This week we will learn about boats and how they float. Also learn the letter Rr, number 18, color grey, and the cone shape.

Some of the items we used this week

Some of the books we used this week

Letter Rr

Learning the letter Rr

Color Gray and the Number 18

Learning the number 18 and the color gray

Working on pattern blocks

Identifying cone shape

Observing the different methods a boat could float

Making a tambourine out of 2 paper plates and beans

Making their own submarine out of soda cans

Went to the library for Super Heroes Day

Set up a wash station for the kids to clean their pumpkins

Loved making all the bubbles and making sure his pumpkin was covered in them.

Once the pumpkins were all clean we opened them up so the kids could observe the inside.

After carving one of the pumpkins I placed some baking soda inside the pumpkin with a few drops of green food coloring and had the kids squirt some vinegar inside it. So cool to watch the ooze come out of the pumpkin's mouth.

Dyed the pumpkin seeds that were in the pumpkin for the kids to review their colors and have some mixing the colors together.

Enjoyed a day with our co-op group to Hubb's Corn Maze

They had a blast

On a hay ride on their way to go see the animals on the farm and even got a chance to feed them.

Great time spent with our co-op group, the kids were even more excited when they got a chance to take their own pumpkin home.

Ready for their Harvest party at the co-op

Enjoying the party with lots of goodies
This week we learned about boats and how they float. Also learned the letter Rr, number 18, color grey, and the cone shape. We've had a very eventful week with lots of fun and learning, now unto next week to see what is in store for us.
Week 1 (Aa, #1, Red, Circle) Part 1
Week 10 (Gg, #7, Review Colors & Shapes) Sense of Sight
Week 11 (Hh, #8, Purple, Diamond) Sense of Smell
Week 12 (Ii, #9, Brown, Rectangle) Sense of Taste
Week 16 (Mm, #13, Rainbow, Arch) Noah's Ark
Week 17 (Nn, #14, White, Cube) Snow & Ice
Week 18 (Oo, #15, Orange, Sphere) Joseph
Week 20 (Qq, #17, Brown, Rectangular Prism) Sink and Float