This week we will be learning more on trees, geometric shapes, mirror imagining drawings, and the long a and e, and about the family tree.

A few of the books we used this week

Learned that pigs actually like to be clean and that clean pigs don't stink. They are also very active and smart animals. Just like people misjudge the pigs we too sometimes judge others and say mean things about them. God doesn't want us to waste our time judging others. He wants us to accept each other and be kind.

Talked about the Rhinos and the Oxpeckers relationship. How they may seem to have a strange friendship but they help each other out. God doesn't want us to be lonely that's why he put friends in our lives. We must treat our friends the same way we would like to be treated.

Talked about gorillas and how they are the largest members of the ape family. Most gorillas love quiet and peaceful lives in small family groups, almost like us. God has placed people in families, which they protect and love one another. If you love God you belong to his family, it pleases him when we love all our brothers and sisters.
Memory verse: Pleasant words are a honeycomb, sweet to the soul and healing to the bones.
~Proverbs 16:24
Stop judging others, and you will not be judged. Stop criticizing others, or it will all come back on you.
~Luke 6:37
Do for others what you would like them to do for you.
~Matthew 7:12 a
Whenever we have the opportunity, we should do good to everyone, especially to our Christian brother and sisters.
~Galatians 6:10

Working on her number of the day

Working on writing the memory verse.

Working on her long a worksheet

Animal Tale Booklet

Reading some of her sight words, she opens her mouth so big to sound out the long a.

Reading and writing worksheet

Four square worksheet, one of her favorite worksheets.

Long e worksheet

Second page of her animal tale book.

Added our family picture to the end of our timeline, talked a little about our family history and looked through some old pictures.

Long e reading and writing worksheet

Four square worksheet

Printed these worksheets out that I found on Teachers Pay Teachers to help Kanani be able to tell which numbers are odd or even.

Greater than and less than worksheet

Matching her Geometric Solids with the geometric cards I printed out that I found on Suzie's Home Education Ideas website.

Learning about 5 different shapes.

Circle worksheet

Square worksheet

Rectangle worksheet

Learning about mirror imaging

Duplication warm-up and matching warm-up
We have both been learning a lot about drawing and all the neat techniques, can't wait till we begin learning about paintings. Have really enjoyed the book "Drawing with Children" by Mona Brookes that comes with the curriculum.

One of the activities in the teachers manual was to have two spoons one full of honey and one full of distasteful kitchen scrapes. But we didn't have any honey so we used Teddy Grahams with honey and I had just taken out the trash so we used the Frog food. Asked her which would she prefer to eat, of course she choose Teddy Grahams.

Building with her new geometric shapes

As part of her math activity she was suppose to build three different shapes with triangles, trapezoid, and rhombus.

Another math activity using her cube, sphere, cone, and cylinder shapes.

After pressing the flowers for about 3 weeks we finally used them to make a book mark, she made one for her grandmother for her birthday.

After reading about bees and learning about the honeycomb we worked on the life cycle of the bee.

Playing with the bee life cycle after reading the book "Are you a Bee?" by Judy Allen and Tudor Humphries.

One of the science activities in the teacher manual was to find some animals that live in trees. Even though not all these animals actually live in the trees, they all use the tree for one thing or another.
By: Author Unknown
Families are people
who care about you.
My family is special-
Your family is too!
Mothers and fathers,
And sisters and brothers,
Grandmas and grandpas,
And so many others.
One family is big,
While another is small.
Some families have children,
And some, none at all.

Watching "Magic School Bus" about in a Beehive.

Watching the Leap Frog movie "The Great Shape Mystery", perfect for our geometric shape lessons.
A video to go with one of the science activities: DROPPING OFF (observing changes in trees) I found on YouTube.

Went to my parents house to pick beans from their garden. We are watching over their house while they were out of town. To her it felt like a field trip, in her own words. She had so much fun picking out the beans that were ready and then opening them up and placing them in a bowl. Once she was done she immediately called my parents to let them know how fun this field trip was. It's the simple things, love her.

Even though its not the end of the week it was great spending the beginning of the week with this cuties. We have missed hanging out with them since our co-op is on summer break.

We finally got a chance to go and look at the stars and moon. The kids were so excited, especially Kanani who has been waiting for clear skies for like ever (according to her).
Time spent amongst trees is never wasted time.
By: Katrina Mayer
Observed many different trees in our neighborhood. This week Kanani has shown so much improvement in reading. This curriculum is truly been a blessing with giving her the confidence she needs to read. She's grown so much since we've began. We will be taking a week off to enjoy a mini vacation, until the following week.
Week 3
Week 5
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