2 Corinthians 5:17
~Therefore, if anyone is in Christ, he is a new creation. The old has passed away; behold, the new has come.
Romans 12: 2
~Do not be conformed to this world, but be transformed by the renewal of your mind, that by testing you may discern what is the will of God, what is good and acceptable and perfect.
We must let go of the past and let God be in charge of our present and future.
Butterfly Lessons (the link I found these lessons on)
Today a caterpillar - tomorrow a butterfly. Don't lose hope because you never know what tomorrow will bring.
When you feel that you're about to fail, it might actually be that you're about to fly.
The struggle you are in today is developing the strength you need for tomorrow. Don't give up.
Like a butterfly evolving, we must love each stage we pass through.
We were so excited to open the mail box and find our Caterpillars. Waited for so long for the weather to be just right to get our garden started.
Pulled out our butterfly figures for her to observe and the butterfly life cycle.
Here are our cute caterpillars

Can't believe how fast they have already grown
So much silk from the caterpillars in the cup
They are starting to prepare themselves for the chrysalis stage
DAY 10
Some have already started working on their chrysalis
DAY 11
All in their chrysalis
DAY 13
Today was transfer day from the cup to the enclosure
DAY 15
Here is a closer look at them in the enclosure, they seem a bit bigger
DAY 19
Today when we woke up and saw two of our butterflies had emerged out of their chrysalis's.
First there were two that had emerged, it was so exciting and the best way to start off the month of April.
Approximately an hour and 15 minutes later another butterfly had emerged.
We stepped out for a couple of minutes and when we came back there was another butterfly that had emerged. Now we have one more left to emerge.
The butterflies that have emerged have been pretty active drying off their wings.
Kanani and Dartanian have enjoyed every step of the butterflies life cycle.
DAY 20
Finally the fifth butterfly has emerged.
Love seeing Kanani tell her grandmother all about the butterflies life cycle. It shows how much she has learned through this experience.
Day 22
Today was release day for our beautiful butterflies. It was a bitter sweet moment, we pray for safe travels for all 5 of them.
Such a wonderful experience to be able to hold each one on our hands before they flew away. Our last goodbyes.
One of the butterflies didn't seem to want to leave. I believe it was very content sitting on the orange and drinking from it. Placed the orange on top of a top of our table outside so we could get a better look of it's long tongue. It was so neat to watch it eat up close or drink. Once it was ready to fly it flew around us several times, landed in our yard for Dartanian and Kanani to see it one last time then flew away.
Got to say this has been a wonderful experience, we have decided to buy more caterpillars to do this garden all over again. Love being able to watch the transformation every step of the way.
Here is the link to the butterfly unit we did with My Father's World: Unit 21: Butterfly Unit