Friday, August 14, 2020

MFW: RtR and Learning Gods Story Week 6


In for a fun week of learning more about the Romans, how great of an architect and engineer they were, Golden Eagles coming home, Persia, how the weeks were named, Herod and the temple, Hillel (the Great Pharisee), the Law of Moses, Roman Pharaoh, Akhenaton, and Philo and the Lighthouse.  Learn more on arches, aqueducts, trees, leaves, bees, and review our five senses.  Going to be a busy week but looking forward to all the fun activities.  


Books we used this week, doesn't include the ones we use online every week, just the ones we have on hand.  


Memory Verse: Pleasant words are a honeycomb, sweet to the soul and healing to the bones.
~Proverbs 16:24

For all have sinned and fall short of the glory of God.
~Romans 3:23

While we were still sinners, Christ died for us.
~Romans 5:8

And we know that in all things God works for the good of those who love him, who have been called according to his purpose.
~Romans 8:28

~Mark 1:1-4, 14:65

~Matthew 2:1, 13-15

~Hebrews 7:14

~Matthew 1:18-23, 11:2-5

~Luke 1:30-33, 19:45-48, 24:20, 38-39

~Acts 26:22-23, 2:24-27

~John 12:12-15, 19:32-36

~Isaiah 53

~1 Corinthians 5:7 

Stop judging others, and you will not be judged.  Stop criticizing others, or it will all come back on you.  If you forgive others, you will be forgiven.
~Luke 6:37

Do for others what you would like them to do for you.
~Matthew 7:12a

Whenever we have the opportunity, we should do good to everyone, especially to our Christian brothers and sisters.
~Galatians 6:10

One of the activities in the TM was to have two spoons one full of honey and one full of distasteful kitchen scraps.  Instead of scrapes I had him choose between honey or frog food.  Of course he chose honey and then ate some Mine Bear Grahams.


Latin word this week: CENTUM (hundred)

Working on analogy words, subject-verb agreement, and lots of reading this week.

More on analogy words and subject verbs.

Review on common nouns, proper nouns, regular plurals, and irregular plurals.

Worksheets on past, present, and future verbs.

Learned the long a, handwriting practice, and lots of reading.

Lots of handwriting practice and reviewing the long a.

Reviewed long a and started working on long e, he completed page 3 of his booklet.

Long a and e cards


Number of the day, calendar and weather chart, and 100 chart (21-24).

Decimal and fraction addition and subtraction.

Writing decimals and multiplying decimals.

Decimal work 

Working on attribute shapes

Skip counting, filling in the missing number, and number recognition.

Skip counting by 2, reviewing his shapes, and number recognition.

Learned some geometric shapes and matched the blocks with the proper card.

In the TM we did the problem solving activity with the pattern blocks.  He did so well in this activity and very quickly.

Made these cards for him to match the pattern blocks to them and also match the names to the correct shape.

Skip counting by 2s and 5, and reviewing the shape circle.

Ernie Elephant and Freida Fish


None this week


Practiced her memory verse and wrote it several times to help her memorize it.  Learned about how the days of the week were named, and about the prophecies of Jesus' birth.

Read about Mars, naming the days of the week, Jupiter, and Roman prisoners.  

While reading about arches I made a copy of the page in the TM book for the kids to color.  

More reading on Herod and Hillel (the Great Pharisee).

Studied the Law of Moses and more on Augustus Caesar.

Learned more on how amazing architects the Romans were, about their trade and transports, and their feeding empire.

Read more on the Mighty Roman Empire and went reviewed some of the people and things we have studied using our little cards.  Which I printed from

Read more on the New Testament, Jesus' Early years, and dating of the New Testament. 

She colored her worksheet while I read in the Augustus Caesar book.  

While reading about Roman Aqueducts she colored in her worksheet.

Ordered "DK Pocket Genius: Ancient Rome" on Amazon and it's the perfect addition to our curriculum.  It has everything we have and will be learning this year.  The kids opened it and started looking through it and quickly started pointing out several items that we have already gone through and learned.  It's great seeing them so excited to show me everything they have learned.


Talked more about trees, canopy, observing the different sizes of trees, and trying to identify them.

Went over our lapbook on trees, reviewed the trees life cycle, and the layers of a tree trunk.

Observed our leaf collection, which we will have to redo since this set is very old and is starting to fall apart, then went outside to see which leaves we could identify. 

D reviewed the five senses and then completed his little booklet.

Brought out our Honeybee board (K made it for her presentation for 4H) so D could look at it and study everything about them.  Their life cycle, parts of a bee, form of communication, and how they help the environment.  

Made these compound eyes awhile ago to go with our honeybee study.  Bees see things like mosaic art and in pixels, one of the kids favorite thing to play with.  

Made an arch with our Mengatiles, great way to show the kids the construction of one.

After building the arch the kids then built their own bridges.

She loved building arches with their Magnatiles.

Made a bridge using index cards, books to represent the hill, and coins to represent people.  First the kids laid a flat index card in between the books, the kids then placed as many coins as possible on the card till it gave way.  Afterwards placed another index card under the first one creating an arch under it.  It was a great demonstration showing how much support the arch gives the bridge.  

We made a aqueduct to go with our lesson and get a better feel of how it works.  Romans were awesome engineers.  The word aqueduct comes from Latin and means bringer of water.  Kids really enjoyed playing with their aqueduct, hoping we can make one that will last longer then this one.  

After learning about aqueducts K went and built her version using their foam blocks.  


Lesson 107: Drawing Arches

Lesson 132: Boxes and Paper Bags

Mirror Imaging 
Duplication Warm-Up 


Watched some videos on arches and Pax Romana on our Brain Pop app.

Went on YouTube and watched some videos on Roman Arch and Roman Engineering to go with our studies.

Listened to "The Best of Haydn: #4 String Quartet in Major, Emperor and #5 String Quartet in B-flat Major, op. 1 no. 1".


We didn't go anywhere this week but had fun creating different things with our blocks and tiles.  Love out time together as a family.

After reading this week about arches the kids now want to build everything with them.  They love the way it looks and creating new ways to use arches in their designs.

Went online to find different ways for her to build using their Magnatiles, she quickly had to build a dinosaur (Stegosaurus).  

Domino effect with the Magnatiles.


This was a fun week of learning more about the Romans, how great of an architect and engineer they were, Golden Eagles coming home, Persia, how the weeks were named, Herod and the temple, Hillel (the Great Pharisee), the Law of Moses, Roman Pharaoh, Akhenaton, and Philo and the Lighthouse.  Learned more on arches, aqueducts, trees, leaves, bees, and reviewed our five senses.  Kids really enjoyed all the activities this week, love seeing them absorb all the new things we are learning.  Looking forward to what is in store for us next week.  

MFW: RtR and Learning Gods Story Week 1

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