Saturday, August 22, 2020

MFW: RtR and Learning Gods Story Week 7


This week we will learn all about the birth of John, birth of Jesus, Shepherds, Simeon and Anna, Elizabeth, and the Wise Men.  Also read about the Pax Romana, Roman Empire, Caesar Augustus, Aristotle, Tristian, Strabo and the World, Plato, Socrates, and much more.  Will learn all about our ears and parts of our ear, the Four Seasons, and the Equator.


Few of the great books we used this week.


Memory Verse: He who gathers crops in summer is a wise son...
~Proverbs 10:5

For all have sinned and fall short of the glory of God.
~Romans 3:23

~Romans 5:8, 8:28

~Luke 1:1-25, 26-80, 2:1-38

~Matthew 2:1-12

Then make me truly happy by agreeing wholeheartedly with each other, loving one another, and working together with one heart and purpose.
~Proverbs 2:2

Rejoice.  Change your ways.  Encourage each other.  Live in harmony and peace.  Then the God of love and peace will be with you. 
~2 Corinthians 13:11b

Always be joyful.
~1 Thessalonians 5:16

Pulled out a few of our Bible Readers that went great with our studies.  


Latin words this week:  MILLE (thousand) and ANNUS (year).

Working on adjectives and synonym words.

Synonym Crossword and adjectives worksheets.

Adverbs and Antonym crossword worksheets.  

Working on handwriting, memorizing a new Memory verse, learning the long i sound, and writing page 3 of his book.

Long o worksheet, square card, and working on page 4 of his book.  

Long o worksheets


Number of the day (25-28), 100 Chart, calendar, and weather chart.

Adding, multiplying, and writing decimals.

Writing and multiplying decimals.

Writing and multiplying decimals

Discovering +3 and +4.

Discovering +5 and +6.

Discovering +7 and addition worksheet 

Ginger Giraffe 

Harry Horse 


K added Jesus is Born 5 B.C. to her timeline.


Reviewed on the birth of Jesus, Elizabeth naming her son John, and Mary and the Angel.

Read about The Angel and the Priest, Simeon and Anna blessing Jesus, the visit of the Magi, and the Shepherds and the Angels.

Learned about Philosophy, Aristotle, Pythagoras, Socrates, and Pluto.

Learned more about Tiberius and Strabo and the world.

Learned all about the Pax Romana, Tiberius, Julius Caesar, Augustus, Marcus Aurelius, and Caligula. 

Read more on the Foundation of Christianity and Life in the Roman Empire.


Brought out our "The Human Body" placemat for the kids to get a better look of our five senses.  Went to 2nd and Charles and found the last book we needed to complete our set, I was so excited to finally have it, perfect addition for our studies this year.

Studied all about our sense of Hearing: EAR

Added our Ear diagram to our Five Senses Board.

Printed out these cute ears (
Listening Ears), for little man to color while his sister worked on her diagram of the ear.

Placed several items into a few of our plastic eggs for the kids to try to identify what was in each one using their sense of hearing.

D listened to the items in the bottle and used his magnetic wand to move the items up and down the bottle.  

Learning all about frequency and decimals.

Did an experiment for the kids to feel how sound moves to their ear while listening to The Best of Haydn.

Testing their balance with the spinning stool.  

D learned all about "The Four Seasons" and the "Equator".  I printed out a Four Seasons Wheel for little man to have as a reference, got this idea from Teachers Pay Teachers website.

Added this worksheet for him to divide the items into their right season, I can't seem to remember what website I got this from.


Lesson: 133 Books and Bibles

Lesson 134: Drawing Cubes

Abstract Art and his own picture of Infinity Gauntlet Blob.

Abstract Design 


Watched a video on the Pax Romana on our Brain Pop app.

Listened to "The Best of Haydn": #6 I. Adagio cantabile, #7 II. Andante, #8 III. Menuetto: Allegro molto, and #9 IV. Finale: Allegro molto.

Practicing changing notes this week to prepare themselves for the new song they will start next week.

Started doing the "Pledge of Allegiance" again this week, kids love saying it every time they see the American Flag.


Blessed to be living this life with my family, God truly has blessed me with all of them.  

This week we went for several walks around the neighborhood and observed and listened to everything around us.  Kids had fun hearing and seeing all the planes and helicopters that fly over our house (we live close to an airport), D enjoyed identifying everything he heard.  Had a water gun fight, we snuck up on the kids and started wetting them, it was awesome to see their big smiles.  It was so fun and great memory, kids couldn't stop talking about.   Love making memories with them.  

The weather was amazing this week and  we spent a lot of time outside together

Zeus is always close by, he's our little shadow.

Zeus and Larry Boy sunbathing together.


This week we learned all about the birth of John, birth of Jesus, Shepherds, Simeon and Anna, Elizabeth, and the Wise Men.  Also read about the Pax Romana, Roman Empire, Caesar Augustus, Aristotle, Tristian, Strabo and the World, Plato, Socrates, and much more.  Learned all about our ears and parts of our ear, the Four Seasons, and the Equator.  It has been a full week of learning, looking forward to what is in store for us next week.

MFW: RtR and Learning Gods Story Week 1

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