This week we will be learning about trees, starting our timeline, continuing to observe our bean growth, and much more.

Great books we used this week

This week we began our timeline, I placed laminated everything weeks before we began school to have it prepped for when we would start using it. I laid everything out to see if I needed to print more scroll paper and once everything was set I taped together the scroll sheets. We don't really have the space to hang it on the wall so we are making an accordion like booklet. Found the scroll worksheets on
The Good the Bad and the Truth page.

After reading about the spider and learning that lies are like a spider web. If you tell a lie we will get so caught it in that we will get in trouble. Like when a bug lands on the spider webs it gets stuck on the web and becomes the spiders food.

We need to turn on our listening ears to hear the voice of God. Listening carefully is an important way to learn and grow.

Learned that due to how slow sloths move tiny plants called algae grow in their fur which after a long time turns it green. Their green coats help them to blend in with the trees and hide from their enemies. God has promised us that if we are patient, he will help us grow in ways that are safe. God has the perfect time for us.

We need to try our hardest to always be good no matter what. Can't be good just when someone is looking because God is always watching.
Memory Versus: He who guards his mouth and his tongue keeps himself from calamity.
~Proverbs 21:23
Then watch your tongue! Keep your lips from telling lies!
~Psalm 34:13
My dear brothers and sisters, be quick to listen, slow to speak, and slow to get angry.
~James 1:19
I waited patiently for the Lord to help me, and he turned to me and heard my cry.
~Psalm 40:1

After the "Pledge of Allegiance" we do the number of the day.

We started our week on Memorial Day, after talking and explaining to Kanani why celebrate this day we worked on a Word Find Puzzle and played a trivia game.

Working on the SH sound

Learning the CH sound

TH sound

We started on the timeline, she wanted to go ahead and place all the pictures on the timeline and just focus on the timeline for the rest of the day. But I told her we needed to be patient and go little by little so we won't miss anything. She's really excited to begin.

Reading some more sight words

Handwriting practice

Wrote some sight words down on our dry erase board. Each time she read a word correctly she would erase the word.

Going over the NG sound, this one was a bit tricky for her at first.

Write down 4 words of her choice and then cutting the ring shape worksheet.

After finishing her math worksheets we worked on learning what greater than and less than were. Found this cute idea on
PreK and K Sharing Blog, it has come in handy to show Kanani how to tell which number is bigger.

Greater than and Less than worksheets

Greater than practice

Today marked day 20 of school, had her count all the beans and also count them by 2s.

Fewer than

Working with our pattern blocks to build Peter Penguin

She wanted to paint rainbows since we've had so much rain for weeks and the best part of it is the rainbows.

Painting some wood pieces

Went on a scavenger hunt for the 5 basic elements of shape

Using her Mix & Measurement Set to do some weight measuring with her black beans.

My dad had cut several pieces of wood for the kids science station, which went great for our lesson this week.

Caught this beautiful picture before the kids went to bed. Kanani was reading (pretending) to Dartanian one of her favorite books.

Wash station

Made a tree lapbook for Kanani so she could go back and be able to review what she learned from the tree lesson. Found these worksheets from several different cites: Sparkle Box , Mrs. Bell's Blog, and
Texas A & M Forest Services

We got a chance to observe a spider catching a fly and process it does before sucking its blood, went great with the devotion on the spider.

Observed the rings on the piece of wood, left picture is before she sanded the top, and the right is the sanded side.

After reading about growth rings on tree bark we observed some wood pieces from our science center to guess the age of the wood.

Observed different types of seeds (Black Bean, Chives, Coriander Cilantro, Garden Bean, Hungarian Yellow Wax Pepper, Lemon Cucumber, Lentil, Pumpkin, Radish, Red Bean, Spotted Bean, Sunflower, Tomato, and Waltham Butternut Squash) and then we glued them on index cards. Used contact paper to laminate them once the glue was dry, punched a hole in the corner, and used a book ring to keep them together. We will be adding more seeds as we find more.

Reviewed our Apple Lapbook to go with our tree theme this week

I'm glad we decided to redo this experiment, it has really gone well this time around and love that we get to see the plant grow in more detail.

It has grown so much in just 3 days.
By: Llan Shamir
Stand tall and proud
Go out on a limb
Remember your roots
Drink plenty of water
Be content with your natural beauty
Enjoy the view
A video I found on Kids YouTube "Parts of the trees".
Another great video for the kids to watch "Let's Learn About Trees".

This week we started off the week with going to the Museum of Natural Science, which was perfect to go with the lesson this week on TREES.

She observed several different trees and got to sand 4 different ones and see if she could smell the difference between them.

Kids enjoyed the big displays of the insects.

Got to see inside a log and some critters in it, a snuck with a big worm in its mouth.

Observing a close and safe look at a bee hive.

One of her favorite areas in the museum is the butterfly observatory, one even landed in her hair.

Inside a tree trunk, which had some bats inside in the top of the trunk.
What better way to love the week even more than being around family and best friends.

I had the honor of taking care of some wonderful kids who are more like family. They enjoyed some icees and frozen goyurts on this muggy day.

Our precious detectives

Enjoying a fun game of Easter egg hunt

After having fun outside the kids enjoyed a refreshing tea party while the pizzas were baking.
It has been a wonderful week full of lots of fun and learning. We learned so much about trees and the many different layers they have. What will week 6 hold for us? We are excited to find out.
Week 3