This week we will learn about the books of Ecclesiastes, Song of Songs, Isaiah, Jeremiah and about the Son of Abraham, Wife for Isaac, Esau and Jacob. Reviewed ea sound for short e and o sound for short o. Learned about the oy, oi, ir ge, gi, gy sound, snow and ice, camels, and the making of lentil stew.

Some of the books we used this week

Writing the memory verse

Used the Abraham card to explain the story to Kanani

Drew a picture of baby Isaac, Sarah and Abraham's son

Like the Meerkats we need to not be selfish and be friendly and helpful. God wants us to be wonderful helpers to others.

Wife for Isaac

Esau and Jacob
MV: A generous man will prosper; he who refreshes others will himself be refreshed.
~Proverbs 11:25
~Genesis 18:1-15; 21:1-3
Don't be selfish...Be humble, thinking of others as better than yourself.
~Philippians 2:3
~Genesis 24:1-21
~Genesis 25:19-28; 27:1-35, 41-45

Ecclesiastes tells us that if your life is not lived for God, it is empty and meaningless.

Song of Songs is a love poem

Isaiah was a prophet who told people that God would punish their country for their many sins. But he also said God would later bring peace.

Jeremiah was a prophet

Used some of our bible cards to talk about Jacob

Added Abraham, Sarah, and Isaac card to the timeline. We decided to place the pictures up and down so we could fit more on the timeline.

A son for Abraham worksheet

Working on oy and oi sound and spelling words with ea and o

Wife for Issac worksheet

Spelling practice

Number of the day

Working outside learning the tens place with beans

Picked up an animal that lives on ice to work on pattern blocks: Wanda Walrus

Wanted to use the pattern blocks to make snowflakes

Placing the numbers in the tens and ones place

More 10s practice worksheet

Art Card 3: The Halt of the Caravan by Gustavo Simoni

Painting with ice

Making Lentil Stew to go with the story of when Esau sold his birthright to his brother for some bread and lentil stew. The recipe is in the TM book.

Final preparations of the stew and then we got to enjoy the stew.

Started off our morning with a little concert before school

We look up from working on school work and see that someone is spying on us :)

Making us breakfast: scrambled eggs with cheese and turkey slices

Talked about camels and it so happened that she had picked out a sticker at the library with a camel on it.

To go with our snow and ice theme she played with the Kinetic Sand Ice Cream Treat Kit

More Peter and the Wolf music activity, we have really enjoyed the stories and identifying the instruments

Learning about snow and ice

Pointing out the South Pole, North Pole, and the Equator

Talked about snowflakes and how they are made and proceeded to make some using coffee filters

Made our own snow using 3 cups of baking soda and 1/2 cup of conditioner. Once mixed it was cold almost like the real thing.

Making snow balls and playing with snowflakes and penguins

After discussing about camels we did the experiment in the TM book. First she took a pencil and pressed it into the kinetic sand to see how easy it sinks in the sand, the second one we taped a quarter to the pencil to see how it would sink. It took longer to sink in the sand which went great with explaining how the camels hooves help it stay on top of the sand. Then she breathed on the mirror to see the water particles on the glass.
By: Pamela Joyce Randolph
Branches on the evergreens
are dressed in snowy white,
as soft the moonlight sparkles,
on this blanket of the night.
Delicate, untouched and pure,
is found the ground below,
as gentle moon beams glimmer,
on the freshly fallen snow.

No Snow and Ice lesson is complete without watching "Disney Frozen"

Went to the library for story time and craft, learned about Fall

Danced to a song about trees loosing their leaves

Making butterflies out of coffee filters, after they color the filter with markers they spray some water so the colors can run together.

Both of their butterflies completed

It was Author Day at the co-op and Kanani wanted to talk about one of her favorite book "Batman", so her and her brother wore their Batman shirts.

Went to my dad's house and Kanani wanted to play hide-n-seek with Dartanian. It didn't go as planned since little man wanted to join her in the counting.
This week we learned about the books of Ecclesiastes, Song of Songs, Isaiah, Jeremiah and about the Son of Abraham, Wife for Isaac, Esau and Jacob. Reviewed ea sound for short e and o sound for short o. Learned about the oy, oi, ir ge, gi, gy sound, snow and ice, camels, and the making of lentil stew. Had lot of fun with all the experiments and trying new things. Next week we will be on a mini vacation, time for a break and relaxation.
Week 3
Week 4
Week 5
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