MFW: RtR (5th Grade) and AHL (9th Grade) Week 21
This week we will read about Hosea, Archaic Greece, Hezekiah, Rameses the great, a warrior state, the third intermediate period, becoming like Christ, and the Iliad. Also read about pilgrimages, the Crusades, Saladin, Richard the Lion Hearted, El Cid, King John, Magna Carta, Robin Hood, William Tell, Jerusalem, and the planets.
Few of the books we used this week.
Jonah 1:1-16
2 Kings 14:25
Acts 10:34-35
Isaiah 44:14-17
Joshua 1:6
Habakkuk 1:15-16
John 3:16
Mark 16:15-16
1 Timothy 2:4
Jonah 2:9
1 Corinthians 13:3b
2 John 1:6
Galatians 5:14
Kids worked on reading, spelling, writing, reports, Greek, and Spanish.
Worked on addition, subtraction, multiplication, division, fractions, decimals, and skip counting.
Read about the lost sheep, the lost coin, the prodigal son, Bernard of Clairvaux, Elizabeth of Hungary, Martin Luther's list, pilgrimage, the crusades, Akhenaten and the Nefertiti the beautiful, and King Tutankhamen. Also read about God's love for the nations, Amos, what matters most, the revival of trade, European society, Muslims, Magna Carta, a new king of king, John Lackland, Robin Hood, Jerusalem, El Cid, the lost son, and the shrewd manager.
Learned about what Astronomy is, the night sky, navigation, stars and planets, clocks, calendars, and seasons. Our solar system, astronomers, astronauts, satellites, microbiology, Endosymbiotic theory, and Archaea.
They have gotten so much better, so proud with how far they have gotten.
Read about the lost sheep, the lost coin, the prodigal son, Bernard of Clairvaux, Elizabeth of Hungary, Martin Luther's list, pilgrimage, the crusades, Akhenaten and the Nefertiti the beautiful, and King Tutankhamen. Also read about God's love for the nations, Amos, what matters most, the revival of trade, European society, Muslims, Magna Carta, a new king of king, John Lackland, Robin Hood, Jerusalem, El Cid, the lost son, and the shrewd manager. Learned about what Astronomy is, the night sky, navigation, stars and planets, clocks, calendars, and seasons. Our solar system, astronomers, astronauts, satellites, microbiology, Endosymbiotic theory, and Archaea. Enjoyed our week, learned a lot, and now unto next week to see what adventures are in store for us.
MFW: RtR (5th Grade) and AHL (9th Grade) Week 3
MFW: RtR (5th Grade) and AHL (9th Grade) Week 4
MFW: RtR (5th Grade) and AHL (9th Grade) Week 5
MFW: RtR (5th Grade) and AHL (9th Grade) Week 6
MFW: RtR (5th Grade) and AHL (9th Grade) Week 7
MFW: RtR (5th Grade) and AHL (9th Grade) Week 8
MFW: RtR (5th Grade) and AHL (9th Grade) Week 9
MFW: RtR (5th Grade) and AHL (9th Grade) Week 10
MFW: RtR (5th Grade) and AHL (9th Grade) Week 11
MFW: RtR (5th Grade) and AHL (9th Grade) Week 12
MFW: RtR (5th Grade) and AHL (9th Grade) Week 17
MFW: RtR (5th Grade) and AHL (9th Grade) Week 18
MFW: RtR (5th Grade) and AHL (9th Grade) Week 19
MFW: RtR (5th Grade) and AHL (9th Grade) Week 20