We are back into the swing of things after taking a month off from school. Getting back into learning the letters, numbers, colors, and shapes, except this time we will do more hands on activities, crafts, and start to practice writing.
This week we will start with the letter Aa, number one, the color red, the circle shape, and learn about Vikings along with his sister.

Some of the items we used this week

Excited to start school this week. Just like last year he wants to be Batman when he grows up.

Books we used this week

Showing the letter Aa

Found these cute cards in the dollar section at Target, he did a good job in matching the upper case letter A with the lower case letter a.

Got some red play-doh out and some cookie cutter shape A for him to make the letters in the play-doh as we would make the sound of the letter.

Practicing writing letters with this magnet puzzle

Hid some letter puzzle pieces in some rainbow rice for the kids to search for and place in the correct spots, they really had fun with this activity.

Writing practice with our salt tray, he is still trying to get the hang of writing the upper case letter A but he has the lower case a down pack.

Gave him some circle stickers to place around the letter A

Made a "Find the letter Aa" and gave him a dot marker on all the A's he found.

Brought out the Geo-board for the kids to build letters, this was the first time he has used the Geo-board to make letters.

Sounding out the letter A

To go with our letter A and color Red theme I cut some apples in half and poured some red paint on a plate so the kids could dip the apple in the paint and make stamp prints with it. After they were done stamping they decided to dip their hands in the paint and make more art.

Made the number one out of play-doh using the number one cookie cutter.

Working on the number one, of course he had to wear his Batman mask.

Circles using the cookie cutter

Sorting some rings by size at the library

Since K is learning about Vikings this week I decided that I will include him in our studies, he usually just joins us either way. This time we will include him in all our studies. They've always enjoyed playing with ships and acting like Vikings or Pirates.

Got these Leap Frog dry erase books a few years ago for K and now little man gets to use them. Practiced copying numbers and letters, identifying objects that were red and matching.

Filled a bin with different items to go with our theme of the week. Let him explore all objects and then we talked about each item.

Wrote on the board and gave D a q-tip to dip in water and trace the letters and number I wrote. He is still trying to get the hang of it but its great writing practice.

Found these cute sequence puzzles at our local Target in the dollar section. Best thing is they are double sided. He really enjoyed this activity, more than I thought he would.

For snack we had some apples and some apple juice to go with our theme this week.

Watched "How to Train your Dragon 1 & 2" and Lyle the Kindly Viking to go with our Viking theme of the week.

Went to the library for story time and this weeks theme was "Mothers"

For craft the kids made Mother's Day cards and decorated a water bottle with stickers to place their flowers in while us moms sat and enjoyed a Red Velvet cupcake with some water. It was so sweet seeing the kids pour their hearts into their work.

This week we went to the skating ring for our last day of school party with our co-op group.
We have really enjoyed starting school or more like fun while learning. It was great getting back into the swing of things. Gotta say I've really miss all of this. Love watching him learning and grasp new things. I will be posting on the bottom each week we complete a new theme. Unto next week for more new adventures.
Preschool (2 year old)
Week 2
Week 3
Week 4
Week 5
Week 6
Week 7