Tuesday, December 22, 2020

MFW: RtR and Learning Gods Story Week 21


This week we will learn about the books of Haggai, Zechariah, Malachi, and Matthew.  Learn about water in its freezing and melting points, Red Sea, bitter water, manna, water from a rock, and about praising God.  Also learn about the Pilgrimages, the Crusades, Richard the Lion-Hearted, El Cid, Magna Carta, Robin Hood, and William Tell.  This will be our last week before taking a week off for Christmas break.  


Few of the books we used this week.


Memory Verse: Trust in the Lord will all your heart and lean not on your own understanding; in all your ways acknowledge him, and and he will make your paths straight.
~Proverbs 3:5-6

~Philippians 2:3-4

~Exodus 14:5-31

~Exodus 15:22-27

~Exodus 16:3-5, 13-15, 19-20, 23-24, 30-31, 35-36

~Exodus 17:1-6

~Luke 15:1-7

~Luke 15:8-10

~Luke 15:11-32

~Luke 16:1-18

~Romans 3:23, 5:8, 8:28, 12:1-6a

~1 Corinthians 13

Moses parts the Red Sea, Water from a Rock, and Food from Heaven Bible Reader Cards.

Handwriting practice their memory verses.


Latin words this week: IGNIS (fire) and JUNGO, JUNCTUM (join, write, connect).

Looking up definitions of words and correcting sentences.

Matching words with their definition and correcting the paragraphs punctuations.

Learning about abbreviations and crossword puzzle worksheet.

Parts to a letter and paragraph.

Lot of reading practice this week, they both have shown so much improvement, so proud of them.

Crossing the Sea worksheet and lots of reading.

Workshing on ow and oo sound worksheet.

While K reads Food in the Desert D works on his worksheet.

More reading fun and oa worksheet.


100 day chart, number of the day (81-81), calendar, and weather chart.  D was excited he finally was able to put it was snowing on his weather chart.

Multiplying decimals and word problems.

Multiplication and graphs.

Addition, subtraction, and multiplication problems.

Symmetry and word problems.

Adding double digits.

Lots of addition problems.

He has been adding the problems faster.

Using his dice to add.


Added "The Crusades & Magna Carta" to D's timeline.

D added Manna to his timeline this week.


John Bunyan, The Age of Crusades, A command from the Pope, Recapturing Jerusalem, The Crusades, and going on a Pilgrimage.

Elizabeth of Hungary, John Lackland and the Magna Carta, Robin Hood, the people rebel, Criminals and Outlaws, King John, and the Shrewd Manager.

The lost son, the Christians reconquer Spain, the struggle for Spain, El Cid and the reconquest of Spain.

Bernard of Clairvaux, The Crusades, and Saladin of Jerusalem.

The Crusades worksheet.

Coat of Arms worksheet.

Learning about worshipping God using musical instruments: tambourine.


Studied about the solar system and gravity.

Read more on our solar system, astronauts, and space shuttles.

Discussed the different sizes of each planets and then observed the planets with our magnetic solar system and Safari LTD planets.

K drew the planets and then colored them in, she knew all the planets and was happy to tell her dad and D all about them.

Skipped the lesson "Fun with Boats" with D to go and have fun in the snow, we discussed how water freezes, turns into a solid, and how it melts.  Of course the best part of this lesson was getting to play in the snow, building a snowman, sliding down the hill, and having a snowball fight.


Lesson 111 Creating Narrative Art

Observing Berthe Morisot "Summer's Day".

Snow Angels for art.


Mozart "#7 Rondo for Violin and Orchestra".

Divided the instruments into 4 groups: Brass, Woodwind, Strings, and Percussions.

Brain Pop App: Galileo

Brain Pop: Astronomy 



Kids loved being outside and playing in the snow.

K tricked D and got with lots of snow from the tree branch.

They are in Heaven.

Blue Jays enjoying their seeds.

Beautiful Cardinals 

Love how the Woodpecker is sitting while having a feast.

Zeus wasn't a big fan of the snow.


This week we learned about the books of Haggai, Zechariah, Malachi, and Matthew.  Learned about water in its freezing and melting points, Red Sea, bitter water, manna, water from a rock, and about praising God.  Also learned about the Pilgrimages, the Crusades, Richard the Lion-Hearted, El Cid, Magna Carta, Robin Hood, and William Tell.  This will be our last week before taking a week off for Christmas break.  Best of all we got to finally play with snow, boy did you have fun.  

MFW: RtR and Learning Gods Story Week 1

MFW: RtR and Learning Gods Story Week 6

MFW: RtR and Learning Gods Story Week 7

MFW: RtR and Learning Gods Story Week 19 

MFW: RtR and Learning Gods Story Week 20

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