This week we will complete creation 6 and 7, celebrate the sabbath, learn the ea sound, u_e sound, and about volcanoes.

Several books we used this week

Learned about the selfish bird named Cuckoo, how it only thinks of himself and is always looking to take things from others. Their are some people like that who are only your friend. God only wants us to be happy, we are much happier when we share and treat others with respect and kindness.

Creation day 6: (Animals, Adam & Eve)

Creation day 7: (God's day of rest)

Garden of Eden

Our completed creation sheets
Memory Verse: He who is kind to the poor lends to the Lord, and he will reward him for what he has done.
~ Proverbs 19:17
~Genesis 1:24-31
~Genesis 2:1-3
~Genesis 2:4b-25

1 Samuel tells about Samuel, King Saul, and King David

2 Samuel tells more about King David

1 Kings tells about King Solomon and many other kings in Israel and Judah

2 Kings gives the history of the two nations Israel and Judah.

Memory verse worksheet

Learning the u_e sound

Weather chart worksheet

Practice writing the correct numeral, representing the seven days of Creation

Number of the day

Measuring different objects to see which one is longer or smaller

She was very surprised that her foot was the same size as her forearm

More measuring practice

Math came

She's enjoyed measuring different objects

Practiced drawing a parrot

Skittles experiment, making their own rainbows. Place the skittles in a circle on a plate and pour warm water in the center till you cover all the skittles. Sit back and watch the color run in the water.

Beautiful Rainbow, one of Kanani's favorite experiment.

Enjoying the great outdoors playing water volleyball

Always fun when it involves water

Enjoying our Sabbath dinner at her grandparents house with grape juice, and everything else. Didn't get a chance to take a picture of everything.
Here is a link to making a Challah in a bag, the bread the Jewish use to celebrate the Sabbath.

Having fun at one of the grandparents house

First week back at our co-op, she has been so excited and waiting anxiously to return with her friends. She was excited to see some old friends and make new friends.

The girls enjoyed making volcanoes while I explained the process of how a volcano is formed.

After playing with water outside and making their own volcanos using water they got some volcanic rocks and started to hammer them into pieces to see what was inside them.

Did the "Liquid rock can shape the Earth" experiment as stated in the Teachers Manual. Cut a hole in an empty Teddy Grahams cup and placed a tube of toothpaste in the hole. Then filled the cup about 2/3 of play sand. Kanani pushed the toothpaste (represented soft magma rock) up on the dirt (represented the earth's surface), the dirt moved upward which was awesome to see.
By: Original rhyme @ The Measured Mom
(To the tune of "Are you Sleeping?)
Big volcano, big volcano,
Getting hot, getting hot!
Now the lava's coming,
Now the lava's coming
Out the top! Out the top!

Watched a video of "Magic School Bus" about Volcanoes

Went to the pool to celebrate with our friends before they return next week to school, enjoying their final days of summer.

Completing their Avengers set building Hulk at Lowe's Build & Grow

Went to our friends house to visit their new addition Bailey (Springer Spaniel), talk about puppy fever. She is so adorable, sweet, and gives the best puppy kisses. Kanani is head over heels for her, she's got puppy fever bad.

We are blessed to have my parents live so close

I'm so proud of her, she has come a long way since we started this wonderful journey.
This week we completed creation 6 and 7, celebrated the sabbath, learned the ea sound, u_e sound, and about volcanoes. It was fun including our neighbor in some of our science experiments this week. Unto week 15 and see what new adventures are in store for us.
Week 3
Week 5
Week 6