I'll be sharing the way I've organized our curriculum below. It's still a work in progress. Going through everything has gotten me very excited to begin this new chapter in our school year.

We were all so excited when we receive our curriculum in the mail.
Started organizing the curriculum by placing a tab for each week in the Teacher Manual and in the Student Workbook. Put all the student worksheets into page protectors for each week. It also has a tab to be used to move to which ever week we are, pretty to hold our place, same for the bible reader and notebook.
In the teacher notebook I've placed some cursive worksheets and some extra practice worksheets for Kanani to use. Will continue using the Cursive Formation flashcards for more practice, I place each flashcard in a clear page protector also. Kanani will be practicing more sequence patterns with her sequence cards. I found these at one of our local thrift stores.
Also included in the teacher notebook is a copy of the attendance chart, and the art pictures. I've placed each picture in its own page protector as well. We'll be using A to Z flashcards from our Kindergarten curriculum to continue to practice on her handwriting in our salt tray.

Another thing in the teacher notebook is the pattern animals book, which I took apart and placed each page in its own page protector. We will also continue to use our Pattern Block set by Melissa & Doug.

We'll practice our reading and spelling using word boards one (top) from Melissa & Doug and the other (bottom) from Classic Wood.

I laminated the expanded form cards and the 100 chart, since I'm sure we will be using them a lot. The main reason I laminated the 100 chart is so she can practice writing her numbers over and over again. Place a tab in the math book to hold our place in the book, I like using tabs better than bookmarks. Bookmarks tend to fall out of the book easier.

In the teacher manual the student was suppose to color the pictures as we reach that part of the timeline. Kanani is not to keen on coloring, she's always prefered to draw or paint her picture. Went ahead and colored each picture then I laminated the sheets for better durability and then placed them in a zipper pouch to keep them in till we need them.

TOP LEFT PIC: Here is a look of our wall by CoCo cage's (Cock-a-tiel). There are two pocket holders (not sure if that is what they are called....lol). The red one has the ABC chart which I laminated, color chart (mostly for review), it also has some cards of her name for her to practice spelling out her name. The blue one has number cards from 1-120, great way for her to practice putting her numbers in order and great for skip counting. Next to that is the days of the weeks and weather cards which I found at Target. Under both of these is the 100 chart and the calendar that came with the curriculum.
TOP RIGHT PIC: Has our reading chart and Bible book list.
BOTTOM LEFT PIC: By Larry Boy's cage (Bearded Dragon) is our calendar and a book shelf that holds some board books, blocks, color jars, and sequence toy by Melissa & Doug.
BOTTOM RIGHT PIC: In this book shelf we have our salt tray, some school supplies, bananagrams tiles, science materials, some of our sensory supplies, paint, kinetic sand, art supplies and abacus. It also hold all the materials that came with the deluxe curriculum.

Here is a closer look of the microscope and test tubes we use. The top right picture is our box of "The Beginners Bible" cards. On our other shelf it holds two globes, the blue one talks about different parts of the world and animals in each part. I laminated our calendar which we went ahead and colored ahead. Kanani will move the clothes pin depending on which month we are on.
Top right picture is what's next to the book shelf, which are some sensory bins (rainbow rice, rainbow pasta, moon sand, stamps, sensory tools, tissue paper pieces, and flash cards). On this shelf is all our curriculum materials: teacher workbook and notebook, student notebook, bible reader and bible reader notebook, all our science books, art book, devotion books, and much more.

Found a blog of someone who has done MFW 1st grade before and they made memory versus cards plus worksheets for each week starting with week 3 and on. The link to her blog is Grafhaus Christian School there you can print out the versus and worksheets.
This is our supple station: It holds all our art materials, school and office supplies, math activities, lace and trace boards, bingo games, geoboards, magnet activities, puzzles, small books, and many other buckets with different activities used mostly during quiet time.
Top left picture is our kitchen area and on the wall is her "My magnetic responsibility chart" by Melissa & Doug. I had actually put it away and haven't used it in awhile, really thought she had out grown it. The other day she asked for me to please hang it up for her again.
The top right picture are 3 bins: Left holds the kids dinosaurs, the middle one are wooden blocks, and the right one hold animal figures.
Bottom two pictures is the easel with one side being a chalkboard and the other side being a magnetic dry erase board.
This is in our hallway we call it our Geography wall. The top two show how it looks at an angle. Middle left picture is a poster showing where different animals live, middle right is a landscape poster. Bottom left picture is the U.S. placemat and Continent placemat, the bottom right is a closer look of our map. We use this wall a lot and the kids love identifying and looking for different places on the maps.
I ordered a laminating machine this year since last year I paid more to get things laminated then if I would have bought my own laminator. Got to say I am very happy I made the decision to buy one. It has worked great so far. I ordered mine from the Wal-Mart website which they delivered to a nearby store so it was free shipping.
Here is a look into some of the ways I've organized things for our next school year in 1st grade. We are all very excited about our next adventure with My Father's World.
I'll be posting after finishing each week. As I finish each post I'll be updating this post with a link to each week completed which I'll place below.
Week 3
Week 4
Week 5
Week 24
Week 30