I grew up around many different types of animals. We've had chicks, ducks, all types of fish, rats, mice, guinea pigs, rabbits, all types of birds, kittens-cats, puppies-dogs, different types of lizards, turtles, tortoises, chinchillas, ferrets, hamsters, gerbils, and different types of frogs. Then I used to work at a pet store, which didn't help, i rescued many animals while working there. Learned a lot about animals and it only made my love for them grow even more. It's hard not to want to rescue all animals we see. My children both have the same love for animals. If it was up to them we would have many more pets.
It's a wonderful feeling finding great homes for all the animals we've rescued, even though its hard because you fall in love with each one and don't want to let them go.
Here is a little something about our beloved pets in our home.

Our beloved son who passed away July 2010. He was with me since he was 6 weeks old before my husband and me got together. This was taken as one of our wedding pictures, we decided on getting our pictures taken with him instead of our wedding pictures. We wanted to remember him not only in our hearts but in pictures as well. I always say he is the one that taught me how to be a mother. He was always there for me. He adopted me when I lived in Puerto Rico. He changed my whole life around. Miss him every day and wish he could be here with me, but I take comfort in knowing he has crossed the Rainbow Bridge and is in a much better place with no pain. I pray someday we will see each other again.
CoCo joined our family before my husband and me married. I bought him at the pet store I was working at the time. He has always been so sweet and I used to carry him around the store on my shoulder. After having him in the store for a month I decided on adopting him. We've been together for 10 years and going strong. I've had many birds before him but he is the first one that I've had that doesn't mimic what we say, doesn't eat sunflower seeds, and prefers to walk then fly. I love how unique and sweet he is.
We adopted Zeus from a co-worker when I worked at the pet store. He was 6 months old and I was 6 months pregnant with Kanani. Zeus used to fall asleep on my belly when he was smaller. He had a special bond with Kanani from the beginning. We got him because in the current situation he was in at the time wasn't a good one. We fell in love with him and knew he was meant to be part of our growing family. Also wanted a companion for Puyo who was going through so much, health wise, at the time. The sweetest, most patient, and loving puppy we have ever had. The kids can do whatever they want to him and he tolerates them, Kanani has even dressed him up and he just sits there looking at us all pitiful. We love our little puppy, he will always be our puppy no matter how old he gets.
Larry joined our family 3 years ago in March of 2013. He was suppose to be a birthday present for me at the time but Kanani also fell in love with him when we got him, she was 3 years old at the time. He is very laid back and has a foot fetch. He can't see someone barefoot that he immediately goes to their foot and starts licking it. When he is lose in the house he climbs everything and goes fast. Loves his veggies, earthworms, and crickets. Not to keen on bath but tolerates it.
Got two of these bettas (two on the right) for the kids as their Easter present last year (2015), and the left one ended up ours after my nephews went back home after visiting in the summer last year (2015). Their names are (top right) Rojo, (bottom right) Swimmey, (right) Big Red.
Our latest edition to our family are 4 goldfish. We went to PetSmart and saw this globe fish bowl. I've always wanted one, as soon as I saw this I just had to get it. The plus side it was on sale which made my decision to get it even easier. Of course we needed to add some fish to it so we bought 4 goldfish to represent our family of 4. Their names are Shark Bait, Spot, BB-8, and Sherbet.