MFW: Unit 3 Leaf
For our third unit of our MFW curriculum we studied leaves, the letter Ll and number 3. We were very busy for this unit, especially exploring the great outdoors.
For our third unit of our MFW curriculum we studied leaves, the letter Ll and number 3. We were very busy for this unit, especially exploring the great outdoors.
Like we did for the previous units we searched the house for things that began with the letter Ll and grouped them together. This is always a fun activity for Kanani, she always looks forward in helping me prepare each lesson.
A picture of the books we used for this unit.
Top left picture she is practicing her cursive handwriting for the letter Ll, middle and right top picture she is using her rods to complete her worksheets. Bottom left picture I had her spell out the word LEAF and search for the number 3 to place on the board. She also used the Leap Frog Magnet letter L to hear the sound of the letter. Bottom right picture is her completed work of writing the number 3 and she wanted me to take her picture pretending to eat the cookie.
Cut and paste worksheet and her color sequence worksheet from her curriculum.
Top left picture she is working on searching for the pictures that start with the letter L and the top right is her practicing to write the letter Ll. The bottom two pictures is a game I set up for her. I placed the letters Ss, Mm, and Ll (the letters we have gone through), and gave her the stack of pictures. She had to place the pictures under the matching letters.
I made a flip book with different color leaves on each page. Got this idea from Flying into First, here's the link for a free download of the book:

Top left picture is where she had to draw a picture of something that began with the letters we have done already (S, M, L). I made a picture of a leaf and showed her the parts of the leaf, almost like her lap book just easier for her to understand. She got it on the first try.
Top left and middle she is working on her math from Math U See, and the top right is of her measuring leaves. Bottom pictures I placed the number tiles in random order and had her put the correct number of leaves under the numbers.
Had her make a uppercase L and lowercase l one of her geoboards. Love these boards we use them for so many things, they are a lot of fun to use.
I had made a leaf lap book from the last time we had studied leaves. On one side is the different parts of the leaves labeled and the other is where she labels the leaf herself.
Had Kanani use leaf stickers to form the letter Ll.
We did leaf some rubbing.
Drew some leaves on a paper and then filled a pan with shaving cream. Placed a couple of drops in the shaving cream and swirled it around with a popsicle stick. Kanani then laid the paper in the shaving cream. Afterwards she used a window scrapper to clean the shaving cream off the paper. It came out so pretty, then she wanted to mix the colors together. Shaving cream is always so much fun.
Her finished work from the shaving cream art.
Here I set up some paint and her use q-tips to paint or tap leaves on the tree. We went over what colors we used. At first I only had the primary colors on the tray (red, yellow, and blue), then she mixed the colors to make orange (yellow and red) and green (blue and yellow). She painted the bottom of the picture red to represent the pile of leaves. The bottom right picture are some wood maple leaves I found for her to paint. She loves to paint!!!
Made sun catchers with some of the leaves we got from outside. Cut the center of two paper plates and had Kanani paint them whatever colors she wanted. While the paint dried Kanani placed the leaves on the contact paper. Once dried I placed the contact paper on one plate and then placed the other plate on top to seal the paper. It came out so cute. I then wrote the memory versus on the plate "I WILL LIVE AND GROW IN JESUS."
I cut out a shape of a leaf on two green construction papers and then punched holes around the leaf. She then laced and traced the leaf, and after stuffed then with some of the left over paper I had from when I cut the leaves out. We also made a brownie in the shape of tree or leaf, it was so tasty.
She loves using the microscope, just like her mama, my future little scientist. The top left picture I had a pine leaf slide, love how the picture came out. Bottom left picture is of one of the leaves we pulled from the bushes in front of the house, the picture looks so neat. She was amazed how the leaves looked under the microscope.
Put some of the leaves we gathered and placed them in a basket and gave Kanani and Dartanian a magnifying glass. Love how little man would look at his sister to see how to use the magnifying glass. As soon as he saw her and immediately did the same thing. She was excited to tell me everything she saw on the leaf and how neat it was to see the details on the leaves.
My cute little scientists.
We had gathered some leaves and identified what they were then taped them to the paper and placed it in a plastic page protector.
Had Kanani watch "The Magic School Bus" on plants, it gave details on everything on leaves and how they get their nutrition and how they grow.
In our curriculum one of the activities Kanani was supposed to do was collect leaves and place them on paper towels and then place some newspaper on top of the towel. Once done with that she had to place it in a book for a couple of days to flatten the leaves. At the end of the week we took the leaves out and started to try to identify each leaf we collected. I found a wonderful app called Leafsnap, it's an awesome app to help identify leaves. The bottom middle picture is how the app looks like and the bottom right is a picture of some of the leaves in the app. I was so excited to come across this app, it has been very helpful.
la hoja (leaf)
"Remain in me, and I will remain in you...If you obey my commands, you will remain in my love...My commands is this: Love each other as I have loved you."
~John 15:4, 10, 12~
By: Robert Louis Stevenson
A child should always say what's true
And speak when he is spoken to,
And behave mannerly at table;
At least as far as he is able
Brahms: Hungarian Dance no. 5 in G Minor
As you can tell we were very busy in this unit. We always love anything dealing with nature so this unit was right up our alley. I hope you enjoy this unit as much as we have.
Letter M
Creation Unit and Letter S
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