MFW: Creation and Unit 1 Sun
This is our first official year of homeschool. We are all excited and can't wait to dive right in.
Where has the time gone, can't believe we already have a kindergartener. She couldn't wait to start the new year. I pray she keeps this attitude through out the year.

This is our first official year of homeschool. We are all excited and can't wait to dive right in.
Where has the time gone, can't believe we already have a kindergartener. She couldn't wait to start the new year. I pray she keeps this attitude through out the year.

She's such a princess
I'll be explaining what our routine is and the things we have done in our Creation Unit and Unit 1: Sun.
First thing we do is sit down and do our devotion together. Afterwards we do the 100 Chart and the calendar. She keeps track of the days we have done in her 100 chart, once we reach 100 days we told her we would have a mini party and go to a place of her choice. She's already said she wants to return to the Children's museum, guess we'll see when the time comes. After she writes the date in her calendar we do the days of the week and the weather chart. Not in the picture, we also do our 100 count with popsicle sticks, which she loves to write the numbers on the stick. We store them in a tin can until we reach 10, then we would rubber band them in groups of 10 and place them in a small basket.

We only did one day for the creation unit. It was suppose to take a week but due to us having down this before we used it as a refresher lesson instead. She still did the activities and talked about it. Told us what God created each day and explained in detail what each picture represented. The top two pictures are the ones we've done in the past and the bottom two are the ones we did with this unit.
We gathered different pictures and letters Ss that we could find around the house for this particular unit. Something that we will do for each unit. Kanani loves searching for things since to her it's like looking for treasure.
Here are the books we used for this unit. Some of the books were actually on the reading list that's in the teacher manual. I didn't buy the book package that came with this curriculum, mostly because we already have so many books. Plus we have so many libraries in our area. I place a hold on the books we need for each unit at least a week in advance then just pick them up when they are ready. It's so much easier to pre-order them then to go to the library and search for them.
Kanani has her own notebook which is where we keep all her completed work. Here are some examples of the worksheets she has completed.
We are looking at the different pictures of the sun (above left pic), the badge she made for this unit (above right pic), and the bottom two pictures are her working on the cuisenaire rods pages.
Top left pic she made a sun using a paper plate some construction paper around it and tissue paper for the middle. The top right pic are the objects she picked out to place outside for the sun experiment. Bottom left pic is the results after leaving the paper for several hours outside. We found it pretty cool. Bottom right is a light house we made a couple of years ago with some wonderful friends. It so happened to have our memory versus for this unit John 8:12 on it. We made it with a cup and placed a tea light on the top.
Here we played BINGO and then she searched for the matching uppercase with lowercase letters.
We did shadow puppets, which is always a favorite around here. After reading several books on shadows she really wanted to do a shadow show. Kanani quickly went to her room and brought some of her stuff animals for the show. Little man really enjoyed it too.
Kanani has a science journal where she writes down her observations. This week we are observing the change of 8 grapes into raisins. We started a little later than we wanted due to the weather. It was raining the day we were supposed to start. Kanani placed the bowl on our table outside so it would get direct sunlight. She goes outside every day and writes down what she observes. It's probably going to take longer then this week for the grapes to change into raisins. She will continue to observe them and write them down in her science journal till the process is complete.

Here are her observations of the 8 grapes changing into raisins, they have already changed color and have reduced in size. I wonder how long it will take for them to change.
The top two pictures Kanani is putting the numbers in order from 1-20. I placed them on her table and asked her to place the numbers in order. Each week as she learns her numbers I will increase the amount. For example next week we will work up to number 40. Bottom two pictures she is using number tiles and wood sticks to do addition. I bought this on the GEEK website, it has really motivated her to want to add and subtract. We use it has a game so it doesn't seem like she is doing school work. She also acts like she is the teacher and will lay out what numbers she wants us to add or subtract, her favorite part of course.
Here Kanani is working on her Math U See (Primer) worksheets. We got this as a supplement for math for the curriculum. Wanted a little more of a challenge for her. Which she seems to enjoy so far.

We did a bean experiment or better yet started our bean experiment. Placed two beans in their separate bags between two cotton balls. One bean we hung on the window for direct sunlight and the other we placed in a darker area where the sun wouldn't hit it. Now to observe as the plant starts to grow. Another experiment for her science journal, one in which we will have to keep an eye on for several days.
She is working on some of her worksheets that come with the curriculum. All the while trying to keep little man busy playing with puzzles while we do school work.
The top two pictures she picked out several toys to draw their shadows. I would shine a flashlight on the toy at a angle and then she would trace the shadow it would make. Bottom left pic is our sun dial, at the time I took the picture it got cloudy outside. We had been keeping track of where the shadow from the pencil would be. Bottom right pic are some of her art work she wanted to hang on our mantle for everyone to see her work.
We are working on learning cursive, she thinks it's a pretty handwriting. It's not something I'm determined for her to learn this year just wanted to introduce her to it. The bottom pics are some of our Hook on Phonics worksheets we used for Pre-Kinder. Using them more as a refresher for her.
la creación (creation)
el sol (sun)
I am the light of the world. Those who follow me will never walk in darkness. They will have the light that leads to life.
~John 8:12~
By: Robert Louis Stevenson
I have a little shadow that goes in and out with me.
And what can be the use of him is more than I can see.
He is very, very like me from the heels up to the head;
And I see him jump before me, when I jump into my bed.
The funniest thing about him is the way he likes to grow.
Not at all like proper children, which is always very slow.
For he sometimes shoots up taller like an India-rubber ball.
And he sometimes gets so little that there's none of him at all.
He hasn't got a notion of how children ought to play,
And can only make a fool of me in every sort of way.
He stays so close beside me, he's a coward you can see;
I'd think shame to stick to nursie as that shadow sticks to me!
One morning, very early, before the sun was up,
I rose and found the shining dew on every butter cup;
But my lazy little shadow, like an arrant sleepyhead,
Had stayed at home behind me and was fast asleep in bed.
Tchaikovsky: Nutcracker Suite (Russian Dance)
Well here are some of our work for this week. We've had a rather eventful week full of lots of learning and fun.
Hope you enjoy!
Classical Music Composers
Say Hello to Classical Music