Friday, March 4, 2016

My Father's World: Unit 26 Yellow

MFW: Unit 26 Yellow


Our finds for the Yy unit.


We enjoyed everyone of these books for this unit.


Working on her writing, cursive, and identifying the pictures that start with the letter Yy.

Reading her little book, working on her rods worksheet, and her cut and paste worksheet.  

Finishing her blend ladder, sight words, and drawing worksheets.


Identifying her colors, counting, and graphing.

Continuing her tally mark worksheets, working on her subtraction, and addition.


Gave her two sets of yellow cupcake liners, she wanted me to do one with her.  So we completed this activity together, I love any activity I can do with her especially when she invites me to join her.

While reading the story "Brown Bear, Brown Bear, What do you see?" I had her color in the picture as we went through the book.

This activity was a mix of math, cutting practice, and color recognition.  It came out really neat, we used the pieces that was left over to make another small rainbow.  


Kanani loves to read to her pets, today she chose to read to Larry our bearded dragon.  She read him her Elmo's book and showed different painting in one of her art books.

This fell on Dr. Seuss' birthday (3/2/2016), we enjoyed several activities and even did a photo prop.

It was rather interesting trying to get Dartanian to hold the sign for a picture, needless to say he was more interested in running around with it then standing still for a picture.  Such a silly boy full of lots of energy.

Wrote out a scavenger hunt for Kanani to find different objects for 10 different colors.  She really enjoyed looking for everything and asked to please do this activity more often.

Made a game matching game for her.  One some cards I wrote out the name of some of the colors and on another card I colored it.  She would read the color and match the color with it.

Made 10 different color containers for each one we placed different objects that would represent the color.  For example: Red=crayon, ball, hair clip, toy, sticker, and an egg all with color RED.


Poured a little bit of the primary colors in her tray (red, yellow, and blue), gave instructions to mix two colors to see what colors they would make.  Before she did that I asked her to predict what two colors would make.  After finishing her picture we read several stories about mixing colors but these two were our favorites "Mouse Paint and Emile".

Red + Blue = Purple
Red + Yellow = Orange
Blue + Yellow = Green

Found this neat color puzzle at Target, we discussed the colors and how combining two different colors would make a completely different color. After we finished discussing it I took the pieces out and had her put the puzzle back together.


Watched several movies about colors that were on Netflix, Curious George one was Season 2 episode 7.


amarillo (yellow)


Give thanks to the Lord, for he is good.  His love endures forever.
~Psalm 136:1


     By:  Christina Rossetti

What is pink?  A rose is pink.
By the fountain's brink.
What is red?  A poppy's red.
In its barley bed.
What is blue?  The sky is blue.
Where the clouds float through.
What is white?  A swan is white
Sailing in the light.
What is yellow?  Pears are yellow, 
Rich and ripe and mellow.
With small flowers between.
What is violet?  Clouds are violet
In the summer twilight.
What is orange?  Why, an orange, 
Just an orange!


Ravel: Habanera

Found this beautiful picture online to go great for our Yellow Unit.

This has been a rather bitter sweet week.  I say that because this is the last unit of our MFW Kindergarten curriculum.  We have enjoyed every unit and have learned so much.  Definitely enjoyed this one a lot with all the color activities we did and just appreciating all the wonderful and beautiful things God has done for us.  Colors are all around us, we thank God we live in such a colorful world.



Unit 25: Q
Unit 25: Quail

Letter V
Unit 24: Vegetable

Letter X
Unit 23: Fox

Letter F
Unit 22: Frog

Letter B
Unit 21: Butterfly

Letter J
Unit 20: Jewel

Letter R
Unit 19: Rock

Letter Z
Unit 18: Zebra

Letter K
Unit 17: Kangaroo

Letter P
Unit 16: Penguin

Letter E
Unit 15: Elephant

Letter H
Unit: 14 Horse

Letter C
Unit 13: Cow

Letter G
Unit 12: Goat

Letter I
Unit 11: Insect

Letter W
Unit 10: Water

Letter O
Unit 9: Octopus

Letter D
Unit 8: Dinosaur

Letter U
Unit 7: Us

Letter T
Unit 6: Turtle 

Letter N
Unit 5: Nest      

Letter A

Letter L
Unit 3: Leaf      

Letter M

Creation Unit and Letter S
Creation Unit and Unit 1: Sun 

Classical Music Composers
Say Hello to Classical Music

Curriculum Organization