This unit was a very tasty and fun unit. We studied about apples (which was actually more of a review for us), we've done this unit before. Did a lot of different crafts and experiments for this unit.
No apple unit is complete unless you include Apple Jack from My Little Pony. Kanani is a big fan of My Little Pony as soon as she found out that we were studying apples she immediately wanted to include Apple Jack.
Played our favorite game of search and rescue. Kanani has to search for all things that start with the letter Aa or just apples and collect them and rescue them. She then places them on the table. It's always a lot of fun seeing her excitement as she searches different parts of the house for items.
Several books we used in our unit this week.
Upper top left picture is Kanani writing down the number in her calendar. Helps her recognize and practice the numbers as each day goes by. Upper right picture she is practicing the number of the week 4. Lower left picture she is practicing writing the letter Aa. The lower right picture she is tracing the letter Aa in cursive.
In these pictures she is doing her worksheets by using her rods. One of her favorite things to do in this curriculum.
In this unit we started learning about the vowels. Kanani actually knows her vowels what we worked on was identifying the sound in words. For it to be her first time she did very well. Through out the day she would actually say a random word and tell me what vowel or vowels she believed was in the word.

Kanani practiced writing the letter Aa and the number 4. Then she used her dot markers (BINGO markers) to identify the objects that start with the letter Aa. We went over every picture and wrote the letter it started with.

We really liked her attribute grid and her cut and paste worksheet.

I made an Aa worksheet I had intended it to be her cut and paste worksheet. She would cut pieces of red paper and glue it to the letters but she asked if she could use her bingo markers instead. Got to say I liked that idea better. She then drew a picture in each block representing the letters we had gone over. A for apple, S for sun, L for leaf, and M for moon.
In our Math U See unit we are actually in lesson 9 already. Don't get it wrong we are not rushing through it, the first 8 lessons she actually finished them fast. I made sure she understood what she was doing and actually learning something. This unit has finally proven to start challenging her in a good way. Which has made her interested in learning it and to actually slow down. She has started learning place values starting with the 10's and units.

She was so excited that by the end of the week she understood number placement, and was able to complete everything fast and with no help. Even happier that she was able to identify the numbers.

I cut out some apple shapes for Kanani to place pom poms on them for an addition and subtraction activity. Placed some number tiles under the apples and she would use the twizzer to pick up the pom poms and place them on the apple. She really enjoyed this activity and kept asking to do more.
Kanani has really enjoyed math this year.

Cut an apple shape into two paper plates and cut a piece of contact paper out for Kanani to place green, yellow, and red tissue paper on it. She didn't want to color the plate with paint instead she wanted to use crayons (red, yellow, green, and brown). It looks great in the window, our little apple sun catcher.

Made an outline of an apple on two coffee filters. Kanani then colored in the apples. Once she finished coloring she sprayed them with water. We placed the filters on top of upside down plastic plate to let the dry. When they were completely dried I cut out the apple shapes, she loved the way they came out, she then taped to them to the window.

Here is her beautiful apples taped to the window, they look so good. She did a great job.

Outlined two apples on white paper and then placed one at a time in a small box. I placed some paint on the apple (red, yellow, and blue-wanted it to be green but she wanted blue). Then I placed two golf balls in the box and had her roll the golf balls around in the box to cover the apple with paint. The second apple we didn't add any paint to it and only used the paint that was on the golf balls.

We learned about the Fruit of the Spirits. We read the Galatians 5:22-23 and talked about each fruit of the spirit: Love, Joy, Peace, Patience, Gentleness, Kindness, Goodness, Faithfulness, and Self-Control. Each time we would talk about a fruit of the spirit Kanani would glue it to the tree.

Did this activity like the Fruit of the Spirit one. I wrote the memory versus out for Kanani on a apple, which we have reviewed every day. Then I cut out red circles to represent apples and wrote out a word on each one of the memory versus. Had Kanani place the apples in the correct order on the tree. Once completed she glued the apples to the tree.

Traced Kanani's hand for the tree trunk on brown construction paper then cut out the top of the tree from green construction paper. Kanani then used a red bingo marker to make apples in the tree and two apple piles on the bottom that I fallen from the tree. She wanted to make the tree look like it had nail polish on it, and she wanted to form a semicircle with the apples.

I traced her hand again to make the trunk of a tree and then had her cut out an oval shape for the top of the trunk. We read "In the apple tree" poem. Kanani dabbed her thumb in some red paint and pressed it on the top of the tree to look like apples. She then traced a bird shape on some yellow paper and I cut it out for her and she glued it to the tree.

After reading the books "Ten Red Apples" and "Ten apples up on Top" we made a picture with a guy balancing 10 apples on his head. We had left over stickers from another project where we made a self image picture that she used to make the guy's picture.
I made a bar graph for her to count how many apples there were for each color. Great counting and color practice. Couldn't find a yellow apple so I used one we had in our Melissa & Doug cutting kit.

I cut open an apple and placed different parts on a tray with a label of each part. This helped her identify the parts better.
Here is our apple lap book we made for our apple unit last time we studied it. She was very excited to do it again and show me that she hadn't forgotten what she had learned in the past.
After reading the book "Apple Fractions" we cut the apple and orange into different parts to go along with the book. Of course after we were done we had a blast enjoying our wonderful snacks of apples and oranges. She loved making apple and orange faces.
We made apple volcanoes which are an all time favorite here. Got this idea from Frogs and Snail and Puppy Dog Tail blog, the link is:
First I cut holes in two apples then placed some baking soda in each one. I poured some vinegar into two cups and added red food coloring to one cup and green to the other cup. Gave Kanani some medicine droppers and she went straight to it. It's always so exciting to see the how the baking soda and vinegar react.
Building with apples such a cute activity. Got this idea from Fun at home with Kids blog, link on the bottom. Cut an apple into little pieces and we build different objects using toothpicks to hold it together. We usually do this with marshmallows but since it was apple unit we used apples. It was so much fun seeing her build different objects. The one on the top right is a pony, the ones in the middle are people, and the left bottom is a house. Love the picture on the bottom right, the look of concentration on her face.

I placed the apple and a string on the couch for when Kanank wanted to do it she could. A few minutes later and I catch her sitting there lace and tracing the apple.

After reading several books on apple pies we had a huge craving for some. I didn't have everything I needed to make one homemade so we baked one we had in the freezer. We are definitely going to try to make one home made. Enjoyed eating this one with some vanilla icecream on top.

To finish our apple unit we investigated and observed our apple science experiment where we had six cups with different solutions in each one: AIR, WATER, SALT WATER, SOAPY WATER, VINEGAR, and OIL. Kanani place a piece of apple in each cup. Four days later we took out the apple pieces and observed the changes the solutions had on the apples. She then drew down her observations in her science journal. Got the idea from Pre-K pages, here is the link:
la manzana (apple)
I am the vine you are the branches if you remain in me and I in you, you will bear much fruit, apart from me you can do nothing.
~John 15:5~
By: Helen H. Moore
Apples, apples, what a treat.
Sweet and tart and good to eat.
Apples green and apples red,
Hang from branches overhead.
And when they ripen, down they drop.
So we can taste our apple chop.
Mozart: Symphony in D
This unit has been fun learning about apples. We have done an apple unit in the past, but this time around she was very excited to redo the unit with her new curriculum. Love seeing how she remembered a lot of the things we had gone over from our last apple unit. She was very eager to show how she knew the parts of the apple. Best part I believe was eating the apples which happens to be her favorite fruit.
Hope you enjoyed our apple unit as much as we did.
Letter L
Letter M
Creation Unit and Letter S
Creation Unit and Unit 1: SunClassical Music Composers
Curriculum Organization
Too funny!