This week we will focus on learning more about Jacob and Rachel, Joseph, Potiphar's wife, Middle Kingdom, Abraham's descendants, how light affects the way we see, and all things dinosaur.
Some of the books we used this week.
Memory Verse: "I am the Lord your shall have no other gods before me.", "You shall not make for yourself an idol.", "You shall not misuse the name of the Lord your God.", "Remember the Sabbath day by keeping it holy.:
~Exodus 20:8-11
~Genesis 29:31-30:24; 37:1-11; 39
~Genesis 1:20-26; 6:19-21
~Revelation 4:11

Bible cards on Joseph

12 Tribes of Israel

~Exodus 20:8-11
~Genesis 29:31-30:24; 37:1-11; 39
~Genesis 1:20-26; 6:19-21
~Revelation 4:11

Bible cards on Joseph

12 Tribes of Israel

Spelling and Language Arts workbook

Handwriting practice in the salt while his sister reads him a dinosaur book.

Observing some Letter Dd objects
Reading, writing, and identifying his spelling words.
Reviewing her Greek words and learning her new word "phobos" which means fear.
Handwriting and counting practice the number 8.
Learning about homes in Egypt and then the kids built their own version of homes with their Megatiles.

While learning about dinosaurs little man played with a few of his dinos and sorted them by family.

Searching for dinosaur bones in their rainbow rice bin.

Listened to The Best of Vivaldi "Autumn" and Say Hello to Classical Music "#8 Bizet:Carmen Suite no. 2"

Listened to The Best of Vivaldi "Autumn" and Say Hello to Classical Music "#8 Bizet:Carmen Suite no. 2"

Went with the family to a Creation Museum with the family.

So many neat items to observe.

After the creation museum we stopped at Jim's Gems & Gold.
Kids went to a birthday party and the theme of the party was Jurassic Park, great way to end the week, their gift bags where cute little dino bags.

Went to Build a Bear to take my nephew there and they had the Stegosaurus on sale and my mom bought him one. He was so excited to have a dinosaur for Letter Dd week.

Kids enjoyed their raptor rings pops.

Went to Build a Bear to take my nephew there and they had the Stegosaurus on sale and my mom bought him one. He was so excited to have a dinosaur for Letter Dd week.

Kids enjoyed their raptor rings pops.
This week we learned more about Jacob and Rachel, Joseph, Potiphar's wife, Middle Kingdom, Abraham's descendants, how light affects the way we see, and all things dinosaur. Went on several field trips with our family and enjoyed my nephew while he was visiting. It has been a great week of learning and fun.
Week 5
Week 6
Week 7
Week 8