jar with water, then added shaving cream on top to represent clouds, gave each one a cup of water with food coloring and a dropper. They got the colored water and added them it to the shaving cream, once the cream got full of water and colored water would come down into the water to represent rain. One of their favorite experiments to do.
Observing the water in its solid and liquid form, seeing how the water takes the form of whatever container it's in.

Why things float Experiment
We were able to float 42 coins before the tin foil sunk in the water.
After 4 days we observed how the water condensated and evaporated in the mason jars.
Looked at waters 3 state of matters: Liquid, Solid, and Gas form.
Observed how water moves up a leaf.
We added oil and water on some construction paper to represent how ducks stay dry. It was really cool to see how the water would run off the paper with the oil on it.
Here's a closer look at the feather with oil on it, the picture doesn't do it justice.
Ordered some water beads online last year which went perfect for our studies of water absorption.
It took about 6 hours to get these water beads the size they are now. Added them to a small water bottle for them to enjoy. Of course I sealed the top so no one opens the bottle and spills water and the beads everywhere.
The Best of Vivaldi: Winter, colored this beautiful picture while listening to the music.
Say Hello to Classical Music: #10 Handel: Water Music, he loves dancing to the music.
Watched "Veggie Tales: Duke and the Giant Pie Water", which has the story of baby Moses in it.
The Best of Vivaldi: Winter, colored this beautiful picture while listening to the music.
Say Hello to Classical Music: #10 Handel: Water Music, he loves dancing to the music.
Watched "Veggie Tales: Duke and the Giant Pie Water", which has the story of baby Moses in it.
Went to Gillis Hill Farm with my dad and the kids to get some ice cream and then take a walk around the farm. Always such a relaxing place to go with the family.
So many cute animals and beautiful areas to take pictures.
This week we learned more about water: liquid, gas, and solid. Did several water experiments. Worked on memorizing the ten commandments. Learned about Egyptian invasion, Obelisk, Code of Hammurabi, The Old Babylonian Kingdom, and how to draw a tree. Little man worked on the letter Ww, number 10, review his colors and shapes, work on adding and subtraction. It's been a very fun week of learning, now unto next week to see what adventures are in store for us.
This week we learned more about water: liquid, gas, and solid. Did several water experiments. Worked on memorizing the ten commandments. Learned about Egyptian invasion, Obelisk, Code of Hammurabi, The Old Babylonian Kingdom, and how to draw a tree. Little man worked on the letter Ww, number 10, review his colors and shapes, work on adding and subtraction. It's been a very fun week of learning, now unto next week to see what adventures are in store for us.
Week 5
Week 6
Week 7
Week 8
Week 9
Week 10
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