This week we will concentrate on the sense of touch, letter Ee, #5, color yellow, and the star shape.

Some of the fun materials we used this week

A few of the books we used this week

He sees the letter and quickly says "E", he was trying to place all the letters on top of each other.

Learning the number 5 and reviewing the star shape, which is a shape he is very familiar with.

Found a cute elephant for little man to paint which went great for this week lesson of the letter E. He got more paint on him then he did on the elephant.
One of his favorite books "Good Morning, Good Night!", he loves touching the different animals and the blanket at the end.
Another cute touch and feel book

Set up a tray filled with different items for little man to touch and feel and be able to fill the many different textures they all had.

At first I set it up on the floor but decided to move him to the tape so I could keep an eye on him to make sure he doesn't put anything in his mouth. As he would feel each item I would tell him what it was and type of texture it was.

Made little man a touch and feel board for him to explore different textures and added a poster board identifying the parts of the body.

Here he is discovering the board after he woke up, it was a hit.

Placed several yellow items on a tray for him to explore, of course he picked the banana (his favorite fruit) and a car. He started pretending he was eating it and saying "GOOD". MUSIC
Finally found a cord that works with our keyboard, he quickly sat down and started to touch the keys and dance to the music he was making.

While his sister and did some school he was playing on the keyboard and having a great time.
This week we are studying about the rain, part of Kanani's science theme for the week. One of the experiments I set up for them was the cloud/rain model. Filled up 2/3 of a glass jar with boiling water and set a bowl filled with ice on top. As the ice would melt it would form droplets on the bottom of the bowl which then would drop into the water looking like rain drops. After we were done with the experiment he wanted to touch and play around with the ice. As he would hold the ice he would shake and say BRRRRR, so much fun watching him explore new things.
Added to his wall some stick senses of the five senses. He picked up the taste stick and quickly showed me his mouth and tongue.
Went to the library for story time and since we were early the kids had a chance to play with some of the toys they have there.
For story time the kids learned about why we celebrate the Fourth of July and then made fireworks in a bottle. First you pour some corn starch in the bottle and then fill it with water, afterwards you add some glitter to the bottle and seal the cap with hot glue. This was such a cute and easy craft to do, going to make several of these bottles with different colors.
Since its been raining all week I let the kids enjoy some time outdoors to play in the rain. As long as there is no lighting or thunder its always fun playing in the rain.
It has been a fun week of learning and playing. Now unto next week for more fun times and memory making.
Week 1 (Aa, #1, Red, Circle) Part 1
Week 4 (Cc, #3, Green, Square)
Week 6 (Dd, #4, Yellow, Rectangle) Part 2
Week 7: Body Identification