This week we will be learning about the sense of smell the letter Hh, number 8, the color purple, and the diamond shape.

Some of the stuff we used this week

Great books for the week

Learning the letter Hh, trying to write the letter and say the sound.

Practicing the number 8

Put together a sensory bin with shaving cream and some ocean animals hidden in the shaving cream. He kept smelling it and saying "Smells Good".

The kids practiced their lace and trace with some ocean animals

Learning the color purple

Puzzle with letters

Asked him where is your nose and he quickly pointed at it.

Brought out several things for him to identify where their noses was. It was so much fun watching him point to different noses and proceeding to go around the house to identify more noses without being asked to.

As a relaxing activity before bed I brought out the Magnetic Blocks set for him to enjoy.

Made the kids some sensory bottles with water beads in water. Something about the beads floating in the water is so relaxing and the colors look great.

After showing little man what the shape of a diamond was we worked on a pattern activity block. We completed a fish pattern together.

Surprised the kids with a trip to the pool

They love the water

He is doing so good swimming, going to make this a weekly event

They loved the fact that my dad went with us to the pool, love spending time with my family.

We did Yoga today at the library and then crafts

Craft time: kids used different sizes of heart shape to make their picture/design.

They all did such an amazing job
It has been a fun week full of lots of experiments and learning. Next week we will be learning about the sense of taste.
Week 1 (Aa, #1, Red, Circle) Part 1
Week 4 (Cc, #3, Green, Square)
Week 6 (Dd, #4, Yellow, Rectangle) Part 2
Week 9 (Ff, #6, Green, Oval) Sense of Hearing
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