This week we are going to learn about the anatomy of a bean, short o and short u.

A few of the books we used this week.

In our homeschool co-op they start the day of with the pledge of the American flag, since we aren't meeting any more due to summer break Kanani has wanted to continue to do it at home. I included the pledge to the bible and the Christian flag.

As stated in the devotional book Spider monkeys live in the rain forests of Central and South America. When spider monkeys are young, they are not very graceful they have to learn how to swing through the trees. They must continue to climb back up and try again. We must try over and over again until we get it right. Don't be afraid to practice--it's the only way to improve.

Just like the frogs go through several changes before turning into an adult frog God makes all things grow and change.

Did you know that 5 hummingbirds could fit in a person's hand. They are tiny enough to fit inside flowers. Just like God made the hummingbirds that way they would need to survive and be happy and healthy He knows what we need too.
Memory Versus: If you really want to become wise, you must begin by having respect for the Lord. To know the Holy One is to gain understanding.
~Proverbs 9:10

Printed out some worksheets of the bible versus for Kanani to trace to make it easier for her. Last week it seemed like she was getting overwhelmed trying to write the versus out. Got these worksheets from Proverbs Handwriting Sheets, which have been a great help. She said "I like this better."
Teach the wise and they will be wiser. Teach the righteous, and they will learn more.
~Proverbs 9:9
So Jesus grew both in height and in wisdom, and he was loved by God and by all who knew him.
~Luke 2:52
As we know Jesus better, his divine power gives us everything we need for living a godly life.
~2 Peter 1:3a

Reviewing some of her sight words

Learning the sound of the short o

Completing her 4 square worksheet for the short o

Her handwriting has improve so much

Today she learned the meaning of different words and the words that mean the same things example mature is another way to say old.

Started reading the "Bob Books Kids! Set B", it's the only set we have since I found this for a great deal at our local thrift store.

Short u practice

Short u four square worksheet

Reading her short books that she made in Kindergarten, it's what gave her the confidence to read.

this is really helped with her reading

underlining the vowels

identifying the vowels and crossing out the wrong words

Starting the day off with the number of the day, 100 chart, and bean count.

Learning to skip count by 5 and 10

Skip counting by 10

Kanani was having a hard time with place value and saw this idea on The Brown Bag Teacher blog. Once she started using it something clicked and she started to understand what place values were.

Learning how to count by using First, Second, Third, etc....

After reading her some methods to help her relax before painting she did the exercises we discussed and then wanted to shapes in the circle and line family.

Bought her a fairy for her Fairy Garden, now that we have been studying more on flowers she has been wanting to expand her garden. Our little painter in the making.

Writing in Hebrew

Made dye from several flowers: 2 different roses and dandelions. We gathered the flowers and placed them in ziplock bags. Added several drops of water in the bags. Used a rolling pin to squeeze the flowers to produce some colored flower juice. Then we dipped the edges of coffee filters into the water to watch it absorb the color water.

Went outside since it was a pretty day with little rain. Kanani was planning in her house when an Anole jumped on her arm. She was so excited, I probably would of screamed.

While outside we collected some flowers for our Dry Flowers Experiment. After collecting the flowers we placed them on white construction paper and then placed another paper on top. Once done with that we placed the papers with the flowers inside a book the same size as the paper and then placed a stack of books on top of that book. We'll go back and check on the flowers in the next couple of days to see if they are dry enough to make bookmarkers with them.

We had fun with the "Short Vowel Read and do" cards.

Started our Bean Seed Experiment on Sunday, the first step was to soak 25 beans in water overnight.

Printed out these worksheets I found on-line to help Kanani learn the parts of the bean.

After soaking the beans overnight she took out several beans from the water and opened them up to observe the inside of the bean. She wrote her results down in her science notebook.

After she observed the parts of the seeds we placed the rest of the seeds on a damp paper towel, which we then covered with another damp towel. Then we placed the beans inside foil tightly to later observe the changes of the beans throughout the week.

Enjoyed watching our flowers start to bloom.

After reading our devotion on frogs and learning about how God can change us I brought the frog life cycle figurines.

Checking the changes in her bean, noticed the roots are longer than last time.

Not a lot of difference since yesterday

What a difference a day makes

We continue to observe the bean in the jar which is our 2nd attempt and seems to be working out this time around. Our beans in our make shift green house seem to be growing quite nicely, pretty soon we will have to transfer them into small pots.
By: Judy Tedards
Five little flowers growing in a row,
The first one said, "I'm purple you know"
The second one said, "I'm pink as pink can be."
The third one said, "I'm blue like the sea."
The fourth one said, "I'm a very red fellow."
The fifth one said, "My color is yellow."
Then out came the sun, big and bright,
And five little flowers smiled in delight.

Made some props to go with the "Five Little Flowers" poem.

She really enjoyed picking the flowers out while I read her the poem, of course her favorite was the pink one.

To go with our frog devotion we went over the "Five Speckled Frogs" poem.
- See more at:
Cute story of a man who rescued a hummingbird, it went great with our
Hummingbird devotion.
We watched a "Time lapse bean seed" video on Teacher Tube which Kanani thought was really neat.

Not really considered a field trip but we went to visit the kids grandparents. Whenever the kids go over there their grandma pretty much does whatever they want, even a tea party. Love that we live close enough to both set of grandparents.

For our field trip and to start off Memorial Day weekend took the kids to NC Veterans Park and Airborne & Special Operations Museum. After talking about the meaning of Memorial Day we went to the museum. It was great reading all about those who have sacrificed so we could have our freedom.

Love all the stuff they have added to the museum, so much history.

Field of flags at the museum

We found our county

After going to Airborne & Special Operations Museum we took the kids to Fascinate U Children's Museum for some fun.

Great way to get some energy out of her and to have fun while learning.

The kids have been so excited that the rain has stopped for now and they are able to enjoy playing outside for several hours. They love anything dealing with water.
We have learned a lot about the process a bean takes to become a plant. Before we had studied about the life stages of a bean, but this time around we went more in depth of the process.
Week 3
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