Some of our letter Oo finds

Some of the wonderful books we used for this unit
Working on her worksheets
Cusienaire rods and letter Oo picture identification

Doing some blend ladder work

A little bit of reading

Some writing and sounding out words

Love the look on her face in the left picture, she was concentrating on the word I said trying to see how to write it. The word was hen, she first thought about it then said it aloud and wrote the word out. She's improved so much in this area, I'm so proud of her.
Some MATH U SEE worksheets, working on counting to number 20
Made this math wheel a while ago, can't remember the site I got it from. Brought it out as a review for her.

Made her rainbow octopus and had use her dot markers to place the right amount of dots that went with each number.

Doing some math with our math tiles and sticks

After doing some counting and measuring Kanani made a picture using some marine life stickers of the animals of the sea.

Gave Kanani a brown paper bag and had her fill the bottom part of it with newspaper that she crumbled up. Then I tied a rubber band to make the body and cut the bag to form its tentacles. She then glued the eyes, drew the mouth, and made a cute little hair bow for her octopus.

Gave Kanani two Styrofoam balls to paint then hot glued the balls to foam that I had pre cut to look like tentacles. Once dried she glued the eyes and sequins on. Got this cute idea from Crafty Morning.

Octopus crafts: color recognition and badge work

After reading the book "Swimmy by Leo Lionni" we discussed the story and then made a picture of the school of fish mentioned in the book and made a Swimmy out of paper plates. Love doing activities to go with books we read.

Made some toilet paper octopuses, got the idea from Kids Activities Blog
Found a cute little octopus puzzle that went great with our unit
In the teacher manual it suggested to make a paper plate tambourine. We actually had already made some for a Sunday school class I taught for our church. They worked out great. PSALM 100 MAKE A JOYFUL NOISE TO THE LORD ALL THE LANDS.

Brought out our unit puppets tin to review some of the memory versus for each badge. She remembered all of them, so proud of her.

Brought out our color wheel (which I made for her a while back), to review her colors.

Made Kanani a little octopus out of felt she glued the eyes and drew the mouth.

Got some out some of the picture cards we have done and mixed the pictures. Placed the letters in a line and had Kanani place the correct pictures under each letter. Great review of what we have gone over and sound recognition.

After reading "The Seashore" I set up a some tub with some marine animals. First I left it out for Dartanian to play with while Kanani and me finished some school work. Once we were done I added water and then some shaving cream.

Had gotten some water beads ready for Kanani to play with, my intentions were for her to use some octopus toys and marine animals with it but she wanted to used some construction trucks. Love to see her use her imagination. She had so much fun playing with the water beads. It was our first time using them, it was a hit.

After coloring in the map we talked about the different place an octopus could live and types of homes it would chose. Then we looked on the globe to find where we lived and reviewed our address, city, state, and continent.
After reading the book "An Octopus is Amazing by Patricia Lauber" we did a simple experiment to demonstrate how the water would look when an octopus gives off ink.
Watched an episode on Octonauts that discussed some information about mimic octopuses.
Made some cute little octopus hotdogs for lunch
el pulpo (octopus)
My mouth will speak in praise of the Lord. Let every creature praise his holy name for ever and ever.
~Psalm 145:21~
By: Robert Louise Stevenson
When I was down beside the sea
A wooden spade they gave to me
To dig the sandy shore.
My holes were empty like a cup
In every hole the sea came up,
Till it could come no more.
Handel: Water Music (Overture)
This is has been such a fun unit, you may think I say about every unit. One of the reasons why we love My Father's World. Learned so much about octopuses that we didn't know. Can't wait to go to the aquarium and see some up close.
Letter D
Unit 8: Dinosaur
Letter U
Unit 7: Us
Letter T
Unit 6: Turtle
Letter N
Letter A
Letter L
Letter M
Creation Unit and Letter S
Creation Unit and Unit 1: Sun Classical Music Composers
Say Hello to Classical Music
Curriculum Organization
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