Saturday, December 12, 2020

MFW: RtR and Learning Gods Story Week 20


This week we will learn about the books of Micah, Nahum, Habakkuk, and Zephaniah.  Discuss the Burning Bush, God's Promises to Free Israel, the Ten Plagues, Passover and Leaving Egypt, Living in a castle, knights, soldiers, war, the Age of Chivalry, art in the Middle Ages, Monks and Monasteries, building a cathedral, and the power of the Popes.  Also learn more about water, hormones, genes, babies, growing and changing.


Few of the books we used this week.


Memory Verse:  Trust in the Lord with all your heart and lean not on your own understandings;
~Proverbs 3:5

~Exodus 3:1-12, 4:1-17, 5:1-2

~Exodus 5:23-6:8

~Psalm 105:26-38

~Exodus 12:21-41

~1 Corinthians 13:7-8a

~Luke 13:1-21

~Luke 13:22-35

~Luke 14:1-24

~Luke 14:25-35

The Burning Bush, Locust Plague, and The Exodus Fleeing Egypt Bible Reader Cards.

Handwriting practice their memory verse.


Latin words: FIGO, FIXUM (fix, fasten, attach) and CUM (with, together).

Parts of a letter and learning about root words and their definitions.

Reading, reviewing proper nouns and proofreading a letter.

More reading and learning the hydra and hydro words mean.

Fun reading and working on the Burning Bush worksheet.

K reading about the Burning Bush and the Ten Plagues.

Practice reading and review worksheet.

Ten Plagues Worksheet and reading practice.

Completing sentences, reviewing aw, u, oe, and oo sound, and more reading.  


100 chart, calendar, weather, and number of the day (77-80).

Word problems and conversion.

Finding the volume of each solid, multiplying decimals.

Multiplying decimals and more on conversions.

Lots of review work this week.

This week we reached day 80 of school.

Shape, color recognition, counting, and adding.

Review work 

Adding worksheets 

Double digit addition


D was suppose to add a brown strip from last week (which we didn't do, but will be doing next week), and end at 1446 BC to indicate the Exodus.


Stone Castles and living in a Castle.

Started building our Castle this week. 

Knights and Samurai, Age of Chivalry, Knights, Soldiers, War, and the Coat of Arms.

Building a Cathedral, The Medieval Church, Art in the Middle Ages, and Monasticism. 

Monks and Monasteries, the Power of the Popes, the Holy Roman Empire, Feudalism, and Francis of Assisi.

Bible Stories: A baby in the reeds, Moses stands on holy ground, plagues strike at Egypt, death passes over God's people, and the journey to the promised land.  

Completed the castle, the kids have really enjoyed playing with it.  They even added some dragons :) to their castle (not pictured).

Reviewing the 10 plagues.

1.  Water to Blood 
2.  Frogs 
3.  Gnats or Lice

4.  Flies
5.  Animals die 
6.  Boils

7.  Hail
8.  Locusts
9.  Darkness
10. Firstborn boys die


Learning about Hormones and Genes. 

Read about babies, growing and changing, growing and moving, and becoming an adult. 

How you were born and finished "The Wonderful Way Babies are Made".

Learned more about our genes 

Coin Toss Experiment

Sink and Float Experiment 

Pushed the balloon in the water to feel the pressure of resistance and then made a ball and bowl shape out of clay to see which one would float. 


Lesson 116: Drawing Drapery 

Lesson 137: Telling the Story of St. Francis of Assisi

Studied the Painting "Lady with an Ermine by Leonardo da Vinci".

Drawing for their Stain Glass Window.

Rubbing vegetable oil on the back of their drawings.

Once the pictures dried we taped them to the window.

A few of the our Christmas stained window I did last year.


Listened to Serenade No. 6 in D major "Serenata notturna".

While listening to Peter and the Wolf D matched the instruments to the correct character.

This week we learned about Pearl Harbor.

Watched a clip on Feudalism.


No trips this week but we finally got our Christmas pajamas in.  The shirt says "One Wild Year", which goes perfect for this year.  


This week we learned about the books of Micah, Nahum, Habakkuk, and Zephaniah.  Discussed the Burning Bush, God's Promises to Free Israel, the Ten Plagues, Passover and Leaving Egypt, Living in a castle, knights, soldiers, war, the Age of Chivalry, art in the Middle Ages, Monks and Monasteries, building a cathedral, and the power of the Popes.  Also learned more about water, hormones, genes, babies, growing and changing.

MFW: RtR and Learning Gods Story Week 1

MFW: RtR and Learning Gods Story Week 6

MFW: RtR and Learning Gods Story Week 7

MFW: RtR and Learning Gods Story Week 19