Saturday, December 12, 2020

MFW: RtR and Learning Gods Story Week 19


This week we will learn about the books of Joel, Amos, Obadiah, and Jonah.  Will discuss the story of Joseph, Israel in Egypt, Moses is born, and Moses leaves Egypt.  Also learn about the Vikings: Alfred the Great, the Battle of Hastings, Norman conquests, Kings, Nobles, and Peasants, Feudalism, and the wonderful way babies are made.  


Some of the books we used this week.


Memory Verse: Do not say, "I'll pay you back for this wrong!"  Wait for the Lord, and he will deliver you.
~Proverbs 20:22

~Genesis 43:1-5, 44:4-20, 44:30-45:11, 14-15

~Exodus 1

~Exodus 2:1-10

~Exodus 2:11-25

~Luke 11:37-54

~Luke 12:1-12

~Luke 12:13-24

~Luke 12:35-59

~1 Corinthians 13:4-8a

Baby Moses and the Exodus:  Fleeing Egypt Bible Readers

Handwriting practice memory verse.


Latin words this week:  PONO, POSITUM (lay, put, place) and JACIO, JACTUM (throw).

Finding the definitions of words and proper nouns.

Root word, base word, and finding errors in a paragraph.

Capital and lowercase letter, definition of words, and correcting errors in a sentence.  

Writing his family tree, God's plan worksheet, Joseph worksheet, and lots of reading this week.

Og words, reading worksheet, and Baby in a Basket worksheet.

Reading, completing sentences, and working on au and aw sound.


100 Chart, number of the day (73-76), calendar, and weather chart.

Subtracting decimals and counting cuboids.  

Lots of words problems this week.

Finding the volume of numbers and adding and subtracting decimals.

Adding double numbers.

Greater Than and Less Than using our crocodile mouth I made out of popsicle sticks.

Adding more double numbers.


D added in Egypt and Moses to his timeline this week.


Jesus and the Pharisees, Fighting the Danes, Alfred the Great, and the Vikings Invade England.

England after the Conquest, the English language, Serfs and Nobleman, Living in a village, Kings, Nobles, and Peasants, and Feudalism.

Anselm Theologian, Monk, Archbishop, the Battle of Hastings, Norse Explorations, and Invading England.

We all enjoyed playing "Nine Men's Morris". 

After learning about pyramids the kids built some using their foam blocks.



Started learning more about water this week.

Water takes the shape of the container it is in.

Started reading this book "The Wonderful way Babies are Made", with K.  Decided not to include D in this lesson since I don't believe he is quite ready for this study.


Lesson 111: Creating Narrative Art 

Learning about "Ando Hiroshige: Sea at Satta".


Listened to "The Best of Mozart: #6 Violin Sonata in E minor" and "Peter and the Wolf".

Watched "Veggie Tales Moe and the Big Exit and Little Joe", it went great with our lesson of Joseph and Moses.


This week the kids started their countdown to Christmas, Advent calendars.  One with chocolates and the other (which we added new this year) with Legos.  Its a wonderful Christmas tradition.  

To go with our devotion we will be doing a Advent Calendar till Christmas, the kids children's pastor dropped these off.  So happy we found a wonderful church here.


This week we learned about the books of Joel, Amos, Obadiah, and Jonah.  Discussed the story of Joseph, Israel in Egypt, Moses is born, and Moses leaves Egypt.  Also learned about the Vikings: Alfred the Great, the Battle of Hastings, Norman conquests, Kings, Nobles, and Peasants, Feudalism, and the wonderful way babies are made.  Kids started their Advent calendars this week, which they always look forward to them.  Love this tradition that I was able to pass down to them, something my parents started with us when we were little.  Now unto next to see what adventures are in store for us.

MFW: RtR and Learning Gods Story Week 1

MFW: RtR and Learning Gods Story Week 6

MFW: RtR and Learning Gods Story Week 7

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