Some of our letter Gg finds

Great books we read for this unit.

Working on shape recognitions, handwriting, and writing number 12.

Working on her cut and past worksheets after reading the words and placing them under the correct pictures. Placing a dot on each picture that begins with the letter Gg. Dartanian was busy reading his Farm Animal book while Kanani worked on her worksheets.

Working on the cusienaire rods worksheets together.

Working on her MATH U SEE worksheet and time worksheet.

Made a letter G for goat, read the book Three Billy Goats Gruff. Saw an episode of Super Why on the story of The Three Billy Goats Gruff and then made toilet paper roll goats. Kanani wanted them to have a little sister so we made a pink one. Got the idea from of the toilet paper roll goats from Crafty Crafted.

I have this great box full of cards of different bible lessons. It's from "The Beginners Bible". One of the cards was on GOATS. Explained different things goats were used for in the bible days and how we still used them.

While reading the book "Old MacDonald had a Farm by Holly Berry" we sang the song Old McDonald and held the puppets when we sang about them.

Working on her letter Gg by writing in the gel packet I made using gel and food coloring, great sensory project.

Cut out the animal matching cards that came with curriculum mixed them and then had her match the babies with the adults. Afterwards we played a rhyming game with the pictures.

Scrambled all the pictures and placed the letters on the mat for Kanani to place each picture under the correct letter. There were 12 letters in total and she did a great job identifying them.

She made a small farm to go with our unit.

Reenacted the story of the Three Billy Goats Gruff.

Gg is for GOOGLES and sunGLASSES, how cute is my little man.

Life cycle of the goat: Kid (baby goat) to Yearling (1 year old) to Goat (full grown by two to three years old).

Watched the Leap Frog movie "Phonics Farm", talked about all the letters of the alphabet their sounds and had an animal to represent each letter.

Kanani got a chance to go with her dad to Hubb's Corn Maze with her homeschool co-op group. Unfortunately little man and me couldn't make it to this one since he was suffering from a double ear infection. At least her daddy was able to get off and take her on her trip. She was very excited to see the goats and see them have fun in their own playground.

Went to our local farm Gillis Hill Farm and got to feed and pet some of their beautiful goats.

Goats are always so willing to let the kids give them a rub. Love how the one on the bottom right picture stood there looking at us while we were leaving as if it was sad we had to go.
cabra (goat)
"For God so loved the world that He gave His one and only Son, that whoever believes in Him shall not perish but have eternal life."
~John 3:16~
By: Robert Clairmont
"When did the world begin and how?"
I asked a lamb, a goat, a cow:
"What's it all about and why?"
I asked a hog as he went by:
"Where will the whole thing end, and when?"
I asked a duck, a goose, and a hen:
And I copied all the answers too,
A quack, a honk, an oink, a moo.
Bach: Brandenburg Concert no. 3 in G (III. Allegro)
Anything that deals with animals is always our favorite subject, especially when it comes to farm animals. Wish we were living on a farm ourselves, maybe one day that will happen. Had a great time going to visit a local farm and enjoying some homemade ice cream while there. In this unit we didn't do as many arts and crafts since we were enjoying our time outdoors, what better way to learn than learn from our surroundings. :)
Hope you enjoy our goat unit.
Letter I
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Letter W
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Letter O
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Letter U
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Letter T
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Letter N
Letter A
Letter L
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Curriculum Organization
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