On the top self is our four seasons models and two globes (one is a game and the other a regular globe), behind the globe is our science beakers. The first shelf holds three buckets. ABC bucket has different games to learn and review letters. PROJECTS bucket has many different types of arts and crafts for her to chose. MATCHING bucket has different types of games from matching to memory ones.
Second shelf is more like our science shelf with a microscope, our second set of beakers, and clock. Also has our cursive cards and three small baskets. The red basket hold our gems jar and a bag of gems that she found in her bag of sand. Green basket holds fossils of shark teeth, coral, and some rocks. Blue basket has some sea shells we found when we went on vacation to the beach. We also have a model of Albert Eisenstein, a slinky, and a wooden grasshopper that makes the sound of a grasshopper (which we bought at the Natural Science Museum in Raleigh).

Third shelf is our nature shelf. Thanks to my dad for cutting the wood into different sizes. We went to Lake Rim Park for our nature walk and got some sticks, gum tree seeds, three magnifying glass, and rocks from our walk.
Here's a close up of the different pieces of wood my dad cut for me. I really love how it came out.
Some of the sticks we found on our nature walk and the wooden tubes are from a potpourri bag I had. The gum tree sticks and the pine cones are more treasures we found from our walk.
In the green basket is a closer look of our three magnifying glass and the basket of rocks are from different places we have been. Kanani is a bigger rock collection that he holds in a basket in her room. There is also some sand papers I put in for the kids to use on the wood.
Fourth shelf is our RAINBOW shelf, which we made mostly for Dartanian. Put it at his level for him to have easy access to it. He really loves taking things down and observing them. Now if only I could get him to put things back when he is done with it. In due time for now he's sister and I will put them back for us, at least he'll hand it to us. We have a dominion puzzle, two slinkys, some alphabet blocks, color wheel, rainbow, and our cute rainbow caterpillar. There are 10 different plastic containers, each are different colors. The containers hold different objects that represent each color. Dartanian likes picking them up and looking through them, Kanani actually opens them and places them in a tray to observe each object that is in the container.
In our last and fifth shelf is more of our nature stuff. One big log which is used for a lot of imagination play and what the kids use the sandpaper the most. The basket of pine cones are from a nature walk and home. The square basket holds some logs my wonderful dad cut for us and it also has some flat pieces of wood that he also cut for us.
A closer look of our log and two of our I SPY bottles.
I moved the basket of pine cones into a smaller basket to make it easier for the kids to move. The stick in the back is one that Kanani found at my dad's house which she made sure to bring back with her.
In this wonderful basket you can see a closer look of the wonderful job my dad did in cutting the wood and the flat pieces.
Here Kanani is observing the wood, getting a closer feel for the wood.
Imagination at its FINEST!