This week we will be learning about Jacob, Jacob's twelve sons, Joseph, some more books of the bible: Lamentations, Ezekiel, Daniel, and Hosea. Review the ge and g sound, learn about the ph and u sound. Will learn about Egypt and the types of food they eat and review the subject of measurements.

Some of the books we used this week, we used the bible more this week since I couldn't find more books on the subjects for this week.

Writing the memory verse of the week: Proverbs 15:3

Read the cards about Jacob's Ladder

Drew Jacob laying his head on a rock while dreaming of the ladder with angels on it.

More cards to go with our lessons for the week: Joseph
Memory Verse: The eyes of the Lord are everywhere, keeping watch on the wicked and the good.
~Proverbs 15:3
~Genesis 28:10-22
~Genesis 37:1-13, 18-35; 39:1-6, 19-23
~Genesis 41:1-16, 25-41; 41:46; 42:8
Lamentation means great sadness. It has poems that tell about when the city of Jerusalem was destroyed.
Ezekiel was a priest and a prophet
Daniel was taken as a prisoner to Babylon. God saved him from lions and gave him many special dreams about the future.
Hosea is one of the last twelve books in the Old Testament. They are called the Minor Prophets because they are short books. Some of them are only a few pages long.
Added the picture of Jacob to the timeline
We got to add the 12 names of Jacob's son to the timeline
Joseph was our third piece we added this week to our timeline. So far that makes 8 pieces in total on the timeline.
Jacob leaves home worksheet
Reviewing the ge and g sound and learning the ph sound
Joseph worksheet
u sound worksheet
Number of the day, we got to day 70 this week
Counting with unifix cubes
Adding with double numbers
More double number addition and using the unifix cubes
She was so excited to get the correct numbers on her first try.
Balanced several different objects (10 of each) to see the difference in weight between them.
We were surprised that one marble weighed as much as 12 pom poms
Excited she figured out the pirate's message
Jacob's Ladder Maze
Art Card #4: Hunters in the Snow by Pieter Bruegel
Coloring Joseph's Coat
Made a Joseph puppet
Star Wars Puzzle is always a fun activity
This week we are determined to do better with her reading. She gets to pick a book a day to read with as little help possible. Need to get her reading better and boost her confidence.
Set this activity up for her brother but she wanted to give it a shot too. She had to place a plastic golf ball on top of the tee. It was a lot harder than she thought, but was very excited when she finally got all 6 balls to stay on.
After playing the game I had set up she made up her own game of golf.
Helping Dartanian with place the balls on the tee
Retelling me the story of Joseph
Music: Peter and the Wolf Activity
Went around the house to measure things with her hand and I used a tape measure. She really enjoyed this activity and kept saying she was having lots of fun.
More measuring fun, even tried to measure Zeus but it was nearly impossible since he can't sit still.
Located Egypt and Israel
Did a demonstration of some Egyptian food with our play food while she enjoyed her go-urt.
By: Author Unknown
Trapped in the earth,
wouldn't you too want to go
to heaven? I live
in a lady's garden. Forgive me, lady;
longing has taken my grace. I am
not what you wanted. But
as men and women seem
to desire each other, I too desire
knowledge of paradise-and now
your grief, a naked stem
reaching the porch window.
And at the end, what? A small blue flower
like a star. Never
to leave the world! Is this
not what your tears mean?
Watched the video "VeggieTales: Moe and the big exit", the VeggieTales description of the story of Joseph.
Went to the library for our weekly short time. This week subject was about Apples.
After story time Mrs. Rita did a science demonstration of baking soda and vinegar in apples, it was lots of fun.
Kanani got a chance to add some baking soda to the apple and Dartanian loved being close enough to see its reaction.
For crafts the kids colored a tree and some apples. Once done coloring the apples they cut the apples and glued them to the their trees.
She was so excited to see the star in the middle of the apple.
My mom spend the night with us so the kids could sleep in while I went to a meeting early the next morning, which of course the kids loved.
For the end of the week the kids got to enjoy some time with their grandparents. Kanani was a camera woman while dad and mom took turns being reporters. She has a great imagination. Dartanian was napping while they made the reports. It's great having my parents so close.
This week we learned about Jacob, Jacob's twelve sons, Joseph, some more books of the bible: Lamentations, Ezekiel, Daniel, and Hosea. Reviewed the ge and g sound, learned about the ph and u sound. Also learned about Egypt and the types of food they eat and reviewed the subject of measurements while enjoying several measuring activities.
Week 3
Week 4
Week 5
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