Some of our finds for the letter Jj.

My most precious jewels are my children. I thank God every day for allowing me to be there mother. They are a true blessing and the best honor God has bestowed upon us.

Great books we used for this unit.

Working on her cursive and handwriting.

Identifying the pictures that start with the letter J, working on her cuisenaire rod worksheet, and reading her little flip book.

Doing some sight words and drawing.

Working on her cut and paste worksheets and blend ladder.

Working on her math worksheet, it started off a bit challenging for her but once she got to the third problem it was a breeze for her.

This week we worked on subtraction and finding the unknown. Love how Math U See has challenged her to think outside the box in a very gentle way just like MFW.

Drew a crown on some poster board and had Kanani decorate it however she pleased. Once she was done I cut it out and stapled the ends and placed the crown on my princess. She did an outstanding job.
The second crown she made at her friend's birthday party which was a princess theme.

We made necklaces using our beads from our Melissa and Doug bead set. ACTIVITIES/GAMES

This week at our co-op the theme was Author Day, you come dressed up as your favorite book. Kanani had a lot of favorites but chose Ladybug Girl and Bingo. I was so proud of her for wanting to do this. Each child had to give a brief report on the book without telling to much of the story and say why they picked the book. She doesn't like public speaking, just like her momma, but went ahead and put her fears aside and gave her report. I was so proud of my precious jewel for overcoming her fear of public speaking.

Working on writing the letter J in her salt tray.

Hid some gems for Kanani to find. She said she was searching for treasure.

Once she found all the gems we tried to identify each one, Kanani would get so excited whenever she identified one.

Some of our gemstones we bought awhile back when we went to the Science Museum.

Looking through the microscope at a salt crystal slide, she loves looking or observing different things under the microscope. My little scientist just like her momma.

Looking through the microscope some of our homemade crystals we made a time ago. Here is a link to how to make your own crystals at home by Play Dough to Plato, it was a lot of fun and also taught Kanani some patience while the crystals formed.

We watched Sweetpea Beauty and The Penniless Princess by VeggieTales. It teaches how God made us beautiful, we should be happy with the way we are, and that we are worth more than gold. God made us Special and he loves us very much; VeggieTales famous saying.
joya (jewel)
What is more, I consider everything a loss compared to the surpassing greatness of knowing Christ Jesus my Lord, for whose sake I have lost all things.
~Philippians 3:8
By: Christina Rossetti
An emerald is a green as grass,
A ruby red as blood;
A sapphire shines as blue as heaven;
A flint lies in the mud.
A diamond is a brilliant stone,
To catch the world's desire;
An opel holds a fiery spark;
But a flint holds fire.
Handel: Messiah (Overture)
This unit was lots of fun, it might seem I say that about every unit. We just love MFW! Kanani really enjoyed observing different items under the microscope and identifying the different gems she has. We will be going to the museum next week to see different types of jewels, rocks, and butterflies. Wanted to wait till after B unit to go so we could see all three units. In the pictures Kanani may seem to be wearing the same pjs in everyone, the reason being: one she loves her batman pjs and two we normally do our school work in the mornings after breakfast. We stay in pjs unless we are going to leave the house. Nothing like doing school work and learning in some comfortable clothes.
Letter R
Unit 19: Rock
Letter Z
Unit 18: Zebra
Letter K
Unit 17: Kangaroo
Letter P
Unit 16: Penguin
Letter E
Unit 15: Elephant
Letter H
Unit: 14 Horse
Letter C
Unit 13: Cow
Letter G
Unit 12: Goat
Letter I
Unit 11: Insect
Letter W
Unit 10: Water
Letter O
Unit 9: Octopus
Letter D
Unit 8: Dinosaur
Letter U
Unit 7: Us
Letter T
Unit 6: Turtle
Letter N
Letter A
Letter L
Letter M
Creation Unit and Letter S
Creation Unit and Unit 1: Sun Classical Music Composers
Say Hello to Classical Music
Curriculum Organization
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