Thursday, July 30, 2015

Therapy, Working, Service Dogs

Today we went to West Regional Library to learn about therapy, working, and service dogs.  Once I told the kids about it they couldn't wait to go to the library.

My superheroes

The kids put on a small skit about Balto the dog hero.  Kanani couldn't stop smiling that she was the doctor and Anthony was the narrator.

Daniel was Balto, a very cute one.

After the kids finished the skit for the two visitors that came they learned all about the hard working dogs.
She (can't remember her name) would show them different pictures showing the three different types of dogs.  They learned about therapy, service, and working dogs.

Here are the dogs that came to visit: a mini Dachshund named Tili (12 years old) and a German Shepherd named Brit (11 years old).

Tili is a therapy dog 

Brit is a retired Army dog, who is a working and therapy dog, a very gentle giant.

Dartanian couldn't get enough of Brit, he loves big dogs.

Anthony really took to Tili.

Some of Brit's beautiful pictures, one of my favorite breeds.


We went to Lake Rim Park (it was so HOT) after we left the library.  The kids were so excited to go to the park and be able to do a nature walk.  This was definitely not planned, which are the best trips.  

Anthony is always looking out for Dartanian, he is such a great big cousin.  We are going to miss them when they go back home to Arizona.

On our nature walk or should I say run.

On our way back to the car after looking for different objects for our nature section.  They were so tired and hot but in good spirit.

Love these kids

One of our nation section: gum tree seeds, I Spy bottles, sticks and rocks, and different types of pine cones.

Gum Tree Seeds

Sticks, bark and rocks

Different types of pine cones 

I Spy water bottles filled with sand and different objects found around the house.

The kids really enjoy searching for different objects in the bottle.  

We have been enjoying going outdoors this summer and learning and observing different things around us.  It has been a very hot summer, but that doesn't stop the littles from wanting to go outside.  When they go outside they are constantly searching for things to add to our nature center ever since we went to the Science museum in Raleigh.  I'm so glad that they are so excited and have learned so much this summer.