MFW: Unit 6 Turtle
Some of our treasures for Letter Tt unit.

Here are some of the books we read for this unit.
Practicing writing the letter Tt and the number 6.
Working with her cuisenaire rods and of course little man wanted to be part of the fun.
Kanani identifying the pictures for the letter Tt while Dartanian plays with the tambourine we made out of paper plates.
Working on our blend ladder , which to my surprise she really took it quite fast. I was so proud of how excited she was.

While Kanani and me worked on her blend ladder Dartanian wanted in on the action. I made a game for him, first just gave him the can with the letters in it. He would take them out and place them back in. Once I noticed he got tired of doing that I gave him an ice cube tray where he placed the letters in each slot; then would dump them out and do it all over again. In the bottom left picture he was clapping and saying "I did it", he was so excited to by doing this activity on his own. Anything to keep him busy while Kanani and me do school work.

Kanani worked on her handing writing and identifying more pictures that start with the letter Tt.

She worked on her math worksheet that was part of the unit and now we are working on letter name concentration.

In this unit we started working on blend ladder, it has helped Kanani with writing words and being able to distinguish the sounds of each letter in the words. It's been so much joy to see how she has enjoyed this.

We continued on working on hundred units (Lesson 10 in Math U See), she actually did this lesson last week but I felt she didn't quite understand so we repeated the lesson. This time around she understood everything.

We have completed lesson 10 and have started lesson 11 which is where we start Unit Bars. The upper two pictures to the left Kanani is watching the video explaining what the lesson will be about. She does this before every lesson.

Found this balance at a yard sale, we were so excited. Kanani quickly wanted to weigh her stuff animals and various items around the house. The start of many different lessons to come.

After reading "Yertle the Turtle by Dr. Seuss", we played a game with some turtle shapes I cut out and had numbered. She stacked them on top of each other just like in the story. Once she did that we mixed the turtles and then she placed them in order. It was such a cute story and a lesson on how we should treat others and love ourselves for who we are, never compare yourself with others.

To go with the Tt unit we went back to reviewing on telling TIME. She has really enjoyed learning to tell time ever since we bought her a watch.
I started to make these puppet like things for each unit using the badge outlines that came with the curriculum. On the back I wrote the memory versus that she is suppose to remember. Placed them in a tin can and wrote the letters on the can. She quickly loved playing with the puppets and telling me what the versus was for each lesson. It's going to be fun to continue to make them for the other units to come.

We made a sun catcher of a turtle using contact paper to hold the tissue paper. Love how cute it came out.

Kanani painted the paper plate blue after we read the story "Yertle the Turtle", just love the color.

This girl loves painting so of course we had to get this cute little turtle for her to paint with our Turtle unit. Once it's completely dry we will hang it on the window.

Of course once Dartanian saw Kanani painting he wanted to paint too. Love watching him paint and seeing the big smile on his face.
We grabbed several puzzles that started with the letter Tt.

I made two sections one for the Turtles/Tortoise and the other Sea Turtles, then placed a basket full of different types of turtles for Kanani to separate. She would look at each one and then separate them in the correct one .

Started working in teaching Kanani our last name. It's been tough since it's so long. So we are starting to identify the letters first and then I will divide it by sections. This is how she learned her first and middle name.

After reading the book "The Tortoise and the Hare by Janet Stevens", we went outside and played a racing game. First she would ride her bike fast and I would time it, then slow and I would time again. Kanani really enjoyed this game.
Fast: 9 seconds and then 7 seconds
Slow: 17 seconds and then 14 seconds
I recorded 4 laps but she wanted to continue to play afterwards.

Lace and Trace activity

Life cycle figurines make the lessons come to life and more enjoyable.
I printed out a copy of the life cycle of a sea turtle to go with our turtle unit. Got these from Suzie's home education ideas, link is below:
We studied the inside of turtles and looked at different pictures of turtles. Read the books "Great Pets Turtles by Johannah Haney and Turtles and Tortoises by Renee C. Rebman".
I made a lapbook where we did a diagram of Tortoises and Sea Turtles. At first the diagram was supposed to be for Turtles and Tortoise but there was too much similarity between the two so I made it between Sea Turtles instead of just Turtles and Tortoises. I got the diagram from Suzie's home education ideas, link is below.
Went to one of our lovely parks in our area to go to their Nature Center to see their beautiful turtles, but first we played in the park.
Here is some turtle shells the Nature Center had displayed on one of their walls. It was so neat to see the inside of the turtle's shell.
The kids really enjoyed looking at some of the Eastern Box Turtles, they are just like the ones that show up sometimes in our backyard.
Here is another Eastern Box Turtle and a Spotted Turtle.
It's hard to see but there's an Eastern Mud Turtle.
The Snapping Turtle is always so cool.
The nature center has a cute little man made pond with some Eastern Painted Turtles and Yellow Belly Sliders.
la tortuga (turtle)
Let us not become weary in doing good, for at the proper time we will reap a harvest if we do not give up.
~Galatians 6:9~
By: Vachel Lindsay
There was a little turtle.
He lived in a box.
He swam in a puddle.
He climbed on the rocks.
He snapped at a mosquito.
He snapped at a flea.
He snapped at a minnow.
And he snapped at me.
He caught the mosquito.
He caught the flea.
He caught the minnow.
But he didn't catch me.
Hope you enjoy our turtle unit.
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Letter L
Letter M
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Creation Unit and Unit 1: Sun
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Curriculum Organization
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