This week will learn about the books of Deuteronomy, Joshua, Judges, Ruth. Learn about the sun and moon which will be more of a review, long vowel e spelled y, and day 3-5 of creation.

Great books we used for this week

We should be happy with what God has given us and not envy what others have.

Third day God made the dry land to separate the waters and plants of all kind.

Fourth day God created the light in the sky to separate day from night (sun and the moon).

Fifth day God created the animals in the sky and living things in the water.

Although the aardvark is very shy it has a great ability to hunt, with its large ears and sensitive nose it can find any signs of an anthill. Like the aardvark God has given each of us very special gifts. We should use our abilities to glorify God's kingdom.
Memory Verse: A heart at peace gives life to the body, but envy rots the bones.
~Proverbs 14:30
Then God said, "Let the water under the sky be gathered together so the dry land will appear." And it happened. God named the dry land "earth" and the water that was gathered together "seas." God saw that this was good. Then God said, "Let the earth produce plants--some to make grain for seeds and others to make fruits with seeds in them. Every seed will produce more of its own kind of plant." And it happened. The earth produced plants with grain for seeds and trees that made fruit with seeds in them. Each seed grew its own kind of plant. God saw that all this was good. Evening passed, and morning came. This was the third day.
~Genesis 1:9-13
Then God said, "Let there be lights in the sky to separate day from night. These lights will be used for signs, seasons, days, and years. They will be in the sky to give light to the earth." And it happened. So God made the two large lights. He made the brighter light to rule the day and made the smaller light to rule the night. He also made the stars. God put all these in the sky to shine on the earth, to rule over the day and over the night, and to separate the light from the darkness. God saw that all these things were good. Evening passed, and morning came. This was the fourth day.
~Genesis 1:14-19
Then God said, "Let the water be filled with living things, and let birds fly in the air above the earth." So God created the large sea animals and every living thing that moves in the sea. The sea is filled with these things, with each one producing more of its own kind. He also made every bird that flies, and each bird produced more of its own kind. God saw that this was good, God blessed them and said, "Have many young ones so that you many grow in number. Fill the water of the seas, and let the birds grow in number of the earth." Evening passed, and morning came. This was the fifth day.
God has given each of us the ability to do certain things well.
~Romans 12:6 A

Deuteronomy means "repeating law", it records Moses' final teachings to God's people.

Joshua was the leader the lead God's people into their new land.

Judges took place before Israel had a king and how God sent people to rule the tribes.

Ruth is about a wonderful woman who took care of her mother-n-law and changed everything in her life to care for her.

Coloring in the weather chart

Working on the long e spelled y worksheet

Working on some of her sight words

The TM suggested we use different types of fruits and cut them open and graph the seeds of each one. We decided to use M&Ms since we aren't big on fruits and didn't want to buy them to waste them. Plus Kanani didn't mind eating some of her math work.

Subtraction and Addition practice

We have reached our half way point DAY # 50

Happy 50th day of school!

Printed a worksheet with bracelets to celebrate day 50 of school from the Teachers Pay Teachers website.

Printed these worksheets to celebrate day 50 from Teachers Pay Teachers website.

Counted 50 beans by counting by 10 and completed several worksheets to help count to 50.

Drew Leo the Lion, she got a bit frustrated but was determined to draw her lion.

She said she was an alien from the moon

Pattern Blocks to complete our owl

Found this neat Activity Pad at our local Dollar

Read several information on the moon and sun from some of our NASA cards.

Looked over some pictures and facts about the moon and sun from our flash cards I found in the dollar section of Target.

Brought out two of our memory verse sticks from our Kindergarten curriculum. It was great seeing how she remembered the memory verse, proud mommy moment. The Sun (S unit) was "Jesus is the light of the world", and the Moon (M unit) was "I am the light of the world."

Used some of the feathers from our Cock-a-Tiel to observe and some we bought at Wal-Mart.

After talking about how we felt in the shade and under direct sun we picked several objects and placed them on top of black construction paper and left it several hours in the sun. Before it rained we brought our paper inside and observed the darkened areas on the paper and then used it as a puzzle.

After observing the stages of the moon and checking the moon to see what stage it was we talked about the moon shining on one side of the earth and the sun on the other.
By: Mesh Goldfish
(sung to "The Farmer in the Dell")
The Earth turns around,
The Earth turns around.
Once a day, every day,
The Earth turns around.
The moon goes round the Earth,
The moon goes round the Earth.
Once a month, every month.
The moon goes round the Earth.
The Earth goes round the sun,
The Earth goes round the sun.
Once a year, every year.
The Earth goes round the sun.
Video we found on YouTube

To celebrate day 50 of school we went to the pool, some fun in the sun.

They love jumping in the water

We picked up my mom from the airport after she was gone for a month visiting my brother. Of course this was the perfect way for the kids to end the week since they missed her so much.
It has been a very trying week with many different things as a family we had to deal with, but through it all we continued our school work and kept our heads high. This week we learned to put our trust and faith in God. Learned about the moon and the sun, days 3-5 of creation, long e spelled y, and more about several books of the bible. Let's see what week 14 has in store for us.
Week 3
Week 5
Week 6
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