Can't believe we are so close to the end of our school year, time sure has gone by fast. This week we will learn about Shakespeare, Native North Americans, Macbeth, North American Indians, Southwest & West Coast Indians, Titian, and Beethoven. Also learn about how Jesus shows his love, how he is still alive, goes back to Heaven, and the day of Pentecost.
Some of the books we used this week.BIBLE
Memory Verse: The fruit of righteousness is a tree of life, and hw who wins souls is wise.
~Proverbs 11:30
~Acts 2
~Philippians 2:14-16
~Psalm 31
~Romans 3:23, 5:8, 8:28, 12:1-6a
Handwriting practice the memory verse.

Reviewing her Latin words.

Simile and Metaphor with some reading.

Idioms and Proverbs with more reading.

Reviewing more on Idioms and Proverbs.
Reading some of his small books he had back in Kindergarten, he really loves these books.
Lots of reading this week.
Books, books, books.
Graphs and word problems review.
Conversations and word problems.
Lots of word problems.
She has completed her Primary Mathematics 4A and 4B books, she has worked so hard this year.
Subtracting double digits.
Reviewing ones and tens place.
Learning about carrying over the number.TIMELINE
Death and Resurrection added to his timeline.
Added Shakespeare writes plays to her timeline this week.HISTORY
While I read about William Shakespeare K finished coloring in her Globe Theatre and then we built it.
Discussed how Indians used bows and arrows for hunting, how they attached feathers to their arrows to make them go further. She had to bring out her bow and arrows after reading about it.
Read about Indians and enjoy a beef jerky snack like they did.
Native North America, the North American Indians, Southeastern Indians, and Northeaster Indians.
Plains Indians, Southwest Indians, a New World, and Early Voyages.
To the end of the Earth and getting the Bible to all the world.SCIENCE
Kuiper Belt Dwarf Planets, God's creativity, and what a planet is.
Strange orbit, Eris, Pluto's Moons, and Makemake.
Categorizing starts: bright or dim, light years, and galaxies.
Black holes, variable stars, and supernovas.
Haumea, Haumea's moons, star light, start bright, stars, galaxies, and space travel.
Activity 14.2: understanding the expanding universe.
The nights have been really cloudy so we haven't been able to see the stars. Instead we brought out the kids constellation lamp to see what constellations we could identify. Used our field guide to the Night Sky to help us identify some of the constellations.
After reading about plants and how they start blooming during Spring, I found one of our onions had started blooming. He wanted to smell it and lick it, he definitely didn't like the taste but loved the smell.
Since D is learning all about the flowers blooming we went to and observed several flowers when we went to Washington D.C.He got to observe several trees and flowers about to bloom and blooming, great hands on experience.

Lesson 164: Planning a perfect Composition
Lesson 166: Other Artists
Free drawing: Noah's Arc
Art Card 19: Snap the Whip by Winslow Homer
The Best of Beethoven: #3 Egmont op.84 (I. OVerture), #4 II. Adagio un poco mosso-slow with a little movement, and #5 I. Allegro
Carnival of the Animals: #15 The Swan and #16 Finale.
Watched the VeggieTales movies on Easter: Jesus is RISEN
Brain Pop: Outer Solar System
Pluto mini clip
William Shakespeare
Took a beautiful trip to Washington D.C. for the Festival of the Cherry Blossoms. We tried to go last year but due to COVID they canceled and closed down the event. So happy to have finally been able to go and experience it with the family. Took advantage and went to the World War II Memorial and the Lincoln Memorial.
CONCLUSIONCan't believe we are so close to the end of our school year, time sure has gone by fast. This week we learned about Shakespeare, Native North Americans, Macbeth, North American Indians, Southwest & West Coast Indians, Titian, and Beethoven. Also learned about how Jesus shows his love, how he is still alive, goes back to Heaven, and the day of Pentecost. Ended the week and went to Washington D.C. for the festival of the Cherry Blossoms and took advantage to go to the World War II Memorial, and Lincoln Memorial. Now unto next week to see what adventures are in store for us.
MFW: RtR and Learning Gods Story Week 1
MFW: RtR and Learning Gods Story Week 6
MFW: RtR and Learning Gods Story Week 7
MFW: RtR and Learning Gods Story Week 19
MFW: RtR and Learning Gods Story Week 20
MFW: RtR and Learning Gods Story Week 21
MFW: RtR and Learning Gods Story Week 29
MFW: RtR and Learning Gods Story Week 30
MFW: RtR and Learning Gods Story Week 31