This week we will learn about the books of Jude and Revelation, about Esther, the Jewish people returning home, and the Greek Alphabet. Also learn about the sh and zh sound, fractions, more counting practice, and about frozen water.

Some of the books we used this week

Practice writing the memory verse

Esther Bible Card

Esther becoming a queen bible card

The birth of Jesus bible card
Memory verse: The man of integrity walks securely, but he who takes crooked paths will be found out.
~Proverbs 10:9
~Esther 5:1-8; 7:1-6
~Nehemiah 4:1-9, 21; 6:15-16
Jude is a short letter that warned Christians about the danger of false teachers who were trying to destroy the church.
Revelation the last book of the bible begin with messages from Jesus to seven churches in Asia and then describes what will happen both in heaven and on earth, until the end of the world.
Added Queen Esther, Rebuilding Jerusalem, and the Birth of Jesus pictures to our timeline.
Learned about "Purim" which were days of feasting and joy and giving presents of food to one another and gifts to the poor. Jews still celebrate this day, they go to the temple and listen to the story of Esther. They would make these pastries filled with different types of fruit filling. We didn't make any but looked at different pictures and then she drew her own version of them.
Writing the Greek Alphabet
Going back to Israel worksheet
This week we were learning about fractions. Before we started on the math worksheets I decided to first explain fractions using some of her Melissa and Doug cutting fruits and vegetables. Little man really enjoyed this activity with us. Also found some foam fraction circles at Target that also helped explaining fractions.
Matching the fruits with the correct foam circle.
Fraction worksheet
She really has enjoyed and caught on pretty fast to fraction
Counting by 2s, 5s, and 10.
Art Card #14: "The Beach" by Laura Knight
After learning about the birth of Jesus they kids made their own manager out of envelopes.
Practicing reading using one of her Bob books
We got a dust of snow on the ground which made the kids very happy and sad. Happy to play in the dust of snow, sad that it wasn't enough to make snowman and snow angels. It was still beautiful.
Went outside to look at some of the ice that had formed overnight since we were talking about frozen water.
Placed some ice cubes on a plate and the kids first observed how it melted on the plates and then they placed some ice cubes into bowls full of water to see how fast it would melt.
Kids sprinkled some salt on the ice cubes and watched how the ice melted. Then they played a bit with some plastic ice cubes we keep in the freezer.
Froze some water in a bowl overnight, when we took it out of the freezer noticed the top of the bowl wasn't on because the water froze over. The kids enjoyed playing with the big ice cube.
Listening to Carnival of Animals and demonstrating a wild donkey and tortoise move.
Watched the story of Esther told by VeggieTales
By: Author Unknown
Inside the seed.
All bundled up tight.
A tiny plant grows.
Needing water and light.
I'll plant it in soil.
Let it catch the sun's glow.
Then water it gently.
And watch the plant grow.
Went to the library for story and craft time
Today at the library was lego day, the kids enjoyed building with their friends.
It was such a warm day we went outside to do school work, afterwards the kids wanted to play golf. They said they had to wear safety goggles because golf was a dangerous sport. Safety First!
Week 23
Week 24