Our treasures for the letter Ww
Some of the books we used for our water unit

Practicing some handwriting, sound identification, and reading.

Working on her cusienaire rods worksheets, writing, word identification, reading, and drawing.

Counting to number 10 and doing some adding.

Making some umbrellas out of coffee filters. Little man really enjoyed spraying the filter with water and me. Kanani always enjoys this craft.

Love how vibrant the colors came out, they look great on our window.

After reading this cute book about "Rainbow Fish Discovers the Deep Sea by Marcus Pfister", I drew a fish and had Kanani fish coloring it and gluing some glitter on it. Came out so pretty.

Once we finished reading these two books about ducks we did an experiment about how their feathers have a protective oil on them. I cut out two feathers out of construction paper. I had Kanani spray one feather with water, which soaked up the water. The other feather I covered in vegetable oil. After which Kanani sprayed the feather and saw that the water rolled off the feather. This was a great demonstration to show Kanani how real feathers have oil on them which makes it waterproof. This protects the ducks from the cold water they swim in.

No water unit would be complete without playing in the water table and enjoying some water fun.

I put together several objects for Kanani to first separate into two sections: FLOAT & SINK. She divided them to what she believed the object would do. Most of them came out like she thought they would. Then they enjoyed playing with all the objects in the water.

I got this idea from First Grade Wow. Copied a version of hers and had Kanani think of different ways we use water. Wrote down 6 different things she told me for what we use water for, then she drew a picture of each one. Afterwards we read the book "Water Everywhere", which helped for us to understand the different uses for water.

One of Kanani's favorite experiment is the RAIN Experiment. All it takes is a clear container, shaving, water with food coloring, and a dropper. This time her grandmother was visiting so Kanani wanted to show her how the experiment works. They were both very excited with the results. Best part was how Kanani explained everything in details to her abuela about the water cycle while doing the experiment.

Drew a water cycle for Kanani and brought out our water cycle poster. She sat down and explained the water cycle to me in great detail.

Discussed the 3 forms of water: LIQUID, GAS, & SOLID. Did an experiment for each one. For liquid we poured water into 4 different containers to show that water takes the form of whatever its in. Placed a rock in each one to show her that a rock can't change shape due to it being a solid. Then we boiled some water and she placed her hands over the pot (of course under my supervision), to feel the vapors. We had froze some water the night before to see water in a solid.

After discussing LIQUID, GAS, and SOLID I made a chart with 3 sections. Asked her to give me some examples for each section. She asked me if I could draw some and then she would color it in. In the gas section she wanted me to also draw someone with natural She's definitely her father's daughter, he had a kick out of her answer and the conclusion she came up with. Love the innocent minds of children.

Here is our LIQUID experiment, set up 4 containers with water to show how water takes the form of the object it is in.

We placed an ice tray (pumpkin shape) in the freezer over night. The next day I dumped the pumpkin shape ice into a plastic container so Kanani could see how water becomes solid. Then she observed how the sun would melt the ice back into a liquid.

We placed three leaves into three different containers with different colored water. To show how water travels in leaves. For some reason only the red one showed. Pretty interesting to observe the water as it travels through the leaf.

Got this idea from Learn Play Imagine, she's got more great ideas on her post. Drew a line to see how the water would evaporate or reduce each day. One left open and the other closed. Kanani noticed how the one with the lid showed sign of evaporation.

Set up this little station for Kanani to observe rain clouds and raindrops. Got this idea from Teach Preschool. Put water into one container, cotton balls into another, and left the third one empty. Had her dip the cotton balls into water to represent rain going into clouds. Then she squeezed the cotton balls that were filled with water into the empty container. Once she squeezed the water out the cotton balls it turned almost white again. We really neat experiment.
Watched a video from Brain Pop about water and some videos from the Magic School Bus on weather and the water cycle.
agua (water)
(Jesus said)..."If anyone is thirsty, let him come to me and drink. Whoever believes in me...streams of living water will flow from within him." By this he meant the Spirit, whom those who believed in him were later to receive...
~John 7:37-39~
By: Robert Louis Stevenson
The rain is raining all around,
It falls on field and tree,
It rains on the umbrella here,
And on the ships at sea.
Handel: Water Music (Lentement)
We had studied the water cycle before but this time around we actually went into more details. Kanani actually remembered the all the water cycle stages. She would explain the cycle to her grandparents and dad each chance she got. I was so proud in knowing that she remembered our previous lesson. Hope you have fun with this water unit as much as we have.
Letter O
Unit 9: Octopus
Letter D
Unit 8: Dinosaur
Letter U
Unit 7: Us
Letter T
Unit 6: Turtle
Letter N
Classical Music Composers
Say Hello to Classical Music
Curriculum Organization
agua (water)
(Jesus said)..."If anyone is thirsty, let him come to me and drink. Whoever believes in me...streams of living water will flow from within him." By this he meant the Spirit, whom those who believed in him were later to receive...
~John 7:37-39~
By: Robert Louis Stevenson
The rain is raining all around,
It falls on field and tree,
It rains on the umbrella here,
And on the ships at sea.
Handel: Water Music (Lentement)
We had studied the water cycle before but this time around we actually went into more details. Kanani actually remembered the all the water cycle stages. She would explain the cycle to her grandparents and dad each chance she got. I was so proud in knowing that she remembered our previous lesson. Hope you have fun with this water unit as much as we have.
Letter O
Unit 9: Octopus
Letter D
Unit 8: Dinosaur
Letter U
Unit 7: Us
Letter T
Unit 6: Turtle
Letter N
Letter A
Letter L
Letter M
Creation Unit and Letter S
Creation Unit and Unit 1: Sun Classical Music Composers
Say Hello to Classical Music
Curriculum Organization