This week we will learn about David & Goliath, King David, Solomon, and when Israel splits into two countries. Also learn about 2 Thessalonians, 1Timothy, 2 Timothy, and Titus. Work on ending sound -er, -est, wr and mb sound, and water power.
Got this set of books first from the library

Second selection of books we got for the week from the library.

David and Goliath & Slingshot bible card

King David & David being anointed king bible cards

King Solomon bible card
Memory verse: Fear of man will prove to be a snare, but whoever trusts in the Lord is kept safe.
~Proverbs 29:25
~1 Samuel 17:4, 8-11, 16, 24-26, 31-45, 48-50
~1 Samuel 18:1b, 3-12
~1 Kings 3:5-14; 4:29-34

2 Thessalonians answers some questions about Christ returns and the antichrist for the Christians in Thessalonica after they received their first letter.

1 Timothy is a personal letter from Paul to his friend Timothy

2 Timothy contains a warning to Timothy that difficult things were coming for Christians, therefore, Paul encourages Timothy to keep on believing in Jesus.

Titus is a personal letter from Paul to his friend Titus in it he shows Titus what he should be teaching to church members.

Added King David, King Solomon, and Israel being divided

Learned about basket weaving and how they were made in many different shapes and sizes. They made soft baskets out of straw, grasses, or reeds.

Handwriting practice memory verse worksheet

David & Goliath and -er, -est ending worksheets

A Very Wise Man and wr & mb sound worksheets

We have reached 100 days of school this week, she was so excited and couldn't wait for this day to come.

Addition and subtraction worksheets

She just loves math

Math word problems

One of the many games we played to celebrate 100 days of school, didn't take any pictures :(
Here she sorted 100 jellybeans into groups of 10 to count to 100
We also jumped rope 100 times, skipped 100 times, counted as many different things we could to 100, made a Fruit Loop necklace with 100 of them (of course it didn't last since we all ate it). It was a fun filled day.

Art Card #11: "Towboats along the Yotsugi-Dori Canal No.33 in one hundred famous views of Edo." by Ando Hiroshige

This week we started our Advent Calendar, which the kids were very excited about. Love our Christmas traditions being passed down to our kids.

Pour some whole milk into some plastic trays for Kanani to show her dad a very neat experiment. Place a few drops on the water then dipped a q-tip into some Dawn soap and placed in the middle of the tray. The effects were awesome.

Water Power experiment, the kids enjoyed playing with it in the bathtub. It was a neat experiment for them to see the power of water, it nearly always flows downhill. Went to a local farm to see their water
Watched several videos on YouTube of several water wheels from around the world.
By: Rupi Kaur
She is water
soft enough
to offer life
tough enough
to drown it away.

Went to the NC Zoo in Asheboro with our co-op for her Zoo Club class, it was an awesome way to celebrate our 100 days of school.

Enjoyed looking at the many different types of birds that live in the rainforest.

Elephants are such beautiful animals

These sea lions were so fun to watch, they were playing tag and chasing each other in the water for awhile.
Wanted to share some of the pictures from our wonderful trip to the zoo.

We were surprised today at our co-op that it was the kids turn to hold the flag for the Pledge of Allegiance.
We reached 100 days of school this week. Celebrated with many different activities and a wonderful trip to the zoo. Also learned about David & Goliath, King David, Solomon, and when Israel splits into two countries. Learned about 2 Thessalonians, 1Timothy, 2 Timothy, and Titus. Worked on ending sound -er, -est, wr and mb sound, and water power. Unto next week to see what adventures are in store for us.
Week 23
Week 24