MFW: Unit 5 Nest
In this unit we studied about the many different types of animal homes.
The letter Nn is so much fun.
Some of the books we read for our nest unit.
Worked on writing the letter Nn and the number 5. Kanani always enjoys working with her cuisenaire rods.

Practicing the letter Nn and the number 5. The right picture Kanani identifies what letter each picture starts with and places a dot on the ones that start with the letter Nn.

Working on her cut and paste plus her counting worksheet.

Drawing worksheet

Learning the Hundreds Units
Placed some of the letters we have already worked on a mat. Once I mixed all the pictures together I handed Kanani the pile for her to place the correct picture under the correct letter.
Bought some animal flash cards at our local Target store. I placed three cards: LAND, WATER, and TREE, she then placed the animal card under where she believed their home was. Kanani really enjoyed this activity and what I loved about this card is that each side has a different animal on it, which meant we did this activity twice. Got this idea from Fun in PreK 1:
I printed out some pictures from clip art and had Kanani match the animals to their correct homes. She did this activity all on her own with no help. She is such an animal lover. You can print off your own copy at :
Here is another activity for Kanani to match the animals with their correct homes. These are smaller cards which she said "Aw look how cute." after she was done she asked if she could carry them around to play with. I'm so glad she had fun doing this activity.

Kanani did some coloring, cutting, matching and gluing for this project.

Sequencing worksheet: Kanani placed the pictures in the correct order. In the top left picture I just love her facial expression, not really sure why she was making this face. Once that was complete Kanani glued the pictures to the paper.

Made some picture cards with the name of the pictures of the units we have done. For reading, matching, and identifying game. As we go through more units I'll add more cards to the set. Not pictured: had her write the name of each picture card without looking at the name cards, great spelling practice.

Working on her geoboard forming the letter Nn.
After reading two wonderful books by P.D. Eastman: "Are you my mother? and The Best Nest" we made some bird nest out of coffee filters and brown bags. She loved making the nests and glueing the pom poms and the feathers in the nest. Saw the idea for the paper bag nest from: Happy Hooligans. We made ours a bit different from hers but it still came out pretty cute.

Here is a bigger version of the paper bag nest we made.

Cut a paper plate in half then cut some paper in the shape of eggs. We had some brown and green paper cut from a previous project which Kanani used to make the bird's nest.
These are just some of the pictures we looked at their were 40 in slideshow we looked it. You can view these pictures and more at the link below:

As I was washing dishes I looked out the window and saw a Cardinal picking materials up and pushing things into his feathers. I quickly called Kanani to come and look at the Cardinal doing what it does naturally to build its nest. It was such an awesome experience to be able to witness this with Kanani, it went great with our unit.
We went around the yard and in the house and looked for different materials for us to make our own bird's nest. I placed everything in different baskets or container and labeled them. We used: Spanish Moss, Reindeer Moss, Floral Moss, Twigs, Pine Straw, Dry Grass, Dry Leaves, Newspaper, Cotton Balls, Cotton Rounds, and Yarn. First we had used a balloon but I believe one of the things Kanani glued on made it pop. She then proceeded to cover a styrofoam bowl with the materials, which came out just fine. Kanani wanted to leave the nest outside to dry and then place in a tree with hopes that a bird will use it for a nest.
After reading two wonderful books by P.D. Eastman: "Are you my mother? and The Best Nest" we made some bird nest out of coffee filters and brown bags. She loved making the nests and glueing the pom poms and the feathers in the nest. Saw the idea for the paper bag nest from: Happy Hooligans. We made ours a bit different from hers but it still came out pretty cute.

Here is a bigger version of the paper bag nest we made.

Cut a paper plate in half then cut some paper in the shape of eggs. We had some brown and green paper cut from a previous project which Kanani used to make the bird's nest.
These are just some of the pictures we looked at their were 40 in slideshow we looked it. You can view these pictures and more at the link below:

As I was washing dishes I looked out the window and saw a Cardinal picking materials up and pushing things into his feathers. I quickly called Kanani to come and look at the Cardinal doing what it does naturally to build its nest. It was such an awesome experience to be able to witness this with Kanani, it went great with our unit.
We went around the yard and in the house and looked for different materials for us to make our own bird's nest. I placed everything in different baskets or container and labeled them. We used: Spanish Moss, Reindeer Moss, Floral Moss, Twigs, Pine Straw, Dry Grass, Dry Leaves, Newspaper, Cotton Balls, Cotton Rounds, and Yarn. First we had used a balloon but I believe one of the things Kanani glued on made it pop. She then proceeded to cover a styrofoam bowl with the materials, which came out just fine. Kanani wanted to leave the nest outside to dry and then place in a tree with hopes that a bird will use it for a nest.

Once the nest was completely we placed it in the Pear tree in front of our house. We hope that a bird can use or at least use the materials inside to build a nest.
Made some edible bird's nest. Used jelly beans to represent the bird's eggs. Kanani really enjoyed making them especially with the fact that daddy was home to help. The recipe we used was from Fabulous Fetes the link is:
We definitely will be making these again.
Went outside to look for birds nest in our front yard. We actually found two: one in the pear tree and the other in the bushes by the pear tree. It was so exciting to find them. Hopefully we'll see some eggs soon in these nest.
After making bird's nest we make some bird feeders to hang in the our pear tree. Love watching the birds and squirrels eat from our bird feeders. Its so easy to make and great hand eye coordination for the kids.
Found a great video on You Tube about Animal Homes, there are about two episodes 53 minutes long. It was a very interesting documentary filled with a lot of information.
el nido (nest)
"But seek first his kingdom and his righteousness, and all these things will be given to you as well."
~Matthew 6:33~
By: Author Unknown
We have a secret, just we three,
The robin, and I, and the sweet cherry-tree.
The bird told the tree, and the tree told me,
And nobody knows it but just us three.
But of course the robin knows it best,
Because she built the-I shan't tell the rest;
And laid the four little-something in it-
I'm afraid I shall tell it every minute.
But if the tree and the robin don't peep,
I'll try my best the secret to keep.
Though I know when the little birds fly about
Then the whole secret will be out.
#5 Tchaikovsky: Swan Lake ("Dance of the Swans")
This unit has been very interesting and informative. We have learned a lot about the many different homes of animals. Now each time we go outside we look around to observe the animals in their homes. Nature is great and God is even greater. Love how He supplies the animals with their homes.
Hope you enjoy our nest unit.
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