This week we are still working on the letter Aa, #1, the color red and the shape circle.
So far he has the color red, #1, and the shape circle down pack. Still working on the color red, he keeps saying its blue. Guess blue will the next color and will try to help him distinguish the colors.
We worked on many different activities this week, mostly to help him work with his motor skills.
His sister wanted to have a camp out in the living room, while I was finishing things up I look up to see both of them looking through books. I pray that there love for books only continues to grow.
His sister was working with her pattern sheets and he wanted to join in. He matched the shapes to the the pictures.
Got him a Melissa & Doug gear caterpillar for him to practice matching and for his motor skills.
Got a muffin tin for little man to match some of the ball pit balls with the correct colors. Used construction paper to cut out the circle shapes to place in the muffin tin.
For it to be his first time he did it perfect. Matched all 6 colors correctly with no help. Worked on this for almost 20 minutes and each time he did correctly he would yell "I did it".
I switched the colors around to get him thinking, at first he was a bit confused and I could tell he got frustrated at first. He tired taking the circles out and putting them in the order he had done it before. Mixed the colors again and he placed the balls correctly even though it through him off at first.
I made a light table using a long plastic bin and some small light from Dollar Tree inside the bin. Wrote out the letter A and the number 1 for him to trace with some heart beads, with help from me he completed it.
While I was on the table working on the lessons for next week for him and his sister he wanted to join me. Put the tray of beads and shoe laces for him to thread the beads. This was his first time doing this activity and he concentrated really hard and did it.
Watched Leap Frog Let's Go to school, such a cute movie.
Went to our local library for story and craft time, the theme this week was Mother's Day.
The kids enjoyed dance time
For craft the kids colored in a flower with chalk and then used tissue to spread the colors on the flowers.
Went to visit some friends, took a little break from school. Great spending time with these wonderful boys. They love each other so much.
My best friend who I consider family.
He loves him some Bella
Kids love dinosaurs and were excited to go to a class on dinosaurs with one of our local Park Ranger Mike.
Ranger Mike always makes his classes so much fun.
After going to the dinosaur class went to Sonics with the kids and some friends for lunch and play time. Best way to end the week.
Week 1 (Aa, #1, Red, Circle) Part 1
We have learned so much this week about plants, patterns, sequence, and how things work.
We used some of the books from last week this week, here are the new ones we used this week.
Learned about serving others and working hard. Here she drew two people, one who was a blind girl with her service dog and the other was a man playing frisbee with his dog.
Her picture of two girls in a ladybug garden, we learned that ladybugs don't have noses but smell with their feet and they don't have mouths either they taste things with their 2 antennae.
Here she drew a lizard (Gecko) who had his tail fall off when lighting struck.
Since we were learning about how seeds turn into plants, trees, flowers, etc. I've included in the lesson the parable of the mustard seed, how we need to have faith as small as a mustard seed. It's crazy how small this seed is.
To go along with the mustard seed lessons about faith I added the faith Mary had in God. Mary had faith in God when he told her about having his son Jesus.
Commit your work to the Lord, and then your plans will succeed.
~Proverbs 16:3
Show respect for everyone. Love your Christian brothers and sisters.
~1 Peter 2:17a
The name of the Lord is a strong fortress; the godly run to him and are safe.
~Proverbs 18:10
She was very proud of completing her worksheet without being told.
She loved her little booklet of "Yes, I will!"
Worked on her phonics words which I put on a ring to help so she could go back and flip through them. She loved the this idea and I've caught her walking around the house reading some of the words.
Working on her reading and phonics worksheets.
Reading her phonics words
Working on several pages of math, she loves math.
Working on patterns and sequences with our Unifix Cubes and Math Uni-loc.
She's been enjoying her math worksheets.
She was so proud of herself (as was I) to have completed her dot to dot picture all on her own.
Put together a flower for Kanani to practice her counting. First she put the numbers together and then placed the correct number of leaves on the stem that went with the number.
Practiced her pattern sequence and sizing.
After we read the instructions of what we need to do before starting our art lessons from the book "Drawing with Children", Kanani wanted to start drawing immediately. One thing she really likes is drawing.
Found this really neat Draw and Write booklet at Dollar Tree, it has a section where it talks about the animals and then instructions on how to draw them. Kanani drew the ladybugs in her art notebook.
Changed our calendar wall and weather wall and put everything in one area. It makes things easier for Kanani instead of having to walk to a different area to do the calendar. Like this set up a whole lot better.
Working on the number of the day, calendar, and the weather.
Looked over the Life cycle of a bean plant and then after I mixed the figures and card up had Kanani place them in the correct order.
To change things up a bit for Kanani had her practice her handwriting for letters P, R, and Q in her salt tray.
Making her own patterns and having fun with her Unifix Cubes.
More pattern and sequence practice
Kanani wanted to have a camp out in the living room. While I was finishing things up I saw the kids looking through some books. I pray that their love for books continues to grow.
Poster I bought at Dollar Tree of the parts of a flower.
Some of the flowers we have in our yard, love this time of year SPRING.
Some more beautiful flowers we observed, these are at my father's house "roses".
Bought a bouquet of Carnations at Wal-Mart for our color changing experiment and to see how fast does it take water to go up the flowers. The date is suppose to be 5/4/2016 not April.
Took apart one of the Carnations to help take a closer look of it.
How the flowers look after 6 days in the water with food coloring in it.
Had Kanani pull a petal off each flower so we could observe it under the microscope.
Here is how each one looks under the microscope. Kanani quickly compared it to planets, love how beautiful they look.
We started our bean experiment earlier than the book stated due to knowing that it takes about a week for them to start sprouting. We have done this experiment before.
Wanted to do this to go with our other bean experiment in the jar. Wanted to compare which one would grow faster.
Pulled out one of our plant slide "Hydrilla verticillata, leaf, w.m.", so Kanani could observe the leaf closer and then she drew what she saw in her science journal.
Put together a Flower Lapbook: one side is what plants need to survive and the other side is the parts of a flower.
Did the science activity in the teacher manual.
1. Grabbed some soil and place some in a plastic container and then added water.
2. Once the water settled we took out the leaf litter from the water.
3. Put some of the litter on a slide to look under a microscope.
How the litter looks under the microscope.
A little seed for me to sow
A little soil to make it grow
A little hole, a little pot,
A little wish, and that is that,
A little sun, a little shower.
A little while -
And then, a flower!
Learned what parables were so we watched "The little house that stood" which explained what parables are. Love all Veggie Tales movies they have such great lessons.
Went to our weekly trip to our local library for story and craft time. Today's focus was Mother's Day.
Kids had lots of fun dancing
Made flowers for their crafts, colored the flowers with chalk and then used tissue to spread the colors around.
Went to a dinosaur class with one of our local Park Ranger Mike.
Ranger Mike loves his job and is so knowledge about many things.

Went to visit some friends who we see more like family, its always nice to spend time with someone we love.
After enjoying our time at the dino class we went to Sonic to let the kids take some energy out and enjoy lunch.
It has been a week fun of lots of fun and learning now unto week 3.
Curriculum organization
Week 1