This week we will learn more on the Ten Commandments, make a cartouche, write on papyrus. Talk more on the law of energy conservation and the light you don't see. Also create our own hieroglyphics, discuss the story of Abraham, Sarah, and Issac. Little man will learn all about turtles, start sounding out letters to blend them together to make words.
Book of the week.
Memory Verse: "I am the Lord your shall have no other gods before me."
~Exodus 20
~Genesis 17, 18, 19:1-29, 21:1-7; 21:8-21
~Exodus 20
~Genesis 17, 18, 19:1-29, 21:1-7; 21:8-21

Learning her new spelling words and read several poems in her language book.

Spelling and Reading

Greek word TROPOS: turning

Working on the letter Tt
Started this week learning how to sound letters together to make words.
Letter Tt worksheet.

Letter Tt fun
100 Chart
Working on the day his calendar and solving some math problems.
Division and Multiplication
Placing the numbers in order
Number 6 handwriting practice

Writing on Papyrus
Ordered these on Amazon, made in Egypt and even has a short history of how the papyrus is made.
Reviewing the memory verses
Lesson 85: Creating Hieroglyphics

The light you don't see experiment.

Pretending to be turtles

Observing our very own turtles Yoda and Hulk.

Learning the life cycle of turtles.

Similarities and difference between turtles and tortoises.

The Best of Vivaldi "Summer"

While listening to Summer by Vivaldi little man danced his heart out.

The Best of Vivaldi "Summer"

While listening to Summer by Vivaldi little man danced his heart out.
Enjoyed a special presentation with the NC Zoo at our local library.
Learn about the constellations.
Few of the animals the ladies brought for everyone to observe.
This week we learned more on the Ten Commandments, made a cartouche, wrote on papyrus. Talked more on the law of energy conservation and the light we don't see. Also created our own hieroglyphics, discussed the story of Abraham, Sarah, and Issac. Little man learned all about turtles, started sounding out letters to blend them together to make words. Been a fun week of learning and now unto next week for our new adventures.
Week 5
Week 6