We will start the week learning about Egypt, the farmers of the Nile Valley, unification of Egypt, work on the land, Yom Kippur, and about Pyramids. Also learn the letter Ll, number 3, review colors and shapes, and work on some math problems with D.
Reading more on the Shofar, Festival of Trumpets, and Celebrating the Sabbath.
Memory Verse: All Scripture is God-breathed and is useful for teaching, rebuking, correcting and training in righteousness, so that the man of God may be thoroughly equipped for every good work.
~2 Timothy 3:16-17
~Psalm 107, 11, 145
Memory Work: Ezra, Nehemiah, Esther, Job, Psalms, Proverbs, Ecclesiastes, Song of Songs, Isaiah, Jeremiah, Lamentations, and Ezekial.
Handwriting practice and memorizing the books of the Old Testament.
Added King Menes to our timeline this week.
Writing her spelling words in alphabetical order and reading a story in her language arts workbook.
Handwriting practice and reading a few stores in her Language Arts books.
Handwriting practice and reading a few stores in her Language Arts books.
Wrote her spelling words on the board and had her erase the words when she would read them correctly.
Looking up her spelling words in the dictionary and then writing down their definitions.
Greek word: Graph (to write or draw)
Looking up her spelling words in the dictionary and then writing down their definitions.
Greek word: Graph (to write or draw)
Looking through all the letter Ll items in the bin.
Matching the letters
Working on some letter Ll worksheets and activities.
Reviewing his letters and numbers.
100 Chart
Working on division and rounding numbers.
Handwriting practice the number 3.
Adding and handwriting practice.
Working on writing number 3 and coloring in patterns.
Adding and handwriting practice.
Working on writing number 3 and coloring in patterns.
Started learning about Mummies this week, which made the kids very excited. Found a Mummy book at one of the museums we went to when we were in Washington D.C.. This book is amazing and explains step by step how they mummified the body and what each items means. Also got to use our mummy figures, something my mom found at a thrift store.
Learned about the farmers of the Nile Valley and the fertile Nile River.
After reading about the shofar the kids blew the shofars. We borrowed these from my mom.
Playing the shofar.
Farming on the Nile
Pharaoh headdress I printed from First Palette website.
Unification of Egypt: Ruler of Upper Egypt (white crown) and Ruler of Lower Egypt (red crown with cobra).
After reading about Boats and Chariots we tried our hand at making a reed boat. It may not look like much but it was fun building the boat with the kids.
After their dad read them "Leaf Man" the kids made their own leaf figures.
D made an octopus with only 4 legs because he was born with 6 and lost 2 legs in an accident saving people. K made a hummingbird fly fast through the sky.

Coffee filter leaves, kids colored on the filter with markers and then sprayed with water. Once dried we cut out a leaf shape and taped it to the window.

After reading about pyramids K built her own with some magnetic blocks.

D even enjoyed making his own pyramids and even made a hat and a pet one.
This week D is learning about leaves, brought out our leaf lapbook to talk about the parts of leaf.
Kids bean plants have grown so much, its time to plant them in pot.
Leaf rubbing and giving a lesson on how we are like the branches (leaves) and God is the gardener. He takes care of the plant just like he takes care of us. While telling this lesson to the kids I had to hold back my tears. It really got to my heart, it was God's way of telling me He had everything under control. Love this curriculum and the many ways it not only blessed my kids but has given me a desire to get closer to God.
After observing his bean's growth he observed our "Life Cycle of the Bean Plant".
Observing our old leaf collection, he is excited that we are going to be updating it and go collect some new leaves to do a leaf book.
Leaf experiment: went outside and placed a ziplock bag around some leaves, fastened the bag. Came back after a few hours to check on the bag. The kids quickly noticed some water droplets in the bag. Talked about what this happens: because trees lose water through their leaves.
Observed several plants and leaves while we went to the museum with the family.
Checked out a few videos on Egypt from the library.
Say Hello to Classical Music: #3 Brahms: Hungarian Dance no. 5 in G Minor
The Best of Vivaldi: Spring
The Best of Vivaldi: Spring
Had family in town so we took a trip to Edgar Allen Poe's house (not the poet but the brick maker).
Also went to the history museum that was next to the Poe house.
Kids enjoyed showing their cousin around the museum.
Love my little family.
Went to the pool with the family and had a splash.
Emmet the Lego guy was at our library this week.
We had to recreate our picture with Emmet since its been 2 years since he went to the library.
Started this week learning about Egypt, the farmers of the Nile Valley, unification of Egypt, work on the land, Yom Kippur, and about Pyramids. Also learned the letter Ll, number 3, reviewed colors and shapes, studied leaves, and worked on some math problems with D. Ended up stretching this week of work in two weeks due to stopping mid week for family that came to visit. Unto next week to see what's in store for us.
Week 2
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