This week we will learn about Ancient Africa, Ghana, Mansa Musa of Mali, Mali Empire, Songhai Empire, and Zimbabwe. Also learn about the Babylonian Conquest, the Fiery Furnace, Daniel in the Lion's Den. Observe things that take in water, all things Mars, and learn about measurements.
Fraction of the books we used this week.
Memory Verse: The name of the Lord is a strong tower; the righteous run to it and are safe.
~Proverbs 18:10
~Daniel 3:1-30
~Daniel 6:10-27
~Philippians 3:1-16, 17; 4:1, 2-9, 10-23
Hyphen and punctuation worksheet with lots more reading.
Three Brave Man worksheet, lots of handwriting practice.
Word problem review
Symmetry, matching, and more word problems.
Adding and completing our Fruit Graph, asked several of our friends what their favorite fruit was and according to the chart Strawberries won.
D really enjoyed this activity, a great way to practice his counting and number identification.
K added Muslim Turks conquer Constantinople to her timeline this week.
D added Fiery Furnace and Daniel to his timeline this week.
Life in Ancient Africa, the influence of Geography, the Indian Middle Ages, African Kingdoms, gold, salt, and Ghana, and Amazing Africa and the mysterious East.
Learned about Mansa Musa of Mali, Mali Empire, Singhai Empire, and Zimbabwe.
Brought out our fiery furnace craft that we had made in the past. D loves playing with this and telling me the story behind it. Found this activity awhile ago on Pinterest.
This week we will learn all about Mars, added our magnet with the other planets we have learned and she colored in her Mars planet.
Read about Mars, Martian Atmosphere, Mars Moons, Martian Gravity, God's gift of Magnetism, and Martian Orbit.
Read about liquid water on Mars, moving to Mars, Mars surface, and the Martian Rotation.
Finding Mars in the Sky, who named Mars, and Spacecraft to Mars.
After reading about the volcanoes on Mars we decided to make some snow volcanoes, taking advantage of the beautiful snow that fell today.
Celery activity to see how water travels up the stem, always a favorite experiment for the kids.
Observed how the celery looked after taking them out of the water.
Cut the celery in thin layers to observed it under a microscope. Kids thought it was so cool to see some of the color that was absorbed by the celery.
Seeing how water travels up a paper towel experiment.
Got several materials out and placed several drops of water on them to see which one would absorb water.
Observed how a wet paper towel and snow look under the microscope.

Lesson 141: Into the Picture Gallery Understanding Color
Listened to the rest of "The Story of Beethoven".
This week we started listening to "Peter and the World: Carnival of the Animals".
Watched the Perseverance Rover land on Mars, which went perfect with our lesson on Mars this week.
Brain Pop App on Mars
Took advantage of enjoying some snow and sledding down the hill in our yard. It was thick enough with a layer of ice on top to finally go sledding. This was a total workout and lots of fun.
This week we learned about Ancient Africa, Ghana, Mansa Musa of Mali, Mali Empire, Songhai Empire, and Zimbabwe. Also learned about the Babylonian Conquest, the Fiery Furnace, Daniel in the Lion's Den. Observed things that take in water, all things Mars, and learn about measurements. Had lots of fun playing in the snow and making wonderful memories with the family. Unto next week to see what adventures are in store for us.
MFW: RtR and Learning Gods Story Week 1
MFW: RtR and Learning Gods Story Week 6
MFW: RtR and Learning Gods Story Week 7
MFW: RtR and Learning Gods Story Week 19
MFW: RtR and Learning Gods Story Week 20
MFW: RtR and Learning Gods Story Week 21