This week we will discuss the ocean again and the animals in it, learn about the oo sounds, y sounding like an Ii, the books of the bible, and the creation.

Some of the great books we used this week

Dolphins take care of one another, when one is hurt they stay close to it and protect them from harm. They are very loyal friends and are always there no matter what. Just like dolphins God wants us to be loyal to our friends. When someone is hurt or sad we need to listen, pray, or just give them a hug to help them feel better.

We talked about the beginning of creation (Day 1), God created the heavens and the earth -- light (day) and darkness (night).

Just like the whales that sing beautifully, even though no one really knows why, we believe they are praising God. What better way to praise God then by singing, even if you believe you can't sing God enjoys it and is the best way to thank Him for all he has done for us.

Talked about the second day of creation: sky and water, evening and morning.
Memory Verse: A wise son heeds his father's instruction, but a mocker does not listen to rebuke.
~Proverbs 13:1
In the beginning God created the heavens and the earth. 2 Now the earth was formless and empty, darkness was over the surface of the deep, and the Spirit of God was hovering over the waters. 3 And God said, "Let there be light," and there was light. 4 God saw the light was good, and he separated the light from the darkness. 5 God called the light "day," and the darkness he called "night." And there was evening, and there was morning -- the first day.
~Genesis 1:1-5
I will sing to the Lord because he has been so good to me.
~Psalm 13:6
And God said, "Let there be an expanse between the waters to separate water from water." 7 So God made the expanse and separated the water under the expanse from the water above it. And it was so. 8 God called the expanse "sky." And there was evening, and there was morning -- the second day.

Started learning the books of the bible this week. First book: GENESIS (the story of the beginning). Love the fact that Kanani's bible "The Veggie Tales Bible," gives a brief description of each book.

Learned about the second book of the bible: Exodus (exit) and completed the first part of our bible reader activity: creation. She wanted to do her work on the same kind of paper I did mine (teacher's manual suggest we make a creation book with our child), love doing activities with her its so much fun.

Third book we discussed was Leviticus named after the Levi tribes.

Fourth book we discussed was Numbers named after the numbers of Israelites in the wilderness.

Writing her memory verse

Filling in the weather chart, two more weeks to go.

Learned the sound oo make (book)

Distinguishing between oo sounds: spoon & book

Sounding out her sight words, love how comfortable she is reading her sight words.

Worked on the sound y (sometimes a vowel) that sounds like a long I and then worked on the last page of the animal tale book.

Finally finished her second animal tale book.

Number of the day

She has been doing outstanding in math, usually getting 100% on her worksheets without any help. Girl loves math, must get that from her daddy.

Worked on her pattern block animal: Dixie Dolphin

Wrote out 1, 2, 3, +, -, and = on half index cards and we made stories using unifix blocks (yellow for lions and brown for bears), loved hearing some the stories she would come up with. For example: There were 2 bears who were looking for their one friend the lion to have a picnic with. Once they found their lion friend they all sat down on the ground to have a delicious picnic. Now instead of only being 2 of them there was 3.

Did some subtraction on the floor, made a number line like the manual suggested on the floor for her to move up and down the spaces to get the answer of the math problem I would call out to her. She really enjoyed this activity, of course Zeus was a great big distraction since he kept sitting on her math worksheet so she could pet him. Love our little puppy (he's 6 but he will always be our puppy).

After building her tower she wanted to do the same activity I had placed on the floor for her brother to do, matching the numbers on the number line. Of course Zeus is right by her side as she is working on her math.

Addition and Subtraction worksheets

She has really enjoyed working on the worksheets

After reading and showing her pictures of how we can look at an object and come out with a completely different picture of the object we picked some fish to draw (wanted to stick with the theme of the week). She picked a swordfish to draw, love how her picture came out.

Of course this was another activity we did together, I picked the Dory to draw.

Printed out this worksheet (booklet) I found online, unfortunately can't seem to remember what the website was.

The kids wanted to draw some of the ocean animals we have been learning this week. So cute seeing them have fun together.

Practice more drawing objects by starting on a pin point.

Found these Sea Animals grow capsules at Dollar Tree, went perfect with this weeks theme.

Got this really neat National Geographic Kids book about Aquatic Animals Activity Pad at Dollar Tree. We just love Dollar Tree they always have the neatest things.

Filled out some small ocean ice trays with water and placed them in the freezer over night. The next day I placed in on a tray and had the kids observe the shape and talked a little about the temperatures of water and how it affects everything around it.

Printed this cute Fish poem and the kids loved it, they even made their own version of the story. Found it on the Teachers Notebook page.

Bought this cute Domino Game Under the Sea at Dollar Tree, we thought it was a regular domino game where we would be able to connect all of them but unfortunately it wasn't. Even though it wasn't what we expected we still had fun identifying different ocean animals.

We placed a spoon in water to see how the reflection of the spoon looked in the water. It was really neat to see how the spoon looked like it was bent in the water and even looked wider or bigger under water.

After discussing how pressure of the water affects divers when they go explore we put 3 holes in a soda bottle (one inch from the top, one midway, and one inch from the bottom, then we taped the holes, and filled the bottle with water. Once the bottle was filled we placed the bottle in a container and then peeled the tape off starting from the top down. We observed that the pressure of water on the bottom came out a lot stronger then the one on the top and the middle.

Water takes the form of the container its in, just like the world started formless so does water.

We learned about the animal food chain and the tide zone. Got the food chain information on Major Differences website and the tide zone one on Enchanted Learning.

Showed her where the different oceans were on the map and then asked her to show and tell me where each one was. She remembered where all the oceans were located and even told me which ones she has visited.
By: Author Unknown
Take me out to the ocean
Take me out to the sea
Show me the foamy waves rolling there
As I breathe in the salty air!
Let me look, look, at the ocean
See the sea and explore
For it's fun to dive from the top
To the ocean floor!
A video on Seashores being born:

So glad we got a chance to watch "Finding Dory" after watching "Finding Nemo", it was fun identifying some of the animals in the ocean.

Borrowed this video from our library

We couldn't leave the house this week so we made our own ocean inside the house, didn't take any pictures of her playing ocean since it was done in the tub. She had a blast though.

Due to her brother being sick we stayed home this week and she decided to have a fashion show with her pjs on and then proceeded to do some aerobics on the trampoline. Gotta say it was a blast seeing her have so much fun, its the little things.

We were able to go to Home Depot and pick up our projects, we weren't able to do the project there. Had to build our project at home due to my husband needing the car, at least the kids still enjoyed building their skateboard pencil holder and painting it at home.
It has been a pretty relaxing week due to little man being sick. We made the best of it and made our very own ocean in the house. It has been fun learning about the different animals of the sea. Till next week which we will be learning about the sun and moon.
Week 3
Week 5
Week 6
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