Items for the letter Vv

Love all the books we used for this unit, here are some we read for this unit.

Working on handwriting, her cursive, and pretending to eat her carrot badge.

Identifying pictures that begin with the letter V, rods worksheet, cut and paste, and looking at pictures for the unit.

Blend ladder, reading her sight words, and drawing.

Learning measurements, she really enjoyed this activity.

Working on skip counting by 5, adding, and subtracting.

Before starting our craft we went over what it meant for Jesus to be our vine and we the branches.

We can always depend on God no matter what is going on in our lives.

Used celery to paint cute pink and purple flowers for her vase. She went a little paint crazy but it came out great.

Practicing her writing on salt.

Took the kids to our local children's museum, their they were able to learn about farm life and how vegetables grow.

Learned the different types of vegetables, very great book.

After picking out all the vegetables she laid them out and begin to cut them, she always enjoys this activity.

To go with her Vv unit we made a volcano, one of our favorite activities of all times.

Cut up several pieces of celery and carrots and placed them in six different bowls to see what changes may occur to the vegetables.
1. Air 2. Water 3. Water with salt
4. Water with baking soda 5. Vinegar 6. Ice

After 24 hours we opened all the bowls and observed any changes each one had gone through. The one that had the most change was the air bowl, the vegetables shrunk and looked all dried up. Most either expanded, stayed the same, or were slimy.

The kids enjoyed touching each one to feel the difference. Main thing they enjoyed was breaking the vegetables out of the ice.

This week started on Presidents Day while we did an activity on that day (which is actually included in the previous unit: Fox), she made these cute mask at our co-op. George Washington and Abraham Lincoln.

We learned about how vegetables grow, "Daniel Tiger's Neighborhood", season 1 episode 15.

In this DVD of the "VeggieTales Gideon Tuba Warrior" we learn about trusting God and it also includes the story of George Muller.
vegetal (vegetable)
The Lord is faithful to all his promises and loving toward all he has made. The eyes of all look to you, and you give them their food at the proper time. You open your hand and satisfy the desires of every living thing.
~Psalm 145: 13b, 15-16
By: Author Unknown
I eat my peas with honey,
I've done it all my life.
It may taste kind of funny,
But it kpoeeps them on my knife.
Vivaldi: The Four Seasons (Spring: I, Allegro)
Learned so much in this unit not only about keeping our body healthy but we need to also keep our spiritual body healthy. Read the word (BIBLE), have our personal devotion or time with God, and always pray to stay connected with our Heavenly Father.
Letter X
Unit 23: Fox
Letter F
Unit 22: Frog
Letter B
Unit 21: Butterfly
Letter J
Unit 20: Jewel
Letter R
Unit 19: Rock
Letter Z
Unit 18: Zebra
Letter K
Unit 17: Kangaroo
Letter P
Unit 16: Penguin
Letter E
Unit 15: Elephant
Letter H
Unit: 14 Horse
Letter C
Unit 13: Cow
Letter G
Unit 12: Goat
Letter I
Unit 11: Insect
Letter W
Unit 10: Water
Letter O
Unit 9: Octopus
Letter D
Unit 8: Dinosaur
Letter U
Unit 7: Us
Letter T
Unit 6: Turtle
Letter N
Letter A
Letter L
Letter M
Creation Unit and Letter S
Creation Unit and Unit 1: Sun Classical Music Composers
Say Hello to Classical Music
Curriculum Organization