Thursday, December 5, 2024

MFW: RtR (5th Grade) and AHL (9th Grade) Week 16

MFW:  RtR (5th Grade) and AHL (9th Grade) Week 16

This week we will be learning about the Arab world, Clovis rules the Franks, early middle ages, Islamic Invasion, and Charles Martel rules the Franks.  Also learn about Solomon, Egypt, Hatshepsut, Muslim, Roman catholic church, and Charles the hammer.  Learn more about our heart, blood, and how important it is for our body.


Few of the books we used this week.


Matthew 6:29

1 Kings 1-11

1 Kings 3:11

1 Corinthians 13:1-3

Luke 7:18-50

Luke 8:1-21

Luke 8:22-56

Luke 9:1-17

Proverbs 2:4-7

Proverbs 4:3-5

Romans 3:23, 5:8, 8:28, 12:1-6a


Worked a lot on reading, writing, spelling, cursive, Greek, Spanish, and reports.


Kids worked on addition, subtraction, multiplication, division, fractions, decimals, and conversation units.


Read about faith and the power to save, the Arab world, Arabian wealth, city life, learning, medicine and science, sailing and exploration, the end of Islamic Empire, the Barbarian kingdoms, astronomy, Arabic numbers, and the Muslim influence.  Also learn about the early middle ages, Christianity in Medieval Europe, Clovis, European dark ages, the Frankish Kingdom, four tribes, the Sower, stronger than the storm, stronger than death, Jesus stills a storm, Jesus heals a man with demons, Gregory the great, mayors of the palace, the Carolingian Empire, and Lombard invasion.




Learned about genetic engineering, recombinant DNA (rDNA), RNA interference (RNAi), reproductive cloning, therapeutic cloning, genetic engineering, biotechnology products, gene therapy, and all things about blood and heart.


Paint Card IX: Painting with Tones, he wanted to paint everything a different color and I went with it.

Paint Card X: Painting with Harmony


S.T.E.M. class at the library: making boats.

Family Tradition: December 1 is ELF day, we watch the movie, play games, and enjoy each others company, and this year it actually snowed to bad it didn't stick.


This week we read about faith and the power to save, the Arab world, Arabian wealth, city life, learning, medicine and science, sailing and exploration, the end of Islamic Empire, the Barbarian kingdoms, astronomy, Arabic numbers, and the Muslim influence.  Also learned about the early middle ages, Christianity in Medieval Europe, Clovis, European dark ages, the Frankish Kingdom, four tribes, the Sower, stronger than the storm, stronger than death, Jesus stills a storm, Jesus heals a man with demons, Gregory the great, mayors of the palace, the Carolingian Empire, and Lombard invasion.  Learned about genetic engineering, recombinant DNA (rDNA), RNA interference (RNAi), reproductive cloning, therapeutic cloning, genetic engineering, biotechnology products, gene therapy, and all things about blood and heart.  It has been a fun busy week and now unto next week to see what adventures are in store for us. 



MFW: RtR (5th Grade) and AHL (9th Grade) Week 2

MFW: RtR (5th Grade) and AHL (9th Grade) Week 3 

MFW: RtR (5th Grade) and AHL (9th Grade) Week 4

MFW: RtR (5th Grade) and AHL (9th Grade) Week 5

MFW: RtR (5th Grade) and AHL (9th Grade) Week 6

MFW: RtR (5th Grade) and AHL (9th Grade) Week 7

MFW: RtR (5th Grade) and AHL (9th Grade) Week 8

MFW: RtR (5th Grade) and AHL (9th Grade) Week 9

MFW: RtR (5th Grade) and AHL (9th Grade) Week 10

MFW: RtR (5th Grade) and AHL (9th Grade) Week 11

MFW: RtR (5th Grade) and AHL (9th Grade) Week 12