This week we will be learning about snow and ice along side with Kanani. Also learn the letter Nn, number 14, the color white (review), and the cube shape.

Some of the objects we used this week

Great books we used this week

Letter Nn items
Had a picture of him trying to write the letter Nn and saying the sound of the letter but for some reason it wouldn't download and now I can't find it. :(

Reviewing the color white, learning the number 14 and the cube shape.

He wanted to join his sister in her math activity: Pattern blocks

Observing some objects that are the color white

Learning about the cube shape

We are working on the table and look up and see little man spying on us. Such a cute spy.

Before starting school work they wanted to have small concert

To go with this week theme we made snow using 3 cups of baking soda and 1/2 cup conditioner. The neat thing is once its mixed together its cold to the touch just like snow.

He has enjoyed playing with the Kinetic Sand: Ice Cream Treats which went perfect for this week

He's really enjoyed this Pirate Set

Gave him some ice and some watercolors for him to paint a picture

To go with the Snow and Ice theme this week we watched the Disney movie "Frozen".

Went to the library for story time and craft to learn about Fall

Dancing to some music about tress loosing their leaves

Enjoying making their butterflies out of coffee filters, used markers to color on the filter and then sprayed some water to make the colors run.

It was Author Day at the co-op and his sister wanted to wear her Batman shirt to go with one of her favorite books. Of course he wanted to wear his shirt since she was wearing hers. He loves Batman. In his class he reviewed the color blue and the triangle shape.This week we learned about snow and ice, the number 14, cube shape, and reviewed the letter Nn. It has been fun being able to combine his learning with his sister's Science themes.
Week 10 (Gg, #7, Review Colors & Shapes) Sense of Sight
Week 11 (Hh, #8, Purple, Diamond) Sense of Smell
Week 12 (Ii, #9, Brown, Rectangle) Sense of Taste
Week 15 (Ll, #12, Yellow, Star) Stars
Week 16 (Mm, #13, Rainbow, Arch) Noah's Ark
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