This week we will work on memorizing several passages from Romans and Proverbs, practice guarding our mouth and speaking love, review the books of the Old Testament, and continue working on learning the books of the New Testament. Learn the new Latin words NOVEM (nine) and DECEM (ten). Read about the Roman Empire from emperor to slave, clothing, first emperor, ways the Romans entertained themselves, Roman gods, how were the months named, Caesar Augustus, and about Virgil. Work on one of our senses: THE TONGUE, do several experiments, learn the parts of our tongue, and all things trees. Work on drawing objects with perspective, two point perspective, 5 basic elements, and copy dictation. It's going to be a fun week of learning.
Books we enjoyed this week.
Memory Verse: He who guards his mouth and his tongue keeps himself from calamity.
~Proverbs 21:23
~Romans 8:15-39
~Romans 3:23, 5:8, 8:28
~Romans 12:1-6a
Then watch your tongue! Keep your lips from telling lies!
~Psalm 34:13
My dear brothers and sisters, be quick to listen, slow to speak, and slow to get angry.
~James 1:19
I waited patiently for the Lord to help me, and he turned to me and heard my cry.
~Psalm 40:1
Latin words of the week: NOVEM (nine) and DECEM (ten).
The perfect tense and classification: putting objects together in groups.
More on the perfect tense and searching for the words that are in the wrong group.
Verbs tense shift and learning about analogy (word relationships).
Proofreading verbs tense shifts and more classification.
Learning the sound for sh (ship).
Reviewing his phoneme cards and his vowels.
Working on the ch (chick) sound and more phoneme card review.
Learning the ng, ing, and ung (ring, ringing, rung) sound
Learning the th (thumb) sound and lots of reading practice this week.
Number of the day (17-20), calendar, and weather chart.
Adding decimals and measurements.
Her and her silly faces, subtracting decimals and adding measurements.
Measuring practice, adding and subtracting decimals.

Connecting the dots and adding practice.
Added 10 beans to his popsicle, 20 beans in total.
Added Rome's First Emperor Caesar Augustus 27 B.C. to her timeline.
Learned about timeline and added a family picture at the end of his timeline, he chose this picture since it represents the time we are living right now.
Colored her worksheet while I read about Herod and Mariamne and about Triumph and Peace.
Learned about how the months were named.
Learned about the clothes, accessories, and weapons the Romans used.
While we were out we stopped at Party City to see some of the costumes they had of the Romans. Afterwards we saw different pictures online of what the Romans used.
Read about the Pantheon, who the Roman gods were, the story of Aeneas, and the bible for the Romans.
Read about Tales of the wild Northwest, Druid, and Augustus Caesar.
Colored in her picture while I read about Virgil.
Read about Togas, tunics, and dressing to impress.
Made some tunics out of bed sheets for the kids to wear and get a feel of what the Romans wore. Men, women, and children wore simple tunic made of wool or linen, with a belt around the waist. Some of the tunics had sleeves and others had armholes. This was one item of clothing that everyone no matter if they were rich or poor wore. Different color togas were a sign of status.
After reading about how wealthy Romans dressed , the jewelry, and crowns they wore the kids wanted to make some of their own items. K wanted to make a snake bracelet using cardboard and D wanted to make a laurel-wreath crown. Made the crown with a paper plate, cut the center out, and used 2 different color green construction paper for the laurel leaves.
Reviewed a little about smell and learned more on the sense of taste.
Covered their eyes and smelled different products to see if they could identify them.
Discovering the parts of our mouth concentrating on our tongue.
Taste Buds: bitter, sweet, sour, and salt.
Smell and Taste Linked together experiment. This was a fun experience, they would pinch their noses, take a sip of the drink, and try to identify what they were drinking. Do the same process but without pinching their noses.
Kids tasted several different items and would say whether it was: bitter, salt, sweet, or sour. D's face after tasting some salt is so funny.
Got our board out to start pinning all of our 5 Senses work on it, so we can observe and review them throughout the year. Added some small posters for little man to follow along with his sister. Found the posters on Teachers Pay Teachers website. D really enjoys having his own section on the board.
After reading about trees the kids went outside and did some bark rubbing and counting growth rings.
Went to Wal-Mart's garden section and had the kids observe some of the seeds. They each got to pick out a packet for them to plant and take care of.
D chose the Zinnia seeds, he loves all the colors. Hopefully they will grow and he will enjoy his flowers.
K picked Pansy seeds, she has always loved these flowers, and says they look like they have a face on them.
Here are several seed packets we have at home, the kids opened the packets and observed the different types of seeds.
Collected several items that were around the school room to go with the 5 elements of drawing.
Duplication drawings
Mirror image drawing
Lesson 130: Drawing a House with Perspective
Lesson 131: Two-Point Perspective
Kids colored in their worksheet of "The Cello" while listening to "#3 Cello Concerto no.2 in D Major (I. Allegro moderato).
As a special treat we took the kids to their favorite ice cream shop to enjoy some homemade ice cream.
This week we worked on memorizing several passages from Romans and Proverbs, practice guarding our mouth and speaking love, reviewed the books of the Old Testament, and continued working on learning the books of the New Testament. Learned the new Latin words NOVEM (nine) and DECEM (ten). Read about the Roman Empire from emperor to slave, clothing, first emperor, Romans clothes and jewelry, ways the Romans entertained themselves, Roman gods, how the months were named, Caesar Augustus, and about Virgil. Worked on one of our senses: THE TONGUE, did several experiments, learned parts of our tongue, and all things trees. Worked on drawing objects with perspective, two point perspective, 5 basic elements, and copy dictation. Been a great week of learning, unto next week to see what adventures our in store for us.
MFW: RtR and Learning Gods Story Week 1