Saturday, August 8, 2020

Our Multipurpose Room

Been working hard trying to reorganized our multipurpose room.  Still need to work on a few things, but so far so good.  So blessed and happy to finally have a space where we can have all of our school stuff in instead of the whole house.  Makes things so much easier.  

Love our space, especially love how much the kids enjoy working in it.  They will go down to the basement and just start creating and have stated that they like having everything in one area.  Place for them to create and have fun.  

We school year round, which is the reason for our school name: FOUR SEASONS CHRISTIAN ACADEMY.  Made our 4 Season tree using Kanani's hand as the center and our fingerprints for the rest, back in 2015.  Started this homeschool journey with Kanani, hence why she is the center of our tree.  We have grown so much since we started this journey and continue to learn more each day.  Christ is the center of not only our lives but also our school.  Been blessed to able to teach and nourish our kids.  

Half of the basement is our school room/multipurpose room.

Right when you come into the basement and go right this is what is on the wall.

Several of our bins we have used for many years and continue using.  Love having a place for everything. 

This shelf holds all of our board games, puzzles, Spielgaben learning kit, games, and manipulatives.

Here is the back wall by the window.

This shelf holds all of our curriculum, workbooks, and much more. 

Kids will be learning how to play the recorder and the piano this year.

Small bookshelf for our small books and the drawers hold all of our materials we use: office materials, crafts, accessories, etc.

This section holds our life cycle materials, cardboard, geoboard, notebook paper, computer paper, and lots of manipulatives for all the subjects.

Back wall once you walk in.

The bins hold our office supplies, markers, paint supplies, D's school stuff, and some extra materials.  Above the bins is our wall folders that houses all the materials for the week and the week after.  I try to have everything ready one week in advance, which I mostly do on Fridays.

Our library shelf which also houses several bins of materials we use for school and crafts.

More bins that house a lot of fun materials and toys for the kids.

The couch is what separates the school room to the game room, the bins hold K's My Little Ponies and Barbies, and on top are some construction paper, Melissa & Doug money bin with the cash register.  Of course there is a bed for Zeus, he loves to be close to us at all times.

This wall is what you see when you walk down the stairs to the basement, right before you enter the school room.  Put these posters on the wall since the main subject for Science is our body.

Our School Room/Multipurpose Room has been a great blessing, it will always be a work in progress.  I'm sure there will be more things that will get moved around and donated as the year goes on.  

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