A sensory bin I put together for Kanani to enjoy.

Some of the books we used for this unit, most of which we actually own. We love everything dealing with the Solar System.

Working on cvc words and learning to distinguish long sounds and short sounds.

Working on her reading

Poster I purchased at Dollar Tree

Here is a closer look at some of our maps on our Geography wall. We took a close look at our beautiful planet Earth.

Adding and Subtracting number that equal 10.

Bought this cute sun catcher at Dollar Tree, the girls painted them and then Kanani hung hers on the window.

Printed out this planet worksheet from The Crafting Chicks website. They colored it in then cut them out and glued them to black poster board. We have ours hanging on some hooks on the fireplace.

Found this cute little worksheets on Twisty Noodle, after she colored in the planets she stapled them together to form a book.
Found an activity book at Dollar Tree on Space, it has a lot of different activities in it which Kanani has really enjoyed.
Kanani took out her pattern activity kit, I love it when she picks activities to do on her own.
We made Galaxy Slime with our friend who was over for a playdate. This was our first time making some and it came out great. Got the idea from The Kindergarten Smorgas Board blog.
Clear Elmer's Glue (4oz)
1/4 cup of Liquid Starch
Water Colors (blue, silver, yellow, and red)
The girls poured the entire bottle of glue in a bowl then mix in the watercolors. They stirred it until it reached the color they wanted. Then they added all the glitter they wanted, which was a lot of glitter. Stirred it together and then added some liquid starch slowly while mixing together. We only needed 1/4 cup to reach the way we wanted the slime to be.
Froze some baking soda that I had mixed with water and food coloring for several days. Once we got a chance I brought them out and handed her a bottle with vinegar in it. Love how quickly they start to fizz the colors are so pretty.
Once Kanani saw the sensory bin she dove right in and began to play. She picked out all the planets and matched them with the card they came with.
Used a couple of different items to show the solar system. Top right picture is a solar system we made a couple of years ago, top left I ordered this set on ebay, and the bottom picture I bought at the Dollar Tree.
While Kanani was painting Dartanian was having fun with the interacting globe.
Observing her solar system cards and lithograph sets.
We had a busy day today so we decided to do floor puzzles, one was the World Map and the other the United State. As we completed each one we would talk about what we saw on the puzzle and talk the places we want to visit some day. Such a great quiet time activity to do with the kids.
Little Einsteins has a cute show on planets and we borrowed a cute movie by the Cat in the Hat.
Sistema solar (solar system)
The heavens are telling of the glory of God; and their expanse is declaring the work of His hands.
~Psalm 19:1
By: Carrie Richards
There is stillness in this chilly night
How peaceful is a planet that glimmers white
Where frost and moonlight weave a silver glaze
And sillhouetted trees are black as ink
Where the only sign of life are whiffs of breath
Let me stand and drink upon the sky,
Then rest my eyes upon the glory of the world
Upon these strange and unfamiliar hills
I sense a night's aurora soothe my soul
Winter has buried our world in alabaster white
Familiar landmarks wear a cloak of new disguise
Yet still the same are scattered thorny lights
Splattered wildly in the blackness of a sky
Winter has polished up the stars against the dark
Brilliant, new, until their points are thistle sharp
How peaceful is a planet so glimmering white
To stand in voiceless wonder and gaze
Do not speak, the crystal world would shatter
Too fragile to bear the weight of words
Planets by Gustav Holst
Kanani has always enjoyed all things dealing with the solar system. She is always asking about the different planets. It's so amazing to know that God has created our solar system. I'm in ah with such beauty. It's truly a work of art, thank you God for giving us such beauty for us to enjoy. We have about 4 different solar system figures if not more. Lots of books on the solar system. Next week we will be learning more on the constellations. I'll be posting about that at the end of next week.